Template PLAProductsV2 produces links to sections of the PLA
where the allowed values for the parameters are as follows
- fileType
- map (for maps)
- cat (for catalogues)
- catdoc (for catalogue associated files)
- cosmo (for cosmology files)
- anci (for ancillary files)
- posh (for the POSH)
- docu (for documents)
- name
- the file name as provided to the PLA by the DPCs
- link
- the text you would like to appear on your link.
Download a map[edit]
What you type
{{PLAProductsV2|product=maps|link=The maps}}
How it appears
Download a catalogue[edit]
What you type
{{PLASingleFile|fileType=cat|name=ERCSC_f353.fits|link=A Catalogue}}
How it appears
Download a power spectrum[edit]
What you type
{{PLASingleFile|fileType=cosmo|name=COM_PowerSpect_CMB_R1.10.fits|link=A spectrum}}
How it appears
Download the RIMO[edit]
What you type
{{PLASingleFile|fileType=rimo|name=HFI_RIMO_R1.10.fits|link=The HFI RIMO}}
How it appears
Planck Legacy Archive
Early Release Compact Source Catalog
Cosmic Microwave background
reduced IMO
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument