Appendix of HFI DPC paper

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This page is intented to gather figures that are not inserted in the 2017 DPC paper for readability reasons.

[For convenience, we reproduce here Figures 6, 7 and 8 of Rosset et al.]

This paper is published as Rosset et al. Planck pre-launch status: High Frequency Instrument polarization calibration. 2010b, A&A, 520, A13. The figures 6, 7 et 8 reproduced hereunder are given in the version on ArXiv 1004.2595

gain errors polarization efficiency errors orientation errors
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(1) Delta Cl in rms due to gain errors from 0.01% to 1% for E-mode (top) and B-mode (bottom) compared to initial spectrum (solid black lines). Cosmic variance for E-mode is plotted in dashed black line.

(2) Delta Cl in rms due to polarization effi?ciency errors from 0.1% to 4% for E-mode (top) and B-mode (bottom) compared to initial spectrum (solid black lines). Cosmic variance for E-mode is plotted in dashed black line.

(3) Delta Cl in rms due to various orientation errors from 0.25 to 2 degrees for E-mode (top) and B-mode (bottom) compared to initial spectrum (solid black lines). Cosmic variance for E-mode is plotted in dashed black line.

[Complementary of Fig. 20:]

Map and power spectra from E2E simulations difference with and without 4K lines.
100 GHz bolometers 143 GHz bolometers 217 GHz bolometers 353 GHz bolometers
Map 100-1a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-1a sroll.pdf Map 143-1a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-1a sroll.pdf Map 217-1 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-1 sroll.pdf Map 353-1 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-1 sroll.pdf
Map 100-1b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-1b sroll.pdf Map 143-1b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-1b sroll.pdf Map 217-2 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-2 sroll.pdf Map 353-2 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-2 sroll.pdf
Map 100-2a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-2a sroll.pdf Map 143-2a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-2a sroll.pdf Map 217-3 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-3 sroll.pdf Map 353-3a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-3a sroll.pdf
Map 100-2b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-2b sroll.pdf Map 143-2b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-2b sroll.pdf Map 217-4 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-4 sroll.pdf Map 353-3b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-3b sroll.pdf
Map 100-3a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-3a sroll.pdf Map 143-3a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-3a sroll.pdf Map 217-5-a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-5a sroll.pdf Map 353-4a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-4a sroll.pdf
Map 100-3b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-3b sroll.pdf Map 143-3b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-3b sroll.pdf Map 217-5b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-5b sroll.pdf Map 353-4b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-4b sroll.pdf
Map 100-4a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-4a sroll.pdf Map 143-4a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-4a sroll.pdf Map 217-6a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-6a sroll.pdf Map 353-5a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-5a sroll.pdf
Map 100-4b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 100-4b sroll.pdf Map 143-4b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-4b sroll.pdf Map 217-6b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-6b sroll.pdf Map 353-5b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-5b sroll.pdf
. . Map 143-5 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-5 sroll.pdf Map 217-7a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-7a sroll.pdf Map 353-6a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-6a sroll.pdf
. . Map 143-6 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-6 sroll.pdf Map 217-7b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-7b sroll.pdf Map 353-6b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-6b sroll.pdf
. . Map 143-7 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 143-7 sroll.pdf Map 217-8a lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-8a sroll.pdf Map 353-7 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-7 sroll.pdf
. . . . Map 217-8b lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 217-8b sroll.pdf Map 353-8 lines4K.pdf Cl fsky43 lines4K 353-8 sroll.pdf

[Complementary of Fig. 38:]

ADCNL induced gain time variation as a function of ring numbers. Blue line shows the solved gain variation for the data and grey ones show 10 realizations drawn within the uncertainties of the ADC model.
100 GHz bolometers 143 GHz bolometers 217 GHz bolometers 353 GHz bolometers
DEC16v1 gains 100ghz JG INL.pdf DEC16v1 gains 143ghz JG INL.pdf DEC16v1 gains 217ghz JG INL.pdf DEC16v1 gains 353ghz JG INL.pdf

Data Processing Center

EMI/EMC influence of the 4K cooler mechanical motion on the bolometer readout electronics.

analog to digital converter