Talk:Product Table for PLAv2
[hide]Product categories[edit]
Time Series[edit]
Sky Maps[edit]
All detectors[edit]
Detector maps[edit]
[MFB]: halfring is wrong, we'd agreed on using the literal ringhalf.
[LM]: Corrected.
Detector set maps[edit]
[MFB]: in the ICD the detector set maps are identified by "ds", not "DetSet". Should we change this in the ICD?
[LM]: Lets stick to ds
Low resolution maps[edit]
Correction maps[edit]
Component maps[edit]
[MFB]: Sat propose a change in the naming convention for CMB maps to fit the new layout requirements (separate CMB and foreground maps).
[LM]: This is fine as long as <resolution> is representation
I changed the names accordingly
[MFB]: in the last release it was agreed to use lfreqfgr instead lfreqfor to identify the low-frequency Galactic emission.
[LM]: Corrected.
[MFB]: the naming convention for Masks should be improved to get a better categorization of Masks maps:
e.g. LFI_Mask_PointSrc-030_2048_R2.xx.fits (Mask, category PointSrc) COM_Mask_Gal-06_2048_R2.xx.fits (category Gal)
[LM]: I changed the names in the tables accordingly.
Angular power spectra[edit]
Other products[edit]
Interface Control Document
Cosmic Microwave background
(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument