TOC WorkInProgress
From Planck Legacy Archive Wiki
- Introduction
- The Planck mission
- The satellite
- Ground Segment and Operations
- PLA quick start guide
- The Instruments
- HFI design, qualification, and performance
- Cryogenics
- Cold optics
- Detection chain
- Operations
- Performance summary
- Annexes
- LFI design, qualification, and performance
- Instrument description
- Ground tests
- In-flight calibration
- Performance summary
- Systematic effects
- The Sorption Cooler
- Annexes
- Data processing
- HFI Data Processing
- Pre-processing
- TOI processing
- Beams
- Map-making
- Spectral response
- Internal overall validation
- Power spectra
- Summary of HFI data characteristics
- LFI data processing
- Pre-processing
- TOI processing
- Beams
- Map-making
- Systematic effects uncertainties
- Internal overall validation
- Power spectra
- Summary of LFI data characteristics
- HFI/LFI joint data processing
- Detector pointing
- Compact Source catalogues (Ashdown/Nuevo/Caniego)
- Astrophysical component separation (Ashdown/Baccigalupi)
- CMB Power spectra and Planck likelihood code (Bouchet/Natoli)Not in PR1
- Mission products
- Time ordered data
- Sky temperature maps
- The instrument model
- Effective beams
- Catalogues: PCCS • SZ • ERCSC
- Sky temperature power spectra
- CMB and astrophysical component maps
- CMB spectrum and likelihood code
- Cosmological parameters
- Additional maps: Lensing map
- Scientific data used to generate Planck products
- Simulation data
- Dates of observations
- Software utilities
- Unit conversion and Color correction
- Operational data
- Telescope Not in PR1 (Tauber,Dupac)
- Thermal and cooler system Not in PR1 (Mendes,Leonardi)
- Survey history data (Leonardi,Dupac)
- Satellite history data Not in PR1 (Mendes,Dupac)
- Fiber optic gyro Not in PR1 (Leonardi,Mendes)
- Space radiation environment monitor(Mendes,Leonardi)
- Appendix
- Glossary
- List of acronyms
- References