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SECTION: Space radiation environment monitor. Reviewed by Leonardi on Oct 2013.

REVIEW: This section has been made public with a slightly different name. On the public ES, it is named “radiation environment”.

LM: Hmmmm... This is not what I see when I go to the corresponding page in the public ES


Please make sure the name of this section is the same in the public and development ES.

I would add the following sentence at the beginning of the page:

SREM (Standard Radiation Environment Monitor) is a particle detector, developed for space applications. It measures high energy electrons and protons with a fair angular and spectral resolution and provides the host spacecraft with radiation information. SREM was developed and manufactured by oerlikon space in cooperation with Paul Scherrer Institute under a development contract of the European Space Agency. For more information, visit”

LM: There is a section on the satellite page on the SREM and this statement is included there. I think this page should be only about the data. But lets discuss it.

In the “Product description” it is not clear if the midenight to midnight time is UTC. I assume it is but please be explicit.

LM: You are right.

In the “Related products”, the link to the Paul Scherrer Institut asks for username and password. Please remove it or change the link to some public page.

LM: This is public once you register. I've just added a note on this to the text. The registration link is under the data link.

In the “Data files”, please change “…the SREM calibrated data will have…” -> “…the SREM calibrated data have…”

LM: Of course...

In the “Data format”, the tables need to be fixed to reflect the header below:

LM: The tables are absolutely horrible and they will certainly be revised.

Extension Name: cdffits1 Field Name Unit Frmt Null Comment

   1        EPOCH             ms 24A24       label for field 1 
   2    COUNTRATE          1/sec   15D       label for field 2 
   3        ORBIT             km    3D       label for field 3 
   4     ATTITUDE              1    3D       label for field 4 
   5 PROT_FITQUAL              1    1I       label for field 5 
   6         ODPF  1/MeV/cm2/sec    5D       label for field 6 
   7      ODPFERR  1/MeV/cm2/sec    5D       label for field 7 
   8 ELEC_FITQUAL              1    1I       label for field 8 
   9         ODEF  1/MeV/cm2/sec    4D       label for field 9 
  10      ODEFERR  1/MeV/cm2/sec    4D       label for field 10 
  11   ANISOTROPY              1    1D       label for field 11 
  12  TEMPERATURE degree Celsius    2D       label for field 12 

Extension Name: cdffits2 Field Name Unit Frmt Null Comment

   1    label_COUNTERS       45A3       label for field 1 
   2       label_ORBIT       18A6       label for field 2 
   3    label_ATTITUDE        9A3       label for field 3 
   4        label_ODPF      75A15       label for field 4 
   5        label_ODEF      60A15       label for field 5 
   6 label_TEMPERATURE       10A5       label for field 6 

Extension Name: cdffits3 Field Name Unit Frmt Null Comment

   1 RADEPOCH   ms 24A24       label for field 1 
   2   RADFET mrad    1D       label for field 2

For instance, the table CDFITSS2 is very different from the header above. And the sentence “this is a keyword”should disappear, units are in the wrong column, etc. Please fix the tables.

Explanatory Supplement

Space Radiation Environment Monitor

Universal Time Coordinate(d)