List of acronyms
- ACMS : Attitude Control & Measurement Subsystem (AOCS)
- ADC : Analogue-to-digital converter
- AHF : Attitude History File
- APID : Application Program Identifier
- APPL : Augmented Preprogrammed Pointing List
- ASW : (LFI REBA) Application SoftWare
- BEM : (LFI) warm electronics Back End Module
- BEU : (LFI) warm electronics Back End Unit
- BSS : Baseline Scanning Strategy
- BTB : Back To Back (HFI horns)
- CDMS : Command and Data Management System
- CDMU : Command and Data Management Unit
- CMB : Cosmic microwave background
- CoP : Commissioning Phase
- CPV : Calibration and Performance Verification
- CSL : Centre Spatial de Liège
- CTR : Central Time Reference
- CUC : CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code
- DAE : (LFI) Data Acquisition Electronics
- DCE : Dilution Cooler Electronics
- DDS : MOC's Data Distribution System
- DMC : Data Management Component, the databases used at the HFI and LFI DPCs
- DPC : Data Processing Centre
- DPU : Data Processing Unit
- DQR : Daily Quality Report
- DTCP : Daily Tele-Communication Period
- EOL : End Of Life
- ERCSC : Early Release Compact Source Catalogue
- ESA : European Space Agency
- ES : Explanatory Supplement
- ESOC : European Space Operations Centre (Darmstadt)
- ESTEC : European Space TEchnology and Research Centre
- FEM : (LFI) cryogenic amplifying stage Front End Module
- FEU : (LFI) cryogenic amplifying stage Front End Unit
- FH : Feed Horn
- FITS : Flexible Image Transfer Specification
- FLS : (Planck) First Light Survey
- FOG : Fibre-Optic Gyroscope
- FOV : Field-Of-View
- FPU : Focal Plane Unit
- FWHM : Full-Width-at-Half-Maximum
- HCM : Angular momentum Control Mode
- HEMT : High Electron Mobility Transistor
- HFI : (Planck) High Frequency Instrument
- HK : House Keeping
- HPFTS : Herschel/Planck File Transfer System
- HPMCS : Herschel/Planck Mission Control System
- HSK : House-Keeping data
- ICD : Interface Control Document
- ILS : Instrument Line Shape
- IMO : Instrument MOdel
- IOT : Instrument Operations Team
- JFET : Junction Field Elect Transistor
- J-T : Joule-Thomson (cooler)
- LEOP : Launch & Early Orbit Phase
- LFER : Low Frequency Excess Response
- LFI : (Planck) Low Frequency Instrument
- LNA : Low Noise Amplifier
- LOBT : Local On Board Time
- LOS : Line Of Sight
- MDT : Minimum Dwell Time
- MIBs : Mission Information Bases
- mission [HFI meaning]
- MMIC : Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
- MOC : [ESA's] Mission Operation Centre [Darmstadt, Germany]
- MPD : Maximum Path Difference
- NEP : Noise Equivalent Power
- NET : Noise Equivalent Temperature
- NTD : Neutron Transmutation Doped
- OBT : On-Board Time
- OCM : Orbit Control Mode
- OD : Operational Day
- OMT : (LFI) OrthoMode Transducer
- OPD : Optical Path Difference
- P/L : Payload
- PAU : Pre-Amplification Unit
- PBR : Phase-binned ring
- PCCS : Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources
- PI : Principal Investigator
- PIA : Planck Internal Archive
- PID : Proportional-Integral-Derivative (controller)
- PLA : Planck Legacy Archive
- PLM : Payload Module
- PO : Physical Optics
- POI : Phase-Ordered Information (DMC group/object)
- PPL : Pre-programmed Pointing List
- PPLM : Planck Payload Module
- PREF : Pointing Reference
- PSB : Polarization-Sensitive Bolometer
- PSM : Planck Sky Model
- PSO : Planck Science Office
- PTD : Physical Theory of Diffraction
- PUS : Packet Utilization Standard
- RAA : (LFI) Radiometer Array Assembly
- RAF : Raw Attitude history File
- RCA : (LFI) Radiometer Chain Assembly
- REBA : (LFI) Radiometer Electronics Box Assembly
- REU : Readout Electronics Unit
- RFQM : Radio Frequency Qualification Model
- RIMO : Reduced IMO
- ROI : Ring-Ordered Information (DMC group/object)
- rpm : Revolutions per minute
- RSSD : Research Space Science Division of ESA [ESTEC, Netherlands]
- RTS : Random telegraphic signal
- S/C : Spacecraft
- SAA : Solar Aspect Angle
- sample [HFI meaning]
- SCC : Sorption Cooler Compressor assembly
- SCS : Sorption Cooler Subsystem (Planck)
- SEV : Sun Earth Vector
- SGR : Small Gap Recovery
- SGS : Science Ground Segment
- SIAM : Spacecraft Instrument Alignment Matrix
- SLT : System Level Test
- SOVT : System Operation and Validation Test
- SPPT : Survey Performance and Planning Tool
- SPU : Signal Processing Unit
- SREM : Space Radiation Environment Monitor
- SRP : Solar Radiation Pressure
- SSCE : Sun-SpaceCraft-Earth angle max= 15°
- SSO : Solar System Object
- STR : Star TRacker
- SVM : Service Module
- SWB : Spider-Web Bolometer
- SZ : Sunyaev-Zeldovich
- TBC : To be confirmed
- TBD : To be defined / determined
- TC : Tele-Command
- THF : Telecommand History File
- TOD [HFI meaning]: Time-Ordered Data
- TOD [LFI meaning]: Time-Ordered Data, refers to calibrated data
- TOI [HFI meaning]: Time Ordered Information
- TOI [LFI meaning]: Time Ordered Information, refers to uncalibrated data
- ToS : Time of Sample
- TSA : Thermal Stabilization Assembly
- UTC : Universal Time Coordinate(d)
- UCCC : Unit Conversion and Colour Correction
- warm units : JFET, Bellow, PAU and REU
- WG : (LFI) Waveguide
- WHR : Weekly Health Report
- ZPD : Zero Oprical Path Difference
Attitude Control & Measurement Subsystem (AOCS)
analog to digital converter
Attitude History File
Application Program Identifier
Augmented Preprogrammed Pointing List
(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument
LFI Radiometer Electronics Box Assembly
LFI warm electronics Back End Module
LFI warm electronics Back End Unit
Back To Back HFI horns
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument
Command and Data Management System
Command and Data Management Unit
Cosmic Microwave background
Commissioning Phase
Calibration and Performance Verification
Centre Spatial de Liège
Central Time Reference
CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code
LFI Data Acquisition Electronics
Dilution Cooler Electronics
MOC's Data Distribution System
[ESA's] Mission Operation Center [Darmstadt, Germany]
Data Management Component, the databases used at the HFI and LFI DPCs
Data Processing Center
Data Processing Unit
Daily Quality Report
Daily Tele-Communication Period
End Of Life
Early Release Compact Source Catalog
European Space Agency
European Space Operations Centre (Darmstadt)
European Space TEchnology and Research Centre
LFI cryogenic amplifying stage Front End Module
LFI cryogenic amplifying stage Front End Unit
Feed Horn
Flexible Image Transfer Specification
Fiber Optic Gyroscope
Focal Plane Unit
Angular momentum Control Mode
High Electron Mobility Transistor
House Keeping
Herschel/Planck File Transfer System
Herschel/Planck Mission Control System
House-Keeping data
Interface Control Document
Instrument Line Shape
Instrument Operation Team
Junction Field Elect Transistor
Launch & Early Orbit Phase
low frequency excess response
Local On Board Time
Line Of Sight
Noise Equivalent Power
Noise Equivalent Temperature
On-Board Time
Operation Day definition is geometric visibility driven as it runs from the start of a DTCP (satellite Acquisition Of Signal) to the start of the next DTCP. Given the different ground stations and spacecraft will takes which station for how long, the OD duration varies but it is basically once a day.
LFI Ortho Module Transducer
Pre_Amplification Unit
Principal Investigator
Planck Internal Archive
Planck Legacy Archive
Payload Module
Physical Optics
Phase-Ordered Information (DMC group/object)
Pre-programmed Pointing List
Planck Payload Module
Planck Sky Model
Planck Science Office
Physical Theory of Diffraction
Packet Utilisation Standard
LFI Radiometer Array Assembly
Raw Attitude history File
LFI Radiometer Chain Assembly
Readout Electronic Unit
Radio Frequency Qualification Model
reduced IMO
Ring-Ordered Information (DMC group/object)
revolutions per minute
Research Space Science Division of ESA [ESTEC, Netherlands]
random telegraphic signal
Solar Aspect Angle
Sorption Cooler Compressor assembly
Sorption Cooler Subsystem (Planck)
Sun Earth Vector
Small Gap Recovery
Science Ground Segment
Spacecraft Instrument Alignment Matrix
System Level Test
System Operation and Validation Test
Survey Performance and Planning Tool
Signal Processing Unit
Space Radiation Environment Monitor
Solar Radiation Pressure
Sun-SpaceCraft-Earth angle max= 15°
Solar System Object
Star TRacker
Service Module
To be confirmed
To be defined / determined
Telecommand History File
Time of Sample
hermal Stabilization Assembly
Universal Time Coordinate(d)
JFET, Bellow, PAU et REU
JFET, Bellow, PAU et REU
LFI Waveguide
Weekly Health Report