NOTE: Text in red to be removed when filling the contents Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources
Product description[edit]
A general description of the product, including e.g. figures related to the contents (e.g. maps, tables), and some explanation of its scientific meaning. If there are scientific warnings about the use of the product (User’s caveats), they should also be given here, or at least references to other explanatory documents (papers etc).
see pccs paper: 1. numb. sources / freq, 2. image with sky distribution 3. main parameters used
For full details, see paper...
Production process[edit]
Description of the Pipeline used to generate the product. In particular any limitations and approximations used in the data processing should be listed. Avoiding detailed descriptions of methods and referring to other parts of the ES and/or the relevant Planck papers for the details. References however should be quite detailed (i.e. it is not enough to direct the user to a paper, but the relevant section in the paper should be provided).
For a description of the production and validation processes of the Compact Source catalogue see the corresponding section.
A list (and brief description to the extent possible) of the input data used to generate this product (down to file names), as well as any external ancillary data sets which were used.
- frequency maps
- RIMo
- effective beams
To be reviewed and compiled by Joaquin/Mark.
Related products[edit]
A description of other products that are related and share some commonalities with the product being described here. E.g. if the description is of a generic product (e.g. frequency maps), all the products falling into that type should be listed and referenced.
link to pages with other catalogues
File names[edit]
Meta Data[edit]
A detailed description of the data format of each file, including header keywords for fits files, extension names, column names, formats….
Note 1.- Source name designations consist of a prefix and a positional qualifier, the latter is in Galactic coordinates and specified as "Glll.ll±" where the (l,b) values are truncated. The prefix used in the single band portion of the PCCS is PLCKddd PCCS catalogue at ddd GHz.
For example, a source detected at (l,b) = (120.237, 4.231) in the 545 GHz Planck map would be labelled PLCK545 G120.23±04.23.
Note 2.- The EXTENDED flag has the value of 0 if the source is compact and the value of 1 is it extended. The source size is determined by the geometric mean of the Gaussian fit FWHMs, with the criteria for extension being sqrt(GAU_FWHMMAJ * GAU_FWHMIN) > 1.5 times the beam FWHM.
Note 3.- The EXT_VAL flag has the value of 0, 1, or 2, based on the following conditions:
- 2 – The source has a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues considered as ancillary data.
- 1 – The source has NOT a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues considered as ancillary data but it has been detected by the internal multi-frequency method.
- 0 – The source has NOT a clear counterpart in one of the catalogues considered as ancillary data and it has NOT been detected by the internal multi-frequency method.
The PCCS source list in each frequency is structured as a FITS binary table having one row for each detected source.
The FITS primary header will have the following structure:
FITS Keyword | Data Type | Units | Description |
INSTRUME | String | LFI or HFI | |
VERSION | String | Version of PCCS | |
DATE | String | Date file created:yyyy-mm-dd | |
ORIGIN | String | Name of organization responsible for the data (LFI-DPC – HFI-DPC) | |
TELESCOP | String | PLANCK | |
CREATOR | String | Pipeline Version | |
DATE-OBS | String | days | Start-up time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd |
DATE-END | String | days | Ending time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd |
The Fits extension is composed by several columns described below:
Column Name | Data Type | Units | Description |
Identification | |||
NAME | String | Source name – see Note 1 | |
Source Position | |||
GLON | Real*8 | degrees | Galactic longitude based on extraction algorithm |
GLAT | Real*8 | degrees | Galactic latitude based on extraction algorithm |
RA | Real*8 | degrees | Right ascension (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT) |
DEC | Real*8 | degrees | Declination (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT) |
Photometry | |||
DETFLUX | Real*4 | mJy | Flux density of source as determined by detection method |
DETFLUX_ERR | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived flux density from detection method |
APERFLUX | Real*4 | mJy | Flux density of source as determined from the aperture photometry |
APERFLUX_ERR | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived flux density from the aperture photometry |
PSFFLUX | Real*4 | mJy | Flux density of source as determined from PSF fitting |
PSFFLUX_ERR | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived flux density from PSF fitting |
GAUFLUX | Real*4 | mJy | Flux density of source as determined from 2-D Gaussian fitting |
GAUFLUX_ERR | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived flux density from 2-D Gaussian fitting |
GAU_SEMI1 | Real*4 | arcmin | Gaussian fit along axis 1 |
GAU_SEMI1_ERR | Real*4 | arcmin | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived Gaussian fit along axis 1 |
GAU_SEMI2 | Real*4 | arcmin | Gaussian fit along axis 2 |
GAU_SEMI2_ERR | Real*4 | arcmin | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived Gaussian fit along axis 2 |
GAU_THETA | Real*4 | deg | Gaussian fit orientation angle counting anti-clockwise from the x -axis |
GAU_THETA_ERR | Real*4 | deg | Uncertainty (1 sigma) in derived gaussian fit orientation angle |
GAU_FWHM_EFF | Real*4 | arcmin | Gaussian fit effective FWHM |
Flags and validation | |||
EXTENDED | Integer*2 | Flag indicated that source is extended | |
CIRRUS_N | Integer*4 | Number of sources detected at 857 GHz within HFI TBC degrees | |
EXT_VAL | Integer*2 | Flag indicated external validation - see Note 2 | |
ERCSC | String | Name of the ERCSC counterpart if any | |
ONLY 857 GHz Catalogue | |||
APERFLUX_217 | Real*4 | mJy | Source flux density at 217 GHz (best estimation) of the object detected at 857 |
APERFLUX_ERR_217 | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty in source flux density |
APERFLUX_353 | Real*4 | mJy | Source flux density at 353 GHz (best estimation) of the object detected at 857 |
APERFLUX_ERR_353 | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty in source flux density |
APERFLUX_545 | Real*4 | mJy | Source flux density at 545 GHz (best estimation) of the object detected at 857 |
APERFLUX_ERR_545 | Real*4 | mJy | Uncertainty in source flux density |
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Written by IDL: Fri Jan 25 19:57:25 2013 BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 2 /Binary table NAXIS1 = 145 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 1256 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Random parameter count GCOUNT = 1 /Group count TFIELDS = 24 /Number of columns DATE = '2013-01-25' /Creation date INSTRUME= 'LFI ' /Low Frequency Instrument VERSION = '1.0 ' /Version of PCCS ORIGIN = 'LFI-DPC ' /Organisation responsible for data TELESCOP= 'PLANCK ' /Planck CREATOR = 'Nov12-v03' /Pipeline version DATE-OBS= '2009-08-13' /Start time of the survey DATE-END= '2010-11-26' /End time of the survey EXTNAME = 'PCCS1_f030' /Extension name TFORM1 = '23A ' /Character string TTYPE1 = 'NAME ' /Label for column 1 TUNIT1 = 'None ' /Units of column 1 TFORM2 = '1D ' /Real*8 (double precision) TTYPE2 = 'GLON ' /Label for column 2 TUNIT2 = 'degrees ' /Units of column 2 TFORM3 = '1D ' /Real*8 (double precision) TTYPE3 = 'GLAT ' /Label for column 3 TUNIT3 = 'degrees ' /Units of column 3 TFORM4 = '1D ' /Real*8 (double precision) TTYPE4 = 'RA ' /Label for column 4 TUNIT4 = 'degrees ' /Units of column 4 TFORM5 = '1D ' /Real*8 (double precision) TTYPE5 = 'DEC ' /Label for column 5 TUNIT5 = 'degrees ' /Units of column 5 TFORM6 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE6 = 'DETFLUX ' /Label for column 6 TUNIT6 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 6 TFORM7 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE7 = 'DETFLUX_ERR' /Label for column 7 TUNIT7 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 7 TFORM8 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE8 = 'APERFLUX' /Label for column 8 TUNIT8 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 8 TFORM9 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE9 = 'APERFLUX_ERR' /Label for column 9 TUNIT9 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 9 TFORM10 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE10 = 'PSFFLUX ' /Label for column 10 TUNIT10 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 10 TFORM11 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE11 = 'PSFFLUX_ERR' /Label for column 11 TUNIT11 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 11 TFORM12 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE12 = 'GAUFLUX ' /Label for column 12 TUNIT12 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 12 TFORM13 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE13 = 'GAUFLUX_ERR' /Label for column 13 TUNIT13 = 'mJy ' /Units of column 13 TFORM14 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE14 = 'GAU_SEMI1' /Label for column 14 TUNIT14 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 14 TFORM15 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE15 = 'GAU_SEMI1_ERR' /Label for column 15 TUNIT15 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 15 TFORM16 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE16 = 'GAU_SEMI2' /Label for column 16 TUNIT16 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 16 TFORM17 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE17 = 'GAU_SEMI2_ERR' /Label for column 17 TUNIT17 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 17 TFORM18 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE18 = 'GAU_THETA' /Label for column 18 TUNIT18 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 18 TFORM19 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE19 = 'GAU_THETA_ERR' /Label for column 19 TUNIT19 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 19 TFORM20 = '1E ' /Real*4 (floating point) TTYPE20 = 'GAU_FWHM_EFF' /Label for column 20 TUNIT20 = 'arcmin ' /Units of column 20 TFORM21 = '1I ' /Integer*2 (short integer) TTYPE21 = 'EXTENDED' /Label for column 21 TUNIT21 = '0/1 ' /Units of column 21 TNULL21 = -1 /Null value for column 21 TFORM22 = '1I ' /Integer*2 (short integer) TTYPE22 = 'CIRRUS_N' /Label for column 22 TUNIT22 = 'None ' /Units of column 22 TNULL22 = -1 /Null value for column 22 TFORM23 = '1I ' /Integer*2 (short integer) TTYPE23 = 'EXT_VAL ' /Label for column 23 TUNIT23 = '0/1/2 ' /Units of column 23 TNULL23 = -1 /Null value for column 23 TFORM24 = '24A ' /Character string TTYPE24 = 'ERCSC ' /Label for column 24 TUNIT24 = 'None ' /Units of column 24 END
Mark or Nabila to give brief description
AMo to add file structure
Early Release Compact Source Catalogue[edit]
Explanatory Supplement
Flexible Image Transfer Specification
(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument
Data Processing Center
To be confirmed
Early Release Compact Source Catalog