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PDF Book: A book with the full contents can be found here and a pdf version updated weekly can be found here:File:P28 Explanatory Supplement v06Mar13.pdf.

Explanatory supplement[edit]

By Planck Collaboration

The Explanatory Supplement is a reference text to the public data delivered from the operations of the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite during its mission.

  1. The Planck mission (Dupac)
  2. The satellite
    1. HFI design, qualification, and performance
      1. Cryogenics
      2. Cold optics
      3. Detection chain
      4. Operations
      5. Performance summary
      6. Annexes
    2. LFI design, qualification, and performance
      1. Instrument description
      2. Ground tests
      3. In-flight calibration
      4. Performance summary
      5. Systematic effects
      6. The Sorption Cooler
      7. Annexes
  3. Ground Segment and Operations
    1. Operational history
    2. Survey scanning and performance (Dupac)
    3. Thermal environment
    4. Radiation environment (Mendes)
    5. Pointing performance (Dupac)
    6. Data flow overview
    7. MOC data transfer and storage
  4. Data processing
    1. HFI Data Processing
      1. Pre-processing
      2. TOI processing
      3. Detector pointing
      4. Beams
      5. Map-making
      6. Spectral response
      7. Internal overall validation
      8. Power spectra
      9. Summary of HFI data characteristics
    2. LFI data processing
      1. Pre-processing
      2. TOI processing
      3. Detector Pointing
      4. Beams
      5. Map-making
      6. Systematic effects uncertainties
      7. Internal overall validation
      8. Power spectra
      9. Summary of LFI data characteristics
    3. HFI/LFI joint data processing
      1. Compact Source catalogues (Ashdown/Nuevo/Caniego)
      2. Astrophysical component separation (Ashdown/Baccigalupi)
      3. CMB Power spectra and Planck likelihood code(Bouchet/Natoli)
  5. Mission products
    1. Time ordered data
    2. Sky temperature maps
    3. The instrument model
    4. Effective beams
    5. Catalogues: PCCS SZ ERCSC
    6. Sky temperature power spectra
    7. CMB and astrophysical component maps
    8. CMB spectrum and likelihood code
    9. Cosmological parameters
    10. Additional maps: Lensing map
    11. Scientific data used to generate Planck products (Not for public version)
    12. Simulation data
    13. Survey history data (Dupac) Should this be here or in the next chapter?
    14. Satellite history data (Not for public version)
    15. Dates of observations
  6. Software utilities
    1. Unit conversion and Color correction
  7. Payload design, performance and calibration data
    1. Instrument performance
    2. Telescope
    3. Thermal and cooler system
    4. Fiber optic gyro (Not for first version)
    5. Space radiation environment monitor
  8. Appendix
  9. Glossary
  10. List of acronyms
  11. References

Explanatory Supplement