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The 2015 compact source catalogues will not be regenerated using data from the 2018 release and remain the most up-to-date products.

(2015) Second Catalogue of Compact Sources (PCCS2 and PCCS2E)[edit]

The second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources (PCCS2) is a set of single-frequency source catalogues extracted from the Planck full-mission maps in intensity and polarization (LFI_SkyMap_0??_1024_R2.01_full.fits and HFI_SkyMap_???_2048_R2.00_full.fits). The catalogues have been constructed as described in PCCS and in section 2 of Planck-2015-A26[1]. The validation of the catalogues is described in section 3 of Planck-2015-A26[1].

The catalogue at 100 GHz and above has been divided into two sub-catalogues: the PCCS2, in which the sources have been detected in regions of the sky where it is possible to estimate the reliability of the detections, either statistically or by using external catalogues; and PCCS2E, in which the detected sources are located in regions of the sky where it is not possible to make an estimate of their reliability.

By definition, the reliability of the whole PCCS2 is ≥ 80%, and a flag is available that allows the user to select a subsample of sources with a higher level of reliability (e.g., 90% or 95%).

The nine Planck full-mission frequency channel maps are used as input to the source detection pipelines. They contain 48 months of data for LFI channels and 29 months of data for HFI channels. Therefore the flux densities of sources obtained from the full-mission maps are the average of at least eight observations for LFI channels or at least four observations for HFI channels. The relevant properties of the frequency maps and main parameters used to generate the catalogues are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.

Four different photometry methods have been used. For one of the methods (the native photometry from the Mexican-hat wavelet detection algorithm), the analysis is performed on patches containing tangent-plane projections of the map. For the other methods (aperture photometry, point spread function fitting, and Gaussian fitting), the analysis is performed directly on the full-sky maps.

PCCS2 in intensity.
Sky distribution of the PCCS2 intensity sources for three different channels: 30 GHz (red circles); 143 GHz (blue circles); and 857 GHz (green circles). The size of the circles is related to the brightness of the sources and the beam size of each channel.
PCCS2E in intensity.
Sky distribution of the PCCS2E intensity sources for two different channels: 143 GHz (blue circles); and 857 GHz (green circles).

The analysis in polarization has been performed in a non-blind fashion, looking at the position of the sources previously detected in intensity. As a result, polarization flux densities and polarization angles have been measured for hundreds of sources with a significance >99.99%. This high threshold in significance has been chosen to minimize the possibility of misinterpreting a peak of the polarized background as a source. This implies that, in general, most of the polarized sources are very bright, introducing an additional selection effect.

PCCS2 in polarization.
Sky distribution of the PCCS2 polarization sources in three different channels: 30GHz (red circles); 44GHz (green circles); and 70GHz (blue circles).
Sky distribution of the PCCS2 polarization sources in four different channels: 100GHz (red circles); 143GHz (blue circles); 217GHz (green circles); and 353 GHz (black).
PCCS2E in polarization.
Sky distribution of the PCCS2E polarization sources at three different channels: 100GHz (red circles); 143GHz (blue circles); 217GHz (green circles); and 353 GHz (black).

Table 1: PCCS2 and PCCS2E characteristics.
Channel 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Frequency [GHz] 28.4 44.1 70.4 100.0 143.0 217.0 353.0 545.0 857.0
Wavelength [μm] 10561 6807 4260 3000 2098 1382 850 550 350
Number of sources
PCCS2 1560 934 1296 1742 2160 2135 1344 1694 4891
PCCS2E 2487 4139 16842 22665 31068 43290
Union PCCS2+PCCS2E 4229 6299 18977 24009 32762 48181
Number of sources in the extragalactic zonea
PCCS2 745 367 504 1742 2160 2135 1344 1694 4891
PCCS2E 0 0 26 289 839 2097
Union PCCS2+PCSS2E 1742 2160 2161 1633 2533 6988
Flux densities [mJy] in the extragalactic zonea
Minimumb 376 603 444 232 147 127 242 535 720
90% completeness 426 676 489 269 177 152 304 555 791
Uncertainty 87 134 101 55 35 29 55 105 168
Minimumb 189 350 597 939
90% completeness 144 311 557 927
Uncertainty 35 73 144 278

Table 1 Notes a 30-70 GHz: the extragalactic zone is defined by |b| > 30°. For 100-857 GHz the numbers outside of the Galactic region where the reliability cannot be accurately assessed. Note that for the PCCS2E the only sources that occur in this region lie in the filament mask.
b Minimum flux density of the catalogue in the extragalactic zone after excluding the faintest 10% of sources.

Table 2: PCCS2 & PCCS2E polarization characteristics for sources with polarized emission significance > 99.99%
Channel 30 44 70 100 143 217 353
Number of significantly polarized sources in PCCS2 122 30 34 20 25 11 1
Minimum polarized flux densitya [mJy] 117 181 284 138 148 166 453
Polarized flux density uncertainty [mJy] 46 88 91 30 26 30 81
Minimum polarized flux density for 90% completeness [mJy] 199 412 397 135 100 136 347
Minimum polarized flux density for 95% completeness [mJy] 251 468 454 160 111 153 399
Minimum polarized flux density for 100% completeness [mJy] 600 700 700 250 147 257 426
Number of significantly polarized sources in PCCS2E 43 111 325 666
Minimum polarized flux densitya [mJy] 121 87 114 348
Polarized flux density uncertainty [mJy] 52 44 55 178
Minimum polarized flux density for 90% completeness [mJy] 410 613 270 567
Minimum polarized flux density for 95% completeness [mJy] 599 893 464 590
Minimum polarized flux density for 100% completeness [mJy] 835 893 786 958

Table 2 Notes

a Minimum polarized flux density of the catalogue of significantly polarized sources after excluding the faintest 10% of sources.


The PCCS2 catalogues (at each frequency) are contained in the FITS files

COM_PCCS_857_R2.01.fits .

The PCCS2E catalogues are contained in the FITS files


The structure of these files is as follows.

PCCS2/PCCS2E FITS file structure
Extension 0: Primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
INSTRUME String Instrument (LFI / HFI)
VERSION String Version of PCCS (PCCS2 / PCCS2_E)
DATE String Date file created: yyyy-mm-dd
ORIGIN String Name of organization responsible for the data (LFI-DPC / HFI-DPC)
TELESCOP String Telescope (PLANCK)
CREATOR String Pipeline version
DATE-OBS String days Beginning of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
DATE-END String days End of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
FWHM Real*4 arcmin FWHM from an elliptical Gaussian fit to the effective beam
OMEGA_B Real*4 arcmin2 Area of the effective beam
FWHM_EFF Real*4 arcmin FWHM computed from OMEGA_B assuming beam is Gaussian
OMEGA_B1 Real*4 arcmin2 Beam area within a radius of 1 × FWHM_EFF
OMEGA_B2 Real*4 arcmin2 Beam area within a radius of 2 × FWHM_EFF
Extension 1: BINTABLE, EXTNAME = PCCS2_fff (where fff is the frequency channel)
Column Name Data type Units Description
NAME String Source name (see note 1)
Source position
GLON Real*8 deg Galactic longitude based on extraction algorithm
GLAT Real*8 deg Galactic latitude based on extraction algorithm
RA Real*8 deg Right ascension (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT)
DEC Real*8 deg Declination (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT)
DETFLUX Real*4 mJy Flux density of source as determined by detection method
DETFLUX_ERR Real*4 mJy Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived flux density from detection method
APERFLUX Real*4 mJy Flux density of source as determined from aperture photometry
APERFLUX_ERR Real*4 mJy Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived flux density from aperture photometry
PSFFLUX Real*4 mJy Flux density of source as determined from PSF fitting
PSFFLUX_ERR Real*4 mJy Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived flux density from PSF fitting
GAUFLUX Real*4 mJy Flux density of source as determined from 2-D Gaussian fitting
GAUFLUX_ERR Real*4 mJy Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived flux density from 2-D Gaussian fitting
GAU_SEMI1 Real*4 arcmin Gaussian fit along axis 1 (FWHM; see note 2 for axis definition)
GAU_SEMI1_ERR Real*4 arcmin Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived Gaussian fit along axis 1
GAU_SEMI2 Real*4 arcmin Gaussian fit along axis 2 (FWHM)
GAU_SEMI2_ERR Real*4 arcmin Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived Gaussian fit along axis 2
GAU_THETA Real*4 deg Gaussian fit orientation angle (see note 2)
GAU_THETA_ERR Real*4 deg Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived Gaussian fit orientation angle
GAU_FWHM_EFF Real*4 arcmin Gaussian fit effective FWHM
Polarization measurements (30-353 GHz only)
P Real*4 mJy Polarization flux density of the sources as determined by a matched filter (see note 3)
P_ERR Real*4 mJy Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived polarization flux density (see note 3)
ANGLE_P Real*4 degrees Orientation of polarization with respect to NGP (see notes 2 and 3)
ANGLE_P_ERR Real*4 degrees Uncertainty (1 σ) in orientation of polarization (see note 3)
APER_P Real*4 mJy Polarization flux density of the sources as determined by aperture photometry (see note 3)
APER_P_ERR Real*4 mJy Uncertainty (1 σ) in derived polarization flux density (see note 3)
APER_ANGLE_P Real*4 degrees Orientation of polarization with respect to NGP (see notes 2 and 3)
APER_ANGLE_P_ERR Real*4 degrees Uncertainty (1 σ) in orientation of polarization (see note 3)
P_UPPER_LIMIT Real*4 mJy Polarization flux density 99.99% upper limit. This is provided only when the P column is set to NULL; otherwise this column itself contains NULL.
APER_P_UPPER_LIMIT Real*4 mJy Polarization flux density 99.99% upper limit. This is provided only when the APER_P column is set to NULL; otherwise this column itself contains NULL.
Marginal polarization measurements (100-353 GHz only) – see note 4
P_STAT Integer*2 Polarization detection status
PX Real*4 mJy Polarization flux density of the sources as determined by a matched filter using a Bayesian polarization estimator
PX_ERR_LOWER Real*4 mJy PX uncertainty; lower 95% error bar
PX_ERR_UPPER Real*4 mJy PX uncertainty; upper 95% error bar
ANGLE_PX Real*4 deg Orientation of polarization with respect to NGP using Bayesian polarization estimator (see note 2)
ANGLE_PX_ERR_LOWER Real*4 deg ANGLE_PX uncertainty; lower 95% error bar
ANGLE_PX_ERR_UPPER Real*4 deg ANGLE_PX uncertainty; upper 95% error bar
Flags and validation
EXTENDED Integer*2 Extended source flag (see note 5)
EXT_VAL Integer*2 External validation flag (see note 6)
ERCSC String Name of the ERCSC counterpart, if any
PCCS String Name of the PCCS counterpart, if any
Flags and validation (PCCS2 only)
Flags and validation (PCCS2E, 100-857 GHz only)
WHICH_ZONE Integer*2 See note 8
Flags and validation (217-857 GHz only)
CIRRUS_N Integer*2 Number of sources (S/N > 5) detected at 857 GHz within a 1° radius.
SKY_BRIGHTNESS Real*4 MJy sr-1 The mean 857 GHz brightness within a 2° radius. This may be used as another indicator of cirrus contamination.
Flux densities at other frequencies (857 GHz only)
APERFLUX_217 Real*4 mJy Estimated flux density at 217 GHz
APERFLUX_ERR_217 Real*4 mJy Uncertainty in flux density at 217 GHz
APERFLUX_353 Real*4 mJy Estimated flux density at 353 GHz
APERFLUX_ERR_353 Real*4 mJy Uncertainty in flux density at 353 GHz
APERFLUX_545 Real*4 mJy Estimated flux density at 545 GHz
APERFLUX_ERR_545 Real*4 mJy Uncertainty in flux density at 545 GHz


  1. Format is PCCS2 fff Glll.ll± for sources in the PCCS2 and PCCS2E fff Glll.ll± for sources in the PCCS2E, where "fff" is the frequency channel and l and b the position of the source in Galactic coordinates truncated to two decimal places.
  2. We follow the IAU/IEEE convention (Hamaker & Bregman 1996) for defining the angle of polarization of a source in this catalogue, and this convention is also used for the other angles in the catalogue. The angle is measured from the North Galactic Pole in a clockwise direction from -90° to 90°. Note that this is different than the convention used for the CMB maps.
  3. Provided when the significance of the polarization measurement is > 99.99% and set to NULL otherwise.
  4. The P_STAT flag gives the status of the marginal polarization detection. Possible values are:
    3 – bright, the P field filled in and all PX fields set to NULL;
    2 – significant, the P field is set to NULL, 0 is outside the PX 95% HPD, and all PX fields are filled;
    1 – marginal, the P field is set to NULL, 0 is inside the PX 95% HPD (but the mode of the PX posterior distribution is not 0) and all PX fields are filled;
    0 – no detection, the P field is set to NULL, the mode of the PX posterior distribution is 0, PX_ERRL, ANGLE_PX, ANGLE_PX_ERR_LOWER, and ANGLE_PX_ERR_UPPER are set to NULL.
  5. The EXTENDED flag has the value of "0" if the source is compact and the value of "1" if it is extended. The source size is determined by the geometric mean of the Gaussian fit FWHMs, with the criterion for extension being √(GAU_FWHMMAJ * GAU_FWHMIN) > 1.5 times the beam FWHM.
  6. The EXT_VAL flag gives the status of the external validation. Possible values are:
    3 – the source has a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues used as ancillary data;
    2 – the source does not have a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues used as ancillary data, but it has been detected by the internal multi-frequency method;
    1 – the source does not have a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues used as ancillary data and it has not been detected by the internal multi-frequency method, but it has been detected in a previous Planck source catalogue;
    0 – the source does not have a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues used as ancillary data and has not been detected by the internal multi-frequency method.
  7. The HIGHEST_RELIABILTY_CAT column contains the highest reliability catalogue to which the source belongs. As the full catalogue reliability is ≥ 80%, this is the lowest possible value in this column. Where possible this is provided in steps of 1%, otherwise it is in steps of 5%.
  8. The WHICH_ZONE column encodes the zone in which the source lies:
    1 – source lies inside the filament mask;
    2 – source lies inside the Galactic zone;
    3 – sources lies in both the filament mask and Galactic zone.

Zone map[edit]

For each HFI frequency channel there is an associated map that defines where the quantified-reliability (PCCS2) and unquantified-reliability (PCCS2E) zones are on the sky.

The files are called

COM_PCCS_857-zoneMask_R2.01.fits .

The structure of the files is shown in the following table.

Zone map FITS file structure
Extension 0: Primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
DATE String Date of creation of file
Extension 1: BINTABLE, HEALPix map (see note 1)
FITS keyword Data type Value Description
PIXTYPE String HEALPIX HEALPix pixelation
ORDERING String RING Pixel ordering
NSIDE Int*4 2048 HEALPix resolution parameter
NPIX Int*4 50331648 Number of pixels
COORDSYS String G Coordinate system
FREQ_CHL String Frequency channel


  1. This FITS extension contains an integer HEALPix map, which encodes the information on which of four possible regions on the sky each pixel belongs to:
    0 – quantified-reliability zone (PCCS2);
    1 – filament mask;
    2 – Galactic zone;
    3 – filament mask and Galactic zone.

S/N threshold map[edit]

For each HFI frequency channel there are a number of maps that contains the S/N threshold used to accept sources into the PCCS2 and PCCS2E catalogues.

For the full catalogue (80% reliability in the quantified reliability zone) they are

COM_PCCS_857-SN-threshold_R2.01.fits .

For 85% reliability they are

COM_PCCS_857-SN-threshold-85pc-reliability_R2.01.fits .

For 90% reliability they are

COM_PCCS_857-SN-threshold-90pc-reliability_R2.01.fits .

For 95% reliability they are

COM_PCCS_857-SN-threshold-95pc-reliability_R2.01.fits .

The structure of the files is shown in the following table.

Zone map FITS file structure
Extension 0: Primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
DATE String Date of creation of file
Extension 1: BINTABLE, HEALPix map (see note 1)
FITS keyword Data type Value Description
PIXTYPE String HEALPIX HEALPix pixelation
ORDERING String RING Pixel ordering
NSIDE Int*4 2048 HEALPix resolution parameter
NPIX Int*4 50331648 Number of pixels
COORDSYS String G Coordinate system
FREQ_CHL String Frequency channel


  1. This FITS extension contains a single precision HEALPix map of the S/N threshold applied in the generation of the catalogue at that position on the sky.

Noise map[edit]

For each HFI frequency channel there is an associated map that contains the detection noise as a function of position on the sky.

The files are called

COM_PCCS_857-noise-level_R2.01.fits .

The structure of the files shown in the following table.

Zone map FITS file structure
Extension 0: Primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
DATE String Date of creation of file
Extension 1: BINTABLE, HEALPix map (see note 1)
FITS keyword Data type Value Description
PIXTYPE String HEALPIX HEALPix pixelation
ORDERING String RING Pixel ordering
NSIDE Int*4 2048 HEALPix resolution parameter
NPIX Int*4 50331648 Number of pixels
COORDSYS String G Coordinate system
FREQ_CHL String Frequency channel


  1. This FITS extension contains a single precision HEALPix map of the detection noise at each location on the sky, in units of Jy.

Previous releases: (2013) PCCS and (2011) ERCSC[edit]


Second Planck Release (2013): Description of the PCCS


First Planck Release (2011): Description of the 2011 ERCSC (Early Compact Source, Cold Core and SZ Catalogues )

(2015) Bayesian Extraction and Estimation Package (BeeP) reprocessing of PCCS2+PCCS2E at 857 GHz[edit]

BeeP’s catalogue was developed using the data and the methodology described in the companion paper Planck-2020-LV[14].


  • It is a catalogue of compact objects.
  • It is the result of a ‘non-blind’ exercise where Planck’s PCCS2+2E catalogue positions at 857 GHz were used. It contains exactly the same number of rows as the original catalogue and no attempt of detecting new sources was made.
  • It is a parametric Bayesian multi-channel algorithm. The source parameter estimates are derived from the posterior distributions of a data model likelihood.
  • It employs Planck all-sky temperature maps at [math]353, 545, 857[/math] GHz channels from the Planck 2015 release and the [math]3000[/math] GHz IRIS map, a reprocessed IRAS map.

The catalogue product is made of three components:

  • A table with source parameter estimates and uncertainty summary statistics: COM_PCCS_BEEP_R2.00.fits.
  • A collection of Spectral Energy Density (SED) figures. Not yet available
  • A collection of figures with the parameter posterior distributions. Not yet available

Table of source parameter estimates.[edit]

The table with the source parameters contains 48181 rows, as many as in Planck 857 GHz channel PCCS2 and PCCSE catalogues combined. Each row has 108 fields (columns). If a field value is ill defined or not available, then its value is set to largest negative value of the double type in the IEEE standard: [math]\approx -1.797693 \times 10^{305}[/math]. The table of source parameter estimates (columns) is divided into 5 sections:

Contains fields that are independent of the physical model used to described the source, or background, emission. It holds the reliability assessment fields (see section A.1.2 and 6.2.3 of the companion paper).

  • BeeP position columns were obtained using the MBB SED model.
  • If a likelihood maximum was not found, then MAXFOUND is set to [math]0[/math], otherwise is [math]1[/math].
  • NPSNR is BeeP’s proxy for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in a statistical sense (detection significance) like ‘how many sigmas this detection is’. It cannot be read as the flux density divided by the flux density error bar. A Gaussian homogeneous background is assumed.
  • SRCSIG is BeeP’s detection significance. It is derived from NPSNR with a non-Gaussianity correction based on RELTH applied.
  • EST_QUALITY indicates the expected quality of the source parameter estimates. The highest quality is 5. Then, if a source does not meet the conditions in table, the correspondent penalty is subtracted.
  • The field "NAME" has the exact same source name as in Planck’s 857 GHz channel PCCS2+2E and should be used to reference any source in this catalogue.

Thermal sub-catalogue (see section 6.2.1 of the companion paper)

  • The sources Spectral Energy Density (SED) was modeled after a Modified Black-Body (MBB) with [math]3[/math] parameters: Temperature ([math]T[/math]), Spectral index ([math]\beta[/math]) and Flux density at a reference channel ([math]S_{\textsf{ref}}[/math]).
  • The MBB parameters, together with the source radius and position, make the likelihood parameter set.
  • Colour correction coefficients were included in the likelihood.

‘Free’ amplitude at each channel sub-catalogue
Contains a sub-catalogue of independent flux density measurements (not dependent on a SED physical model) at each of the utilized channels (see section A.1.2 of the companion paper).

  • Main goal was to allow a direct comparison with catalogues obtained at each channel independently. No source SED model was used
  • The likelihood parameter set was the flux density at each channel plus source position and radius. The best fit flux densities at each channel and error bars were computed from the flux density posterior distributions. With the [math]4[/math] pairs {[math]S_\nu,\sigma_{S_\nu}[/math]}, a MBB curve was fitted using a Gaussian likelihood.
  • During the estimation of the initial flux densities at each channel, colour-correction was not used. However when later fitting the MBB parameters colour-correction coefficients were included.

Background thermal properties catalogue (see section 6.3 of the companion paper)

  • Main goal was to provide a measurement of the contrast between the thermal properties of the background and the source.
  • The average brightness around each PCCS2+2E position ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels; [math]\approx 55'\times55'[/math]) and its standard deviation were computed for each individual channel. The map offset levels had previously been corrected.
  • With the [math]4[/math] pairs {[math]B_\nu,\sigma_{B_\nu}[/math]}, a MBB curve with colour correction, was fitted using a Gaussian likelihood.
  • The Signal-to-Noise Ratio Raw (SNRr) was computed by dividing the source average brightness at each channel by the background brightness standard deviation. The source average brightness was estimated by dividing the MBB flux density estimate at that frequency by the total solid angle resulting from the convolution of the beam, at that channel, and the intrinsic source extension.

Source ID and association fields
Adds a BeeP source index. Contains the separation between BeeP’s catalogue positions and those in Planck’s 857 PCCS2+2E and flags potential multiple detections of the same physical object. The field BEEPSRCASS contains either the same index as that of the source or the index of a close neighbour if it is inside a radius of [math]8'[/math] and its NPSNR is higher.

FullSkyTempMol 3 01.png
Sky distribution of the sources Modified Black Body (MBB) model temperatures in the catalogue (colour scale in thermodynamic kelvins). Bottom: Spectral indices of the MBB model.

FullSkyBetaMol 3 01.png
Spectral indices of the MBB model.

FullSkySrcsigMol 3 01.png
Sky distribution of the sources [math]\log_{10}[/math]SRCSIG statistic (colour scale). Sources inside the IRIS mask were not included. Sources inside the IRIS mask were not included.
Flux density corrections Recommended values for the flux density error bar correction [math]c[/math] (mJy)
Set location c (mJy)
PCCS2 Planck’s PCCS2 region 57
PCCS2E [math]\wedge \, |glat| \gt 10^\circ[/math] Planck’s PCCS2E region and [math]|glat| \gt 10^\circ[/math] 168
[math]|glat| \leq 10^\circ[/math] [math]|glat| \leq 10^\circ[/math] 820

Description of the catalogue columns.[edit]

BeeP Columns Description of the fields in the table component of the catalogue.
Field name Type Size Units Description Comments
NAME char 20 PCCS2+2E Source name
PCCS2RA double 8 Degrees J2000 RA in PCCS2+2E
PCCS2DEC double 8 Degrees J2000 DEC in PCCS2+2E
BEEPGLON double 8 Degrees Galactic longitude estimated by BeeP Average of 95% highest likelihood samples
BEEPGLAT double 8 Degrees Galactic latitude estimated by BeeP Average of 95% highest likelihood samples
BEEPRA double 8 Degrees J2000 RA estimated by BeeP Computed from BEEPGLON and BEEPGLAT
BEEPDEC double 8 Degrees J2000 DEC estimated by BeeP Computed from BEEPGLON and BEEPGLAT
PCCS2GLON double 8 Degrees Galactic longitude in PCCS2+2E
PCCS2GLAT double 8 Degrees Galactic latitude in PCCS2+2E
NPSNR double 8 Unitless Source detection significance uncorrected Background assumed Gaussian (see section A.1.2 of PIP LV)
RELTH double 8 Unitless 95% percentile of the likelihood background statistic Used to correct for the background non-gaussinaty (see section A.1.2 of PIP LV)
ACCEPT double 8 Unitless Sample acceptance ratio of the MCMC chain If low ([math]\lt 10\%[/math]) might be indicative of unreliable estimates
INPIX double 8 Unitless Percentage of pixels in-painted in the field Very high numbers might indicate unreliable estimates
MAXFOUND double 8 0 / 1 If a likelihood maximum was found within a radius of 3 pixels from the original location If a maximum is not found this is an indication that BeeP’s position might not be a compact source
SRCSIG double 8 Unitless Source detection significance Corrected for background non-gaussianity (see section A.1.2 of PIP LV)
EST_QUALITY double 8 Unitless Source parameter estimates quality flag [5 - 0]. Quality starts at 5 and the penalties in table [table:QualityPenalties] are applied. Higher values mean higher quality.
POSERR double 8 Arcmin Source position uncertainty. Radius of uncertainty around source best fit position [math]\sigma; \sigma[/math] is the Rayleigh distribution scale factor (see section 6.2.3 of PIP LV)
BETA double 8 Unitless Source spectral index (MBB); Modified Black Body Posterior median value
BETAL2SB double 8 Unitless Source spectral index uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
BETAH2SB double 8 Unitless Source spectral index uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
TEMP double 8 Kelvin Source temperature (MBB); Modified Black Body Posterior median value
TL2SB double 8 Kelvin Source temperature uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
TH2SB double 8 Kelvin Source temperature uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
EXT double 8 Arcmin Source extension before beam convolution This radius is constant across all channels. The extension parameter was obtained with likelihood beam widths (see section A.2.3 of PIP LV); Posterior median value
EXTL2SB double 8 Arcmin Source extension uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
EXTH2SB double 8 Arcmin Source extension uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
R double 8 Arcmin Source radius before beam convolution This radius is constant across all channels. The parameter was computed from EXT and gives an indication of whether the source is extended (see section 6.2.2 of PIP LV)
SREF double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency Reference frequency is [math]857[/math] GHz; Posterior median value
SREFL2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
SREFH2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
S3000 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]3000[/math] GHz; MBB predicted at [math]3000[/math] GHz Posterior median value
S3000L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]3000[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
S3000H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]3000[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
S857 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]857[/math] GHz; MBB predicted at [math]857[/math] GHz Posterior median value
S857L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]857[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
S857H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]857[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
S545 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]545[/math] GHz; MBB predicted at [math]545[/math] GHz Posterior median value
S545L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]545[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
S545H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]545[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
S353 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]353[/math] GHz; MBB predicted at [math]353[/math] GHz Posterior median value
S353L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]353[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
S353H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]353[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
BETAMLIKE double 8 Unitless Source spectral index (MBB); Modified Black Body Maximum likelihood estimate
TEMPMLIKE double 8 Kelvin Source temperature (MBB); Modified Black Body Maximum likelihood estimate
SREFMLIKE double 8 Jy Flux density at reference frequency; Modified Black Body Maximum likelihood estimate
FREEGLON double 8 Degrees Galactic longitude (FREE channel amplitudes) Average of 95% highest likelihood samples
FREEGLAT double 8 Degrees Galactic latitude (FREE channel amplitudes) Average of 95% highest likelihood samples
FREES3000 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]3000[/math] GHz; Estimated directly at the IRIS map Posterior median value
FREES3000L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]3000[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREES3000H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]3000[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREES857 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]857[/math] GHz; Estimated directly at Planck’s [math]857[/math] GHz map Posterior median value
FREES857L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]857[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREES857H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]857[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREES545 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]545[/math] GHz; Estimated directly at Planck’s [math]545[/math] GHz map Posterior median value
FREES545L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]545[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREES545H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]545[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREES353 double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]353[/math] GHz; Estimated directly at Planck’s [math]353[/math] GHz map Posterior median value
FREES353L2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]353[/math] GHz uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREES353H2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at [math]353[/math] GHz uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREEEXT double 8 Arcmin Source extension before beam convolution This radius is constant across all channels. The extension parameter was obtained with likelihood beam widths (see section A.2.3 of PIP LV); Posterior median value
FREEEXTL2SB double 8 Arcmin Source extension uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREEEXTH2SB double 8 Arcmin Source extension uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREER double 8 Arcmin Source radius before beam convolution This radius is constant across all channels. The parameter was computed from FREEEXT and gives an indication of whether the source is extended (see section 6.2.2 of PIP LV)
FREEBETA double 8 Unitless Source spectral index; Computed from the flux densities estimated at each channel[15] Posterior median value
FREEBETAL2SB double 8 Unitless Source spectral index uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREEBETAH2SB double 8 Unitless Source spectral index uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREETEMP double 8 Kelvin Source temperature; Computed from the flux densities estimated at each channel Posterior median value
FREETL2SB double 8 Kelvin Source temperature uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREETH2SB double 8 Kelvin Source temperature uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREESREF double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency; Estimated from the likelihood Reference frequency is [math]857[/math] GHz; Posterior median value
FREESREFL2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
FREESREFH2SB double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
FREEBETAMLIKE double 8 Unitless Source spectral index; Computed from the flux densities estimated at each channel Maximum likelihood estimate
FREETEMPMLIKE double 8 Kelvin Source temperature; Computed from the flux densities estimated at each channel Maximum likelihood estimate
FREESREFMLIKE double 8 Jy Flux density at the reference frequency; Computed from the flux densities estimated at each channel Maximum likelihood estimate
FREESCHI2 double 8 Unitless [math]\chi^2[/math] of the maximum likelihood estimates Reduced [math]\chi^2[/math]
BKGB3000 double 8 Jy/pixel[16] Background brightness at [math]3000[/math] GHz Average over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB30001S double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness standard deviation at [math]3000[/math] GHz Standard deviation over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB857 double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness at [math]857[/math] GHz Average over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB8571S double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness standard deviation at [math]857[/math] GHz Standard deviation over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB545 double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness at [math]545[/math] GHz Average over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB5451S double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness standard deviation at [math]545[/math] GHz Standard deviation over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB353 double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness at [math]353[/math] GHz Average over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGB3531S double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness standard deviation at [math]353[/math] GHz Standard deviation over the patch ([math]32\times32[/math] pixels)
BKGBETA double 8 Unitless Background spectral index (MBB); Computed from the background brightness estimated at each channel[17] Posterior median value
BKGBETAL2SB double 8 Unitless Background spectral index uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
BKGBETAH2SB double 8 Unitless Background spectral index uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
BKGTEMP double 8 Kelvin Background temperature (MBB) Posterior median value
BKGTL2SB double 8 Kelvin Background temperature uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
BKGTH2SB double 8 Kelvin Background temperature uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
BKGBREF double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness at the reference frequency; Estimated from the likelihood Reference frequency is [math]857[/math] GHz; Posterior median value
BKGBREFL2SB double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness at the reference frequency uncertainty lower boundary Lower boundary is the marginal posterior [math]2.275\%[/math] percentile ([math]-2 \sigma[/math])
BKGBREFH2SB double 8 Jy/pixel Background brightness at the reference frequency uncertainty upper boundary Upper boundary is the marginal posterior [math]97.725\%[/math] percentile ([math]+2 \sigma[/math])
BKGBETAMLIKE double 8 Unitless Background spectral index (MBB) Maximum likelihood estimate
BKGTEMPMLIKE double 8 Kelvin Background temperature (MBB) Maximum likelihood estimate
BKGBREFMLIKE double 8 Jy Background brightness at the reference frequency Maximum likelihood estimate
BKGCHI2 double 8 Unitless [math]\chi^2[/math] of the maximum likelihood estimates Reduced [math]\chi^2[/math]
SNRR3000 double 8 Unitless Signal to Noise Ratio Raw (SNRr) at [math]3000[/math] GHz Source average brightness divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR30001S double 8 Unitless 1 [math]\sigma[/math] error bar of the SNRr at [math]3000[/math] GHz Source brightness error bar divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR857 double 8 Unitless Signal to Noise Ratio Raw at [math]857[/math] GHz Source average brightness divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR8571S double 8 Unitless 1 [math]\sigma[/math] error bar of the SNRr at [math]857[/math] GHz Source brightness error bar divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR545 double 8 Unitless Signal to Noise Ratio Raw at [math]545[/math] GHz Source average brightness divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR5451S double 8 Unitless 1 [math]\sigma[/math] error bar of the SNRr at [math]545[/math] GHz Source brightness error bar divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR353 double 8 Unitless Signal to Noise Ratio Raw at [math]353[/math] GHz Source average brightness divided the background standard deviation brightness
SNRR3531S double 8 Unitless 1 [math]\sigma[/math] error bar of the SNRr at [math]353[/math] GHz Source brightness error bar divided the background standard deviation brightness
SRCINDEX double 8 Unitless Source index
SRCSEP double 8 Arcmin Separation between BeeP’s catalogue positions and PCCS2+2E’s BEEPGLON and BEEPGLAT used
BEEPSRCASS double 8 Unitless Index of associated source A source can be associated with another one if there is a source within a [math]8'[/math] radius with higher NPSNR

Position and flux density correction[edit]

In sections B.2, B.3 and B.4 of the companion paper, it is suggested that the catalogue error bars of the source position (POSERR) and flux density (SREFH2SB, SREFL2SB) estimates may be over-optimistic for objects with high NPSNR. If a more accurate estimate of the uncertainty is desirable, then a correction must be added to the catalogue values.

Position correction[edit]

On the grounds of the suggestion in the companion paper formulas B.3 and B.7, we recommend the following correction to be added: [math]\label{eq:PositionCorrection} \sigma^2_{pos} = \textsf{POSERR}^{2} + 0.00545,[/math] where POSERR must be expressed in arcmin. In the paper’s figure B.6 we show, in red and green, the effect of applying the suggested correction.

Flux density correction[edit]

[math]\label{eq:CorrectionVar} \sigma_s \equiv \sqrt{\sigma_{cat}^2 + (c * \ln({\small \textsf{NPSNR}}))^2},[/math] where [math]c[/math] is one of the constants in table 1 and [math]\sigma_{cat}[/math] can be given either by

for a symmetric error bar, or
[math]\frac{\textsf{SREFH2SB}-\textsf{SREF}}{2}[/math] and [math]\frac{\textsf{SREF}-\textsf{SREFL2SB}}{2}[/math]
if the non-symmetrical character of the uncertainty needs to be preserved.

Example of a symmetrical correction: Source PCCS2 857 G002.95+57.96 (NPSNR[math]= 32.43[/math]). [math]\label{eq:SrefCorrectionNUmerical} \sigma^2_{s} = \left(\frac{\textsf{SREFH2SB}-\textsf{SREFL2SB}}{4}\right)^2 + (0.057 * \ln(\textsf{NPSNR}))^2,[/math] where we have used the correction constant for the ‘PCCS2 region’, [math]c= 57[/math] mJy.
[math]\sigma_{s} = \sqrt{\left(\frac{1.22-0.71}{4}\right)^2 + (0.057 * \ln(32.43)^2} = 236 \, \textrm{mJy},[/math] In figures 11 and B.7, we show, in red and blue, the effect of applying the symmetrical correction.

Spectral Energy Density (SED) plots[edit]

XSupPicts-COM PCCS 857 R2 01 PCCS2 857 G171 77 59 53 s.png
Source ‘SED plot’, showing the SED curves for the MBB (upper panel) and Free (middle panel) models for one source (NGC 895). The background is given in the bottom panel. The yellow and red dashed curves are the median and maximum-likelihood fits, respectively. The purple and black bands are the [math]\pm1\,\sigma[/math] and [math]\pm2\,\sigma[/math] regions, respectively, of the full posterior density. Blue diamonds are the PCCS2+2E flux-density estimates (APERFLUX). The green diamonds are: in the upper panel BeeP’s estimate of the flux density at 857 GHz, and in the middle panel BeeP’s Free estimates of the flux density at each frequency. In the lower panel, dark green diamonds are the background brightness estimates at each frequency, and the green curves are the maximum likelihood (dashed) and the median (solid) models. Red diamonds are the average source brightness divided by the background rms brightness in that patch, i.e., raw S/N. The data points are slightly displaced from their nominal frequencies to avoid overlaps. | Source ‘SED plot’, showing the SED curves for the MBB (upper panel) and Free (middle panel) models for one source (NGC 895). The background is given in the bottom panel. The yellow and red dashed curves are the median and maximum-likelihood fits, respectively. The purple and black bands are the [math]\pm1\,\sigma[/math] and [math]\pm2\,\sigma[/math] regions, respectively, of the full posterior density. Blue diamonds are the PCCS2+2E flux-density estimates (APERFLUX). The green diamonds are: in the upper panel BeeP’s estimate of the flux density at 857 GHz, and in the middle panel BeeP’s Free estimates of the flux density at each frequency. In the lower panel, dark green diamonds are the background brightness estimates at each frequency, and the green curves are the maximum likelihood (dashed) and the median (solid) models. Red diamonds are the average source brightness divided by the background rms brightness in that patch, i.e., raw S/N. The data points are slightly displaced from their nominal frequencies to avoid overlaps.

Another component of the catalogue is a collection of figures, one for each row, that displays the SED curves for each of the models. There are three different panels in each figure,

  • SOURCE: Is the PCCS2+2E name of the source.
  • BEEPGLON and BEEPGLAT: Are the Galactic longitude and latitude computed by BeeP using the MBB SED model.
  • SRCSIG, NPSNR and EST_QUALITY are the fields defining the reliability of the source and the estimation quality (see companion paper section 5.4).
  • Upper panel - MBB SED curves.

This figure shows the SED curves drawn from the MBB parameter samples when marginalising over all others. There is a curve for each sample drawn from BeeP’s posterior. In purple, if the sample was inside the [math]68\%[/math] HPD[18] of the full posterior, otherwise in black. The golden line is drawn from the Median of the marginalised distributions and the dashed red line from the maximum likelihood solution. The green diamond is BeeP’s estimate of the reference flux density (at 857 GHz).

  • Middle panel - ‘Free’ channel amplitudes.

The green diamonds are BeeP’s posterior medians of the flux densities at each channel[19]. The purple and black lines have the same meaning as in the upper panel but the posterior samples were drawn from fitting a MBB SED model, using a Gaussian likelihood, to the green diamonds and respective error bars. Blue diamonds are the PCCS2+2E flux-density estimates (APERFLUX).

  • Lower panel - Background/Foreground contrast parameters.

The dark green diamonds are the background brightness estimates at each frequency. The green curves were fitted to the individual brightness estimates using a MBB model and a Gaussian likelihood just like in the case of the middle panel. The green dashed line is the maximum likelihood solution and the solid the Median. The red diamonds are BeeP’s SNRr: Source average brightness divided by the background brightness standard deviation in that patch.

  • The TEMP and BETA numerical parameter values, shown in all panels, are the marginalised posterior medians.
  • The [math]\chi^2[/math] values are the reduced [math]\chi^2[/math] of the maximum likelihood solution.

Parameter posterior distributions (‘corner plots’)[edit]

This component of the catalogue is another collection of figures showing the MBB parameter posterior distributions of BeeP’s likelihood in the form of a ‘corner’ plot (see figure 5).

  • SOURCE: Is the PCCS2+2E name of the source.
  • GLON and GLAT: Are the Galactic longitude and latitude in the PCCS2+2E catalogue. These are the [math](0,0)[/math] coordinates of the parameters [math]dX[/math] and [math]dY[/math].
  • SRCSIG, NPSNR and EST_QUALITY are the fields defining the reliability of the source and the estimation quality (see companion paper section 5.4).
  • The figures in the diagonal are the marginal distributions (histogram) of each MBB parameter and the non-diagonal show the joint distribution (bi-dimensional histogram) of the row-column parameters.
  • Darker patterns mean higher probability density.
  • The vertical lines in the marginals ate the {[math]2.5, 50.0, 97.5[/math]} percentiles.
  • The violet line is the PCCS2+2E catalogue flux density at the [math]857[/math] GHz channel (APERFLUX).
XSupPicts-COM PCCS 857 R2 01 PCCS2 857 G171 77 59 53 c.png
A source ‘corner plot’ , showing the parameter posterior distributions. This figure shows, in each non-diagonal position, the marginalised bi-dimensional posterior distribution of the parameter samples defining the row and the column. The diagonal locations contain posterior marginalized distributions. The violet line is the PCCS2+2E catalogue flux density at the [math]857[/math] GHz channel. There is one of these plots for each source in BeeP’s catalogue (APERFLUX).

(2015) Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps[edit]

The Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC) is a list of 13188 Galactic sources and 54 sources located in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. The sources have been identified in Planck data as sources colder than their environment. The PGCC has been built using 48 months of Planck data at 857, 545, and 353 GHz, combined with the 3-THz IRAS data, as described in Planck-2015-A28[20].

The all-sky distribution of the PGCC sources is plotted below on the 857-GHz emission shown in logarithmic scale between 10-2 to 102 MJy sr-1.

All-sky distribution of the PGCC sources.

Sources are divided into three categories based on the reliability of the flux density estimates in the IRAS 3-THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz bands:

  • FLUX_QUALITY=1, sources with flux density estimates S/N > 1 in all bands;
  • FLUX_QUALITY=2, sources with flux density estimates S/N > 1 only in the 857-, 545-, and 353-GHz Planck bands, considered as very cold source candidates;
  • FLUX_QUALITY=3, sources without any reliable flux density estimates, listed as poor candidates.

The all-sky distributions of the PGCC sources per FLUX_QUALITY category are plotted below of the 857-GHz map in grey scale, varying in logarithmically between 10-2 and 102 MJy sr-1.

All-sky distribution of the PGCC sources with FLUX_QUALITY=1.
All-sky distribution of the PGCC sources with FLUX_QUALITY=2.
All-sky distribution of the PGCC sources with FLUX_QUALITY=3.

Distance estimates have been obtained for 5574 PGCC sources using seven different methods, as described in Planck-2015-A28[20]. A flag is set to quantify the quality of the distance estimates, defined as follows:

  • DIST_QUALITY=0, no distance estimate;
  • DIST_QUALITY=1, single distance estimate;
  • DIST_QUALITY=2, multiple distance estimates which are consistent within 1σ;
  • DIST_QUALITY=3, multiple distance estimates which are not consistent within 1σ;
  • DIST_QUALITY=4, single upper limits.

The all-sky distribution of sources with robust distance estimates is shown below.

All-sky distribution of the 4655 PGCC sources for which a distance estimate with a DIST_QUALITY flag equal to 1 or 2 is available. The various types of distance estimates are defined as follows : kinematic (purple), optical extinction (blue), near-infrared extinction (green), molecular complex association (orange), and Herschel HKP-GCC (red). We also show the distribution of the 664 sources with an upper-limit estimate (DIST_QUALITY=4) provided by the near-infrared extinction method (light green). Molecular complexes are outlined with black contours.

The catalogue is contained in the FITS file HFI_PCCS_GCC_R2.02.fits. Its structure is shown in the following table.

FITS file structure
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
NAME String Source Name
SNR real*8 Maximum S/N over the 857, 545, and 353 GHz Planck cold residual maps
SNR_857 real*8 S/N of the cold residual detection at 857 GHz
SNR_545 real*8 S/N of the cold residual detection at 545 GHz
SNR_353 real*8 S/N of the cold residual detection at 353 GHz
Source position
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
GLON real*8 deg Galactic longitude based on morphology fitting
GLAT real*8 deg Galactic latitude based on morphology fitting
RA real*8 deg Right ascension (J2000) in degrees transformed from (GLON, GLAT)
DEC real*8 deg Declination (J2000) in degrees transformed from (GLON, GLAT)
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
GAU_MAJOR_AXIS real*8 arcmin FWHM along the major axis of the elliptical Gaussian
GAU_MAJOR_AXIS_SIG real*8 arcmin 1σ uncertainty on the FWHM along the major axis
GAU_MINOR_AXIS real*8 arcmin FWHM along the minor axis of the elliptical Gaussian
GAU_MINOR_AXIS_SIG real*8 arcmin 1σ uncertainty on the FWHM along the minor axis
GAU_POSITION_ANGLE real*8 rad Position angle of the elliptical Gaussian (see note 1)
GAU_POSITION_ANGLE_SIG real*8 rad 1σ uncertainty on the position angle
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
FLUX_3000_CLUMP real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 3 THz
FLUX_3000_CLUMP_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 3 THz
FLUX_857_CLUMP real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 857 GHz
FLUX_857_CLUMP_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 857 GHz
FLUX_545_CLUMP real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 545 GHz
FLUX_545_CLUMP_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 545 GHz
FLUX_353_CLUMP real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 353 GHz
FLUX_353_CLUMP_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 353 GHz
FLUX_3000_WBKG real*8 Jy Flux density of the warm background at 3 THz (see note 2)
FLUX_3000_WBKG_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of warm background at 3 THz
FLUX_857_WBKG real*8 Jy Flux density of the warm background at 857 GHz
FLUX_857_WBKG_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 857 GHz
FLUX_545_WBKG real*8 Jy Flux density of the warm background at 545 GHz
FLUX_545_WBKG_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 545 GHz
FLUX_353_WBKG real*8 Jy Flux density of the warm background at 353 GHz
FLUX_353_WBKG_SIG real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 353 GHz
FLUX_QUALITY int*4 1-3 Category of flux density reliability (see note 3)
FLUX_BLENDING int*4 0/1 1 if blending issue with flux density estimate (see note 4)
FLUX_BLENDING_IDX int*8 Catalogue index of the closest source responsible for blending
FLUX_BLENDING_ANG_DIST real*8 arcmin Angular distance to the closest source responsible for blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_3000 real*8 % Relative bias of the flux density at 3 THz due to blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_857 real*8 % Relative bias of the flux density at 857 GHz due to blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_545 real*8 % Relative bias of the flux density at 545 GHz due to blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_353 real*8 % Relative bias of the flux density at 353 GHz due to blending
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
DIST_KINEMATIC real*8 kpc Distance estimate [1] using kinematics
DIST_KINEMATIC_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [1] using kinematics
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR7 real*8 kpc Distance estimate [2] using optical extinction on SDSS DR7
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR7_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [2] using optical extinction on SDSS DR7
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR9 real*8 kpc Distance estimate [3] using optical extinction on SDSS DR9
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR9_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [3] using optical extinction on SDSS DR9
DIST_NIR_EXT_IRDC real*8 kpc Distance estimate [4] using near-IR extinction towards IRDCs
DIST_NIR_EXT_IRDC_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [4] using near-IR extinction towards IRDCs
DIST_NIR_EXT real*8 kpc Distance estimate [5] using near-IR extinction
DIST_NIR_EXT_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [5] using near-IR extinction
DIST_MOLECULAR_COMPLEX real*8 kpc Distance estimate [6] using molecular complex association
DIST_MOLECULAR_COMPLEX_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [6] using molecular complex association
DIST_HKP_GCC real*8 kpc Distance estimate [7] from the Herschel Key-Programme Galactic Cold Cores
DIST_HKP_GCC_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the distance estimate [7] from the Herschel Key-Programme Galactic Cold Cores
DIST_OPTION int*4 0-7 Option of the best distance estimate used in other physical properties
DIST_QUALITY int*4 0-4 Quality flag of the consistency between distance estimates (see note 5)
DIST real*8 kpc Best distance estimate used for further physical properties
DIST_SIG real*8 kpc 1σ uncertainty on the best distance estimate
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
TEMP_CLUMP real*8 K Temperature of the clump with β as a free parameter
TEMP_CLUMP_SIG real*8 K 1σ uncertainty on the clump temperature with β free
TEMP_CLUMP_LOW1 real*8 K Lower 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β free
TEMP_CLUMP_UP1 real*8 K Upper 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β free
BETA_CLUMP real*8 Spectral index β of the clump
BETA_CLUMP_SIG real*8 1σ uncertainty (from MCMC) on the emissivity spectral index β of the clump
BETA_CLUMP_LOW1 real*8 Lower 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the clump
BETA_CLUMP_UP1 real*8 Upper 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the clump
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP real*8 K Temperature of the clump with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP_SIG real*8 K 1σ uncertainty on the temperature of the clump with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP_LOW1 real*8 K Lower 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP_UP1 real*8 K Upper 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β = 2
TEMP_WBKG real*8 K Temperature of the warm background with β as a free parameter (see note 6)
TEMP_WBKG_SIG real*8 K 1σ dispersion of the warm background temperature with β free
TEMP_WBKG_LOW1 real*8 K Lower 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β free
TEMP_WBKG_UP1 real*8 K Upper 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β free
BETA_WBKG real*8 Spectral index β of the warm background (see note 6)
BETA_WBKG_SIG real*8 1σ uncertainty (from MCMC) of the emissivity spectral index β of the warm background
BETA_WBKG_LOW1 real*8 Lower 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the warm background
BETA_WBKG_UP1 real*8 Upper 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the warm background
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG real*8 K Temperature of the warm background with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG_SIG real*8 K 1σ uncertainty on the temperature of the warm background with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG_LOW1 real*8 K Lower 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG_UP1 real*8 K Upper 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β = 2
Physical properties
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
NH2 real*8 cm-2 Column density NH2 of the clump
NH2_SIG real*8 cm-2 1σ uncertainty on the column density
NH2_LOW[1,2,3] real*8 cm-2 Lower 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the column density
NH2_UP[1,2,3] real*8 cm-2 Upper 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the column density
MASS real*8 M Mass estimate of the clump
MASS_SIG real*8 M 1σ uncertainty on the mass estimate of the clump
MASS_LOW[1,2,3] real*8 M Lower 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the mass estimate
MASS_UP[1,2,3] real*8 M Upper 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the mass estimate
DENSITY real*8 cm-3 Mean density of the clump
DENSITY_SIG real*8 cm-3 1σ uncertainty on the mean density estimate of the clump
DENSITY_LOW[1,2,3] real*8 cm-3 Lower 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
DENSITY_UP[1,2,3] real*8 cm-3 Upper 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
SIZE real*8 pc Physical size of the clump
SIZE_SIG real*8 pc 1σ uncertainty on the physical size estimate of the clump
SIZE_LOW[1,2,3] real*8 pc Lower 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
SIZE_UP[1,2,3] real*8 pc Upper 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
LUMINOSITY real*8 L Luminosity of the clump
LUMINOSITY_SIG real*8 L 1σ uncertainty on the luminosity estimate of the clump
LUMINOSITY_LOW[1,2,3] real*8 L Lower 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
LUMINOSITY_UP[1,2,3] real*8 L Upper 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
XFLAG_LMC int*4 0/1 1 if part of the LMC
XFLAG_SMC int*4 0/1 1 if part of the SMC
XFLAG_ECC int*4 0/1 1 if present in the ECC
XFLAG_PCCS_857 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 857 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_545 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 545 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_353 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 353 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_217 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 217 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_143 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 143 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_100 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 100 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_70 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 70 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_44 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 44 GHz band
XFLAG_PCCS_30 int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS 30 GHz band
XFLAG_PSZ int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS PSZ
XFLAG_PHZ int*4 0/1 1 if present in the PCCS HZ
XFLAG_HKP_GCC int*4 0/1 1 if present in the Herschel HKP-GCC


  1. 1: The position angle of the 2D ellipse is defined as the angle between the axis parallele to the Galactic plane and the major axis, measured clockwise.
  2. 2: The warm background flux densities are computed using the same solid angle as for the clump flux densities, but on the warm conponent map.
  3. 3: See text above for a full description of the FLUX_QUALITY flag, for which "1" is best.
  4. 4: This relative bias due to blending provides a rough estimate of the factor that should be applied to the clump flux densities to obtain a corrected estimate. It has been completed using on a very simple modelling of clump morphologies and the local environment. It therefore should be used with caution.
  5. 5: See text above for a full description of the DIST_QUALITY flag.
  6. 6: Temperature and spectral index of the warm background are based on the warm background flux density estimates obtained on the same solid angle used for the clumps

(2015) Planck list of high-redshift source candidates[edit]

The Planck list of high-redshift source candidates (PHZ) is a list of 2151 sources located in the cleanest 26% of the sky and identified as point sources exhibiting an excess in the submillimetre compared to their environment. It has been built using the 48 months ofPlanck data at 857, 545, 353, and 217 GHz, combined with the 3-THz IRAS data, as described in Planck-2015-XXXIX[21]. These sources are considered as high-z source candidates (z>1.5-2), given the very low contamination by Galactic cirrus, and their typical colour-colour ratios. A subsample of the PHZ list has already been followed-up with Herschel, and chararcterized as overdensities of red galaxies for more than 93% of the population, and as strongly lensed galaxies in 3% of the cases, as detailed in Planck-2014-XXVIII[22].

The all-sky distribution of the PHZ sources is shown below on an orthographic projection.

All-sky distribution of the 2151 PHZ sources in orthographic projection.

The PHz source list is contained in the FITS file HFI_PCCS_HZ_R2.00.fits. Its structure is as follows.

FITS file structure
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
NAME String Source name
SNR_X545 real*8 S/N in the 545 GHz excess map
SNR_D857 real*8 S/N in the 857 GHz cleaned map
SNR_D545 real*8 S/N in the 545 GHz cleaned map
SNR_D353 real*8 S/N in the 353 GHz cleaned map
Source position
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
GLON real*8 deg Galactic longitude based on morphology fitting
GLAT real*8 deg Galactic latitude based on morphology fitting
RA real*8 deg Right ascension (J2000) in degrees transformed from (GLON, GLAT)
DEC real*8 deg Declination (J2000) in degrees transformed from (GLON, GLAT)
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
GAU_MAJOR_AXIS real*8 arcmin FWHM along the major axis of the elliptical Gaussian
GAU_MAJOR_AXIS_SIG real*8 arcmin 1σ uncertainty on the FWHM along the major axis
GAU_MINOR_AXIS real*8 arcmin FWHM along the minor axis of the elliptical Gaussian
GAU_MINOR_AXIS_SIG real*8 arcmin 1σ uncertainty on the FWHM along the minor axis
GAU_POSITION_ANGLE real*8 rad Position angle of the elliptical Gaussian (see note 1)
GAU_POSITION_ANGLE_SIG real*8 rad 1σ uncertainty on the position angle
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
FLUX_CLEAN_857 real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 857 GHz
FLUX_CLEAN_857_SIG_SKY real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 857 GHz due to sky confusion
FLUX_CLEAN_857_SIG_DATA real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 857 GHz due to measurement error
FLUX_CLEAN_857_SIG_GEOM real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 857 GHz due to elliptical Gaussian fit accuracy
FLUX_CLEAN_545 real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 545 GHz
FLUX_CLEAN_545_SIG_SKY real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 545 GHz due to sky confusion
FLUX_CLEAN_545_SIG_DATA real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 545 GHz due to measurement error
FLUX_CLEAN_545_SIG_GEOM real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 545 GHz due to elliptical Gaussian fit accuracy
FLUX_CLEAN_353 real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 353 GHz
FLUX_CLEAN_353_SIG_SKY real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 353 GHz due to sky confusion
FLUX_CLEAN_353_SIG_DATA real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 353 GHz due to measurement error
FLUX_CLEAN_353_SIG_GEOM real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 353 GHz due to elliptical Gaussian fit accuracy
FLUX_CLEAN_217 real*8 Jy Flux density of the clump at 217 GHz
FLUX_CLEAN_217_SIG_SKY real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 217 GHz due to sky confusion
FLUX_CLEAN_217_SIG_DATA real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 217 GHz due to measurement error
FLUX_CLEAN_217_SIG_GEOM real*8 Jy 1σ uncertainty at 217 GHz due to elliptical Gaussian fit accuracy
Physical Properties
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
PROB_COLCOL real*8 Colour-colour selection probability
EBV_MEAN real*8 Mean extinction E(BV)xgal within the source PSF
EBV_APER real*8 Aperture estimate of the extinction E(BV)xgal within the source PSF
EBV_APER_SIG real*8 1σ uncertainty of the aperture extinction E(BV)xgal within the source PSF
ZPHOT_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K real*8 Submm photometric redshift estimate with Txgal = 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 K
ZPHOT_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_LOW real*8 Lower limit of the 68 % confidence level
ZPHOT_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_UP real*8 Upper limit of the 68 % confidence level
ZPHOT_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_CHI2 real*8 Reduced χ2 of the best fit
LFIR_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K real*8 L FIR luminosity estimate with [math]T_{xgal}[/math] = 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 K
LFIR_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_LOW real*8 L Lower limit of the 68 % confidence level
LFIR_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_UP real*8 L Upper limit of the 68 % confidence level
SFR_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K real*8 Myr-1 Star Formation Rate estimate with Txgal = 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 K
SFR_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_LOW real*8 Myr-1 Lower limit of the 68 % confidence level
SFR_[25,30,35,40,45,50]K_UP real*8 Myr-1 Upper limit of the 68 % confidence level
FITS Keyword Data type Units Description
XFLAG_PLANCK string Contains the list of Planck catalogues matching the source: PCCS 857-, 545-, 353-, 217-, 143-, 100-, 70-, 44-, 33-GHz, PSZ, and PGCC
XFLAG_HERSCHEL int*4 0/1 1 if present in the Herschel follow-up programme

(2015) Second SZ Catalogue[edit]

The Planck SZ catalogue is constructed as described in SZ catalogue and in sections 2 and 3 of Planck-2015-A27[23]. Three pipelines are used to detect SZ clusters: two independent implementations of the Matched Multi-Filter (MMF1 and MMF3), and PowellSnakes (PwS). The main catalogue is constructed as the union of the catalogues from the three detection methods. The completeness and reliability of the catalogues have been assessed through internal and external validation, as described in section 4 of Planck-2015-A27[23].

The size of a detected object is given in terms of the scale size, θs, and the flux is given in terms of the total integrated Comptonization parameter, Y = Y5R500. The parameters of the generalized NFW profile assumed by the detection pipelines are written in the headers of the catalogues. For the sake of convenience, the conversion factor from Y to Y500 is also provided in the header.

The union catalogue contains the coordinates of a detection, its signal-to-noise ratio, an estimate of Y and its uncertainty, together with a summary of the validation information, including external identification of a cluster and its redshift, if they are available. The pipeline from which the information is taken is called the reference pipeline. If more than one pipeline makes the same detection, the information is taken from the the pipeline that makes the most significant detection. Where the redshift is known, we provide the SZ mass for the reference pipeline.

The individual catalogues contain the coordinates and the signal-to-noise ratios of the detections, and information on the sizes and flux densities of the detections. The entries are cross-referenced to the detections in the union catalogue. The full information on the degeneracy between θs and Y is included in the individual catalogues in the form of the two-dimensional probability distribution for each detection. It is computed on a well-sampled grid to produce a two-dimensional image for each detection. This is provided in this form so it can be combined with a model or external data to produce tighter constraints on the source parameters. The individual catalogues also contain Planck measurements of the SZ mass observable, MSZ, as calculated using a Y-M scaling relation and an assumed redshift, in order to break the Ys degeneracy. These are provided for each detection as functions of assumed redshift, in the range 0.01 < z < 1, along with the upper and lower 68% confidence limits.

The selection function of the union catalogue, the intersection catalogue, and the individual catalogues are provided in additional files. The selection function files contain the probability of detection for clusters of given intrinsic parameters θ500 and Y500. The file includes the definition of the survey area in the form of a HEALPix mask, and is evaluated for a range of signal-to-noise thresholds between 4.5 and 10.

Union catalogue[edit]

The union catalogue is contained in HFI_PCCS_SZ-union_R2.08.fits.

Extension 0: primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
INSTRUME String Instrument (HFI)
VERSION String Version of catalogue
DATE String Date file created: yyyy-mm-dd
ORIGIN String Name of organization responsible for the data (HFI-DPC)
TELESCOP String Telescope (PLANCK)
CREATOR String Pipeline version
DATE-OBS String Start date of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
DATE-END String End date of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
PROCVER String Data version
PP_ALPHA Real*4 GNFW pressure profile α parameter
PP_BETA Real*4 GNFW pressure profile β parameter
PP_GAMMA Real*4 GNFW pressure profile γ parameter
PP_C500 Real*4 GNFW pressure profile c500 parameter
PP_Y2YFH Real*4 Conversion factor from Y to Y500
Column Name Data type Units Description
INDEX Int*4 Index used to cross-reference with individual catalogues
NAME String Source name (see note 1)
GLON Real*8 deg Galactic longitude
GLAT Real*8 deg Galactic latitude
RA Real*8 deg Right ascension (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT)
DEC Real*8 deg Declination (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT)
POS_ERR Real*4 arcmin Position uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
SNR Real*4 Signal-to-noise ratio of the detection
PIPELINE Int*4 Pipeline from which information is taken (reference pipeline): 1= MMF1; 2 = MMF3; 3 = PwS
PIPE_DET Int*4 Pipelines that detect this object (see note 2)
PCCS2 Bool Indicates whether detection matches with any in PCCS2 catalogues
PSZ Int*4 Index of matching detection in PSZ1, or -1 if new detection
IR_FLAG Int*1 Flag denoting heavy IR contamination
Q_NEURAL Real*4 Neural network quality flag (see note 3)
Y5R500 Real*4 10-3 arcmin2 Mean marginal Y5R500 as determined by reference pipeline
Y5R500_ERR Real*4 10-3 arcmin2 Uncertainty on Y5R500 as determined by reference pipeline
VALIDATION Int*4 External validation status (see note 4)
REDSHIFT_ID String External identifier of cluster associated with redshift measurement (see note 5)
REDSHIFT Real*4 Redshift of cluster (see note 5)
MSZ Real*4 1014 M SZ mass proxy (see note 6)
MSZ_ERR_UP Real*4 1014 M Upper bound of 68% SZ mass proxy confidence interval (see note 6)
MSZ_ERR_LOW Real*4 1014 M Lower bound of 68% SZ mass proxy confidence interval (see note 6)
MCXC String Identifier of X-ray counterpart in the MCXC, if one is present
REDMAPPER String Identifier of optical counterpart in the RedMAPPer catalogue, if one is present
ACT String Identifier of SZ counterpart in the ACT catalogues, if one is present
SPT String Identifier of SZ counterpart in the SPT catalogues, if one is present
WISE_FLAG Int*4 Confirmation flag of WISE overdensity (see note 7)
AMI_EVIDENCE Real*4 Bayesian evidence for AMI counterpart detection (see note 8)
COSMO Bool Indicates whether detection is in the cosmology sample
COMMENT String Comments on this detection


  1. Format is PSZ2 Glll.ll±bb.b where l and b are the Galactic coordinates, truncated to two decimal places.
  2. The three least significant decimal digits are used to represent detection or non-detection by the pipelines. The order of the digits is: hundreds = MMF1; tens = MMF3; units = PwS. If it is detected then the corresponding digit is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
  3. Neural network quality flag is 1-Qbad, following the definitions in Aghanim et al. 2014.
  4. Summary of the external validation, encoding the most robust external identification: 10 = ENO follow-up; 11 = RTT follow-up; 12 = PanSTARRs; 13 = RedMAPPer non-blind; 14 = SDSS high-z; 15 = AMI; 16 = WISE; 20 = legacy identification from the PSZ1; 21 = MCXC; 22 = SPT; 23 = ACT; 24 = RedMAPPer; 25 = legacy identification from PSZ1 with externally updated redshift; 30 = NED; and -1 = no known external counterpart.
  5. The redshift source is the most robust external identification listed in the VALIDATION field.
  6. MSZ is the hydrostatic mass assuming the best-fit Y-M scaling relation of Arnaud (2010) as a prior. The uncertainties are statistical and based on the Planck measurement uncertainties only. Not included in the uncertainties are the statistical errors on the scaling relation, the intrinsic scatter in the relation, or systematic errors in data selection for the scaling relation fit.
  7. Assigned by visual inspection: 0 = no significant galaxy overdensity; 1 = possible galaxy overdensity; 2 = probable galaxy overdensity; 3 = significant galaxy overdensity detected; -1 = possible galaxy overdensity (affected by bright star artefacts); -2 = no significant galaxy overdensity (affected by bright star artefacts); -3 = no assessment possible (affected by bright star artefacts); and -10 = not analysed.
  8. Defined in the paper.

Individual catalogues[edit]

The individual pipeline catalogues are contained in the FITS files

Their structure is shown in the following table.

FITS file structure
Extension 0: Primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
INSTRUME String Instrument (HFI)
VERSION String Version of catalogue
DATE String Date file created: yyyy-mm-dd
ORIGIN String Name of organization responsible for the data (HFI-DPC)
TELESCOP String Telescope (PLANCK)
CREATOR String Pipeline version
DATE-OBS String Start time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
DATE-END String End time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
PROCVER String Data version
PP_ALPHA Real*4 GNFW pressure profile α parameter
PP_BETA Real*4 GNFW pressure profile β parameter
PP_GAMMA Real*4 GNFW pressure profile γ parameter
PP_C500 Real*4 GNFW pressure profile c500 parameter
PP_Y2YFH Real*4 Conversion factor from Y to Y500
Column name Data type Units Description
INDEX Int*4 Index from union catalogue
NAME String Source name (see note 1)
GLON Real*8 deg Galactic longitude
GLAT Real*8 deg Galactic latitude
RA Real*8 deg Right ascension (J2000) transformed from (GLON, GLAT)
DEC Real*8 deg Declination (J2000) transformed from (GLON, GLAT)
POS_ERR Real*4 arcmin Position uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
SNR Real*4 Signal-to-noise ratio of detection
TS_MIN Real*4 Minimum value of θs in grid in second extension HDU (see note 2)
TS_MAX Real*4 Maximum value of θs in grid in second extension HDU (see note 2)
Y_MIN Real*4 Minimum value of Y in grid in second extension HDU (see note 2)
Y_MAX Real*4 Maximum value of Y in grid in second extension HDU (see note 2)
Keyword Data type Value Description
PIPELINE String Name of detection pipeline
Extension 2: IMAGE, EXTNAME = PSZ2_PROBABILITY (see note 2)
Keyword Data type Value Description
NAXIS1 Integer 256 Dimension 1
NAXIS2 Integer 256 Dimension 2
NAXIS3 Integer Ndet Dimension 3 = Number of detections
Keyword Data type Value Description
PIPELINE String Name of detection pipeline
Extension 3: IMAGE, EXTNAME = PSZ2_MSZ_ARRAY (see note 3)
Keyword Data type Value Description
NAXIS1 Integer 100 Dimension 1
NAXIS2 Integer 4 Dimension 2
NAXIS3 Integer Ndet Dimension 3 = Number of detections
Keyword Data type Value Description
PIPELINE String Name of detection pipeline


  1. Format PSZ2 Glll.ll± where l and b are the Galactic coordinates truncated to two decimal places.
  2. Extension 2 contains a three-dimensional image with the two-dimensional probability distribution in θs and Y for each detection. The probability distributions are evaluated on a 256 × 256 linear grid between the limits specified in extension 1. The limits are determined independently for each detection. The dimension of the 3D image is 256 × 256 × Ndet, where Ndet is the number of detections. The first dimension is θs and the second dimension is Y.
  3. Extension 3 contains a three-dimensional image with the information on the MSZ observable per cluster as a function of assumed redshift. The image dimensions are 100 × 4 × Ndet, where Ndet is the number of detections. The first dimension is the assumed redshift. The second dimension has size 4: the first element is the assumed redshift value corresponding to the MSZ values; the second element is the MSZ lower 68% confidence bound; the third element is the MSZ estimate; and the fourth element is the MSZ upper 68% confidence bound, all in units of 1014 M. These uncertainties are based on the Planck measurement uncertainties only. Not included in the error estimates are the statistical errors on the scaling relation, the intrinsic scatter in the relation, or systematic errors in data selection for the scaling relation fit.

Selection function[edit]

The selection function for the union, intersection, and individual pipeline catalogues are contained in the FITS files

Their structure is shown in the following table.

FITS file structure
Extension 0: Primary header, no data
FITS keyword Data type Units Description
INSTRUME String Instrument (HFI)
VERSION String Version of catalogue
DATE String Date file created: yyyy-mm-dd
ORIGIN String Name of organization responsible for the data (HFI-DPC)
TELESCOP String Telescope (PLANCK)
CREATOR String Pipeline version
DATE-OBS String Start time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
DATE-END String End time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd
PROCVER String Data version
JOIN String Join type (UNION, INTERSEC, MMF1, MMF3, PwS)
MASK String Mask name (SURVEY, COSMOLOG)
Extension 1: BINTABLE, HEALPix map (see note 1)
FITS keyword Data type Value Description
PIXTYPE String HEALPIX HEALPix pixelation
ORDERING String RING Pixel ordering
NSIDE Int*4 2048 HEALPix resolution parameter
NPIX Int*4 50331648 Number of pixels
COORDSYS String G Coordinate system
Extension 2: IMAGE, EXTNAME = SELFUNC (see note 2)
Keyword Data type Value Description
NAXIS1 Integer 30 Dimension 1
NAXIS2 Integer 32 Dimension 2
NAXIS3 Integer 12 Dimension 3
Keyword Data type Value Description
AXIS1 String CY500 Name of axis 1
AXIS2 String T500 Name of axis 2
AXIS3 String SNRCUT Name of axis 3
UNITS String PERCENT Units of selection function
COMPTYPE String DIFF Type of selection function (differential)
Extension 3: IMAGE, EXTNAME = YGRID (see note 3)
Keyword Data type Value Description
NAXIS1 Integer 30 Dimension 1
Keyword Data type Value Description
COL1 String CY500 Grid values of Y500
Extension 4: IMAGE, EXTNAME = TGRID (see note 4)
Keyword Data type Value Description
NAXIS1 Integer 32 Dimension 1
Keyword Data type Value Description
COL1 String T500 Grid values of θ500
Extension 5: IMAGE, EXTNAME = SNR_THRESH (see note 5)
Keyword Data type Value Description
NAXIS1 Integer 12 Dimension 1
Keyword Data type Value Description
COL1 String S/N Grid values of S/N threshold


  1. Extension 1 contains a mask defining the survey region, given by an Nside = 2048 ring-ordered HEALPix map in GALACTIC coordinates. Pixels in the survey region have the value 1.0, while pixels outside the survey region have value 0.0.
  2. Extension 2 contains a three-dimensional image, giving the survey completeness probability distribution for various S/N thresholds. The information is stored in an image of size 30 × 32 × 12. The first dimension is Y500, the second dimension is θ500 and the third dimension is the signal-to-noise threshold. The units are percentages and lie in the range 0-100, denoting the detection probability of a cluster in the given (Y500, θ500) bin.
  3. Extension 3 contains the Y500 grid values for the completeness data cube in the second extension. It has length 30 and spans the range from 1.12480 × 10-4 arcmin2 to 7.20325 × 10-2 arcmin2 in logarithmic steps.
  4. Extension 4 contains the θ500 grid values for the completeness data cube in the second extension. It has length 32 and spans the range from 0.9416 arcmin to 35.31 arcmin in logarithmic steps.
  5. Extension 5 contains the signal-to-noise threshold grid values for the completeness data cube in the second extension. It has length 12 and contains thresholds from 4.5 to 10.0 in steps of 0.5.

Previous releases: (2013) PSZ1[edit]


Second Planck Release (2013): Description of the Planck SZ Catalogue

(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument

(Planck) High Frequency Instrument

Flexible Image Transfer Specification

Data Processing Center


Early Release Compact Source Catalog

Cosmic Microwave background

(Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelation of a sphere, <ref name="Template:Gorski2005">HEALPix: A Framework for High-Resolution Discretization and Fast Analysis of Data Distributed on the Sphere, K. M. Górski, E. Hivon, A. J. Banday, B. D. Wandelt, F. K. Hansen, M. Reinecke, M. Bartelmann, ApJ, 622, 759-771, (2005).
