Single detector maps

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Description of the product[edit]

These are maps built using a single detector, and covering the full (or the nominal TBC) mission. They are produced only for the unpolarised bolometers



Input Data[edit]

  • Signal TOIs
  • Destriping offsets
  • Calibration factors (from IMO)

Related products[edit]

Other maps

Data format[edit]

These maps are delivered as FITS files containing a single extension named CH-MAP with a 3-column table containing:

  • col 1, "I_Stokes": Intensity (units: K_cmb)
  • col 2, "II_cov": variance estimate (diagonal elements of the pixel covariance matrix) on the Intensity (units: K_cmb)
  • col 3, "Hits": Number of hits per pixel (units: none)

In accordance with ICD-031, all maps are in GALACTIC coordinates with N_side=2048. There are 18 individual detector maps for HFI (all unpolarised detectors except for the 143-8 and 545-3 RTS bolometers) and ??? for LFI

Header keywords[edit]

A typical header for the extension is

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension                         
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table                     
NAXIS1  =                   12 / width of table in bytes                        
NAXIS2  =             50331648 / number of rows in table                        
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area                      
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)              
TFIELDS =                    3 / number of fields in each row                   
TTYPE1  = 'I_Stokes'           / label for field   1                            
TFORM1  = '1E8     '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT1  = 'K_CMB   '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE2  = 'Hits    '           / label for field   2                            
TFORM2  = '1J      '           / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER           
TUNIT2  = 'none    '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE3  = 'II_cov  '           / label for field   3                            
TFORM3  = '1E8     '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT3  = '(K_CMB)^2'          / physical unit of field                         
EXTNAME = 'CH-MAP  '           / name of this binary table extension            
FREQ    = '857     '                                                            
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX '                                                            
COORDSYS= 'GALACTIC'                                                            
ORDERING= 'NESTED  '                                                            
FILENAME= 'HFI_857-2_2048_20120210_nominal.fits'                                
NSIDE   =                 2048                                                  
CHANNEL = '857-2   '                                                            
FIRSTPIX=                    0                                                  
LASTPIX =             50331647                                                  
EXTVER  = '1       '                                                            
PROCVER = 'v50     '                                                            
BAD_DATA= '-1.63750E+30'                                                        
COMMENT = 'Rel DR4 '                                                            

To be confirmed

Flexible Image Transfer Specification

Interface Control Document

(Planck) High Frequency Instrument

random telegraphic signal

(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument

Cosmic Microwave background