Flux calibration[edit]
Noise properties[edit]
Zodi correction[edit]
Zodiacal Emission is removed from the 353, 545 and 857 GHz channels. It is described in the HFI DPC Paper, but a synopsis of the procedure is as follows:
- During each survey, a large fraction of the sky has observations which all fall within a week of each other. That is, during a single survey, most pixels are observed during a short, well-defined period. The contribution from Zodiacal Emission to the total brightness seen, then, is well defined.
- We use the the COBE model of the Zodiacal Light to make predictions for this Zodiacal emission for those pixels observed over a span of one week or less, and use GRASP models of the beams to predict the emission from the Galaxy given our sidelobes.
- We fit the survey difference maps with these model templates to estimate the emissivity of each Zodi component and sidelobe at the Planck wavelengths.
- We reconstruct each ring of the the full mission using the combination of the COBE geometric model with the emissivities determined above and the sidelobe models.
- We remove the reconstruction above from each ring of data.
- We then make maps as described in section elsewhere in this section.
Far Sidelobe Correction[edit]
CO Correction[edit]
Map validation[edit]
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument
Data Processing Center