- 2014-03-31, Mendes: Added change log page.
- 2014-03-31, Dupac,Leonardi,Mendes: Updated Introduction.
- 2014-03-31, Dupac,Leonardi,Mendes: Updated The Planck mission.
- 2014-09-21, Scott, Main_Page: Started to fix grammar and style issues. Mainly minor wording corrections and changes to align more with Planck Style Guide.
- 2014-09-24, Scott, Help:Contents: Fixed grammar and style issues with Help page.
- 2014-09-26, Scott, The_Planck_mission_WiP: Fixed grammar and style issues with Planck mission pages.
- 2014-10-14, Scott: Fixed grammar and style issues with The_satellite_WiP, Ground_Segment_and_Operations, and Survey_scanning_and_performance pages.
- 2014-10-28, Scott: Fixed grammar and style issues with HFI_cryogenics and HFI_cold_optics pages.
- 2014-10-28, Scott: Finished HFI_cold_optics and also HFI_detection_chain pages.
- 2014-12-09, Scott: Finished HFI_performance_summary and also HFI_instrument_annexes pages.
- 2014-12-11, Scott: Fixed some typos in HFI_operations_timeline.
- 2014-12-31, Scott: Fixed some typos in LFI_overview (except for annexes).
- 2015-01-01, Scott: Fixed typos etc. in LFIAppendix
- 2015-02-01, Scott: Starting to fix stuff in The_HFI_DPC
The following are post 5.Feb, i.e. after going public
- 2015-02-10, Moneti: added Scanning beams description in Scanning_Beams COPIED TO PUBLIC ES2
- 2015-02-16, Lewis: Corrections to Cosmological_Parameters COPIED TO PUBLIC ES2
- 2015-04-15: Moneti: Added info on HFI Planet TOIs in Time ordered data (APPROVED, IN PLA, ES PAGE PUBLIC)
- 2015-04-15: X. Dupac asked approval for adding Power spectrum FITS + txt files v2.01 (APPROVED, INGESTED IN PLA, ES PAGE PUBLIC)
- 2015-05-05: A. Moneti: add description of repackaged CMB maps (R2.01) in CMB and astrophysical component maps - APPROVED, IN PLA, ES PAGE PUBLIC
- 2015-05-22, Scott: continuing to fix style and grammar in The_HFI_DPC
- 2015-05-22, Scott: fixed many little things in Glossary
- 2015-06-01, Dupac: asked DPCM approval for SEVEM foreground-subt. maps, APPROVED, DONE
- 2015-06-02, Moneti, Ashdown: additional masks in CMB and astrophysical component maps. APPROVED, DONE
- 2015-06-01, Moneti, Benabed: update likelihood page complete; ready for CCB
- 2015-06-17, Scott: finished fixing style in Beams
- 2015-06-17, Scott: finished fixing style in Map-making, Spectral_response, and HFI-Validation
- 2015-06-22/23, Scott: fixed style in CMB_spectrum_&_Likelihood_Code
- 2015-07-07: Moneti: Likelihood section of CMB_spectrum_&_Likelihood_Code complete and ready for CCB
- 2015-07-09: Moneti: Power spectra section of CMB_spectrum_&_Likelihood_Code updated and ready for CCB
- 2015-12-05, Scott: fixed style in Specially_processed_maps.
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument
Planck Legacy Archive
Explanatory Supplement
Flexible Image Transfer Specification
Cosmic Microwave background