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   ;    Determine a powerlaw colour correction for 100 GHz detectors.
 hfi_100_cc = hfi_color_correction(BP_INFO=hfi_bp, '100', hfibolo_100_cc, $

/POWERLAW, ALPHA=2.0, ABP=hfi_avg, AVG_CC=AVG_100_cc)
 <tt>help, hfibolo_100_cc, /struct    ;    Print info about the detector output.
    ;    Determine a modified blackbody colour correction for Beta = 1.8 and T = 18 K.
hfi_545_cc = hfi_color_correction(BP_INFO=hfi_bp, '545', hfibolo_545_cc, /MODBLACKBODY, $
 TBD = 18d, BETABD = 1.8d, ABP=hfi_avg, CH_CC=CH_545_CC, AVG_CC=AVG_545_CC)
 print, hfibolo_545_cc.BOLONAME
 print, hfibolo_545_cc.CC 
  • Note that 545-3 is set to [math]-10^9[/math] as this detector is not included in flight data products due to excessive noise.
;    Try to use a user-input spectrum
 nu = (hfi_avg[5].freq)    ;    in Hz
 Inu = COS((hfi_avg[5].trans)) ;    some arb. profile
 hfi_857_cc = hfi_color_correction(BP_INFO=hfi_bp, '857', nu, Inu, hfibolo_857_cc, $
 ABP=hfi_avg, CH_CC=CH_857_CC, AVG_CC=AVG_857_CC)
 print, hfibolo_857_cc.BOLONAME
 print, hfibolo_857_cc.CC

  ;    Try to use another user-input spectrum
 nu = (hfi_avg[5].freq)    ;    in Hz
 Inu = LOG((hfi_avg[5].trans)) ;    some arb. profile
 hfi_857_cc = hfi_color_correction(BP_INFO=hfi_bp, '857', nu, Inu, hfibolo_857_cc, $
 ABP=hfi_avg, CH_CC=CH_857_CC, AVG_CC=AVG_857_CC)
 print, hfibolo_857_cc.BOLONAME
 print, hfibolo_857_cc.CC

and we get a link here #dupac2005,#hanson2009 but it looks a bit odd.

Laurent own test:

  • This example here #dupac2005,#hanson2009 doesn't gives the titles of the papers in the text itself. And this forces to have at the bottom of each wiki page all papers referecned in the page.

To be defined / determined