Frequency maps angular power spectra
HFI detset maps power spectra[edit]
EFH to add the purpose of these spectra and of the associated covariance matrices, and a description of how they are obtained, including the inputs used to build them (maps, beams, mask),
Product description[edit]
For HFI, these are the auto and cross-spectra of the 13 detector (set) maps at 100, 143 and 217GHz, all masked with mask2 for ease of comparison. These are the maps used in the High-ell likelihood, although in the likelihood the cross-spectra used are obtained with different masks according to specific cross-spectra.
Production process[edit]
Description of the Pipeline used to generate the product. In particular any limitations and approximations used in the data processing should be listed. Avoiding detailed descriptions of methods and referring to other parts of the ES and/or the relevant Planck papers for the details. References however should be quite detailed (i.e. it is not enough to direct the user to a paper, but the relevant section in the paper should be provided).
A list (and brief description to the extent possible) of the input data used to generate this product (down to file names), as well as any external ancillary data sets which were used.
Related products[edit]
A description of other products that are related and share some commonalities with the product being described here. E.g. if the description is of a generic product (e.g. frequency maps), all the products falling into that type should be listed and referenced.
If none, please delete this section
File names and structure[edit]
Power spectra are provided for the auto and cross products built from the 13 detsets available at 100, 143 and 217 GHz, namely:
- 100-ds1, 100-ds2,
- 143-ds1, 143-ds2, 143-5, 143-6, 143-7,
- 217-ds1, 217-ds2, 217-1, 217-2, 217-3, 217-4
which makes 13*(13+1)/2 = 91 spectra. Filenames for the auto spectra are HFI_PowerSPect_{detset}_Relnum.fits and HFI_PowerSPect_{detset1}x{detset2}_Relnum.fits for the auto- and cross-spectra, respectively. The list of the 91 files is given below. Each files contains 2 BINTABLE extensions:
Column Name | Data Type | Units | Description |
1. EXTNAME = 'POW-SPEC' : Data columns | |||
TEMP_CL | Real*4 | microKcmb2 | the power spectrum |
TEMP_CL_ERR | Real*4 | microKcmb2 | estimate of the uncertainty in the power spectrum |
Keywords | |||
LMIN | Integer | 0 | First value of ell (origin 0) |
LMAX | Integer | value | Last value of ell (origin 0) |
2. EXTNAME = 'PSCOVMAT' : Data columns | |||
COVMAT | Real*4 | microKcmb4 | the covariance matrix |
Keywords | |||
TDIM1 | Integer | (dim1, dim2) | matrix dimensions |
where dim1 = dim2 = LMAX+1, and the TEMP_CL_ERR column is nothing other than the diagonal of the matrix. Other keywords are used for DPC traceability purposes.
HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x100-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x143-5_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x143-6_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x143-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x143-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds1x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x143-5_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x143-6_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x143-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x143-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_100-ds2x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x143-6_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-5x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-6x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-7x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x143-5_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x143-6_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x143-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds1x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x143-5_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x143-6_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x143-7_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_143-ds2x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-1x217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-1x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-1x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-1x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-1x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-2x217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-2x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-2x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-2x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-3_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-3x217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-3x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-3x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-4_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-4x217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-4x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-ds1_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-ds1x217-ds2_R1.00.fits HFI_PowerSpect_217-ds2_R1.00.fits
LFI frequency maps power spectra[edit]
Product description[edit]
The angular power spectrum provides information about the distribution of power on the sky map at the various angular scales. It is especially important for CMB, because it is characterized by a number of features, most notably the acoustic peaks, that encode the dependence from cosmological parameters. Therefore, angular power spectra are the basic inputs for the Planck Likelihood Code, and for estimation of cosmological parameters in general.
For this release we have computed only temperature power spectra. Polarization is not included.
Please note that these spectra come from frequency maps. No component separation has been applied, and we have only masked Galactic Plane and detected point sources. Units are
.Production process[edit]
Spectra are computed using cROMAster, a implementation of the pseudo-Cl method described in Hivon et al, 2002. In addition to the original approach, our implementation allows for estimation of cross-power spectra from two or more maps (see Polenta et al, 2005, for details). The software package uses HEALPix modules for spherical harmonic transform and Cl calculation. The schematic of the estimation process is as follows:
- computing the a_lm coefficients from the input temperature map after masking Galactic Plane and point sources.
- computing the pseudo power spectrum from the alms.
- estimating the bias due to the noise power spectrum of the map from noise-only Monte Carlo simulations based on detector noise properties
- correcting for the effect of the adopted mask by computing the mode-mode coupling kernel corresponding to that mask
- deconvolving the effect due to the finite angular resolution of the telescope by using the beam window function
- deconvolving the effect due to the finite size of the pixel in the map by using a pixel window function
- binning the power spectrum from individual multipoles into bandpowers
- estimating error bars on bandpowers from signal plus noise Monte Carlo simulations, where signal simulations include only CMB anisotropies.
- LFI Frequency Maps
- Galactic Plane and point source masks
- Beam window functions
- Monte Carlo simulations
- binning scheme
Related products[edit]
A description of other products that are related and share some commonalities with the product being described here. E.g. if the description is of a generic product (e.g. frequency maps), all the products falling into that type should be listed and referenced.
File Names[edit]
- LFI_PowerSpect_030_R1.00.fits
- LFI_PowerSpect_044_R1.00.fits
- LFI_PowerSpect_070_R1.00.fits
Meta Data[edit]
The angular power spectra source list in each frequency is structured as a FITS binary table.
The FITS primary header has the following structure:
FITS Keyword | Data Type | Units | Description |
DATE | String | Date file created:yyyy-mm-dd | |
DATE-OBS | String | days | Start-up time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd |
DATE-END | String | days | Ending time of the survey: yyyy-mm-dd |
The Fits extension is composed by several columns described below:
he Fits extension is composed by several columns described below:
Column Name | Data Type | Units | Description |
L | Integer*4 | l parameter | |
TEMP_CL | Real*8 | uK<math>_{CMB}^2<\math> | C<math>_l<\math> |
TEMP_CL_ERR | Real*8 | uK<math>_{CMB}^2<\math> | C<math>_l<\math> error |
Note 1.- Source...
Below an example of the header.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Written by IDL: Sat Feb 16 00:44:22 2013 BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 2 /Binary table NAXIS1 = 20 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 130 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Random parameter count GCOUNT = 1 /Group count TFIELDS = 3 /Number of columns TFORM1 = '1J ' /Integer*4 (long integer) TTYPE1 = 'L ' / TFORM2 = '1D ' /Real*8 (double precision) TTYPE2 = 'TEMP_CL ' / TFORM3 = '1D ' /Real*8 (double precision) TTYPE3 = 'TEMP_CL_ERR' / EXTNAME = 'POW-SPEC' / Extension name EXTVER = 1 /Extension version DATE = '2013-02-15' /Creation date TUNIT2 = 'uK_CMB^2' / TUNIT3 = 'uK_CMB^2' / FILENAME= 'LFI_PowerSpect_030_R1.00.fits' / PROCVER = 'Dx9_delta' / COMMENT --------------------------------------------- COMMENT Original Inputs COMMENT --------------------------------------------- COMMENT TT_30GHz_maskCS0.60_PS30GHzdet_febecopWls COMMENT Used Point source Mask LFI_MASK_030-ps_2048_R1.00.fits COMMENT Used Point source Mask COM_MASK_gal-06_2048_R1.00.fits COMMENT Used FebeCoP 30 GHz wls END
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument
Explanatory Supplement
Data Processing Center
(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument
Cosmic Microwave background
Flexible Image Transfer Specification