Planck Explanatory Supplement
Explanatory Supplement for the Planck Legacy Archive
By the Planck Collaboration
The Explanatory Supplement is a reference text accompanying the public data delivered from the operations of the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite during its mission, and includes descriptions of the products from all data releases.
There are three data releases of Planck products:
- PR1 in 2013 (*.R1.??)
- PR2 in 2015 (*.R2.??)
- PR3 in 2016 (*.R3.??)
The descriptions from the 2013 and 2015 products can be found under Previous Releases at the end of each subsection. In some cases there will not be a 2015 or 2016 version of a product, in which case the description of the last version is shown.