HFI operations timeline
The following list (version 11/09/2012) gives some known events and activities that have affected or might have affected the HFI data. The time information is the start time of the event in On Board Time. The label contains few keywords:
- dtcp : (for Daily Tele-Communication Period) refers to extended pass
- HFI : refers to HFI instrument operations (when during the Commissioning of the Calibration and Performance Verification phases, labels are usually followed bu the activity label)
- period: refers to the different phases of the mission
- test : refers to End Of Life tests executed on the HFI
- therm : refers to satellite events that might have a thermal impact on the HFI
- sat : refers to operations on the satellite SerVice Module that might have an impact on the HFI data
- slew : refers to thruster activity
- solar flare : refers to all solar events as detected by a thermal fluctuation on the HFI bolometer plate
14/05/2009 13:12:00 EPC Vulcain Engine ignition 14/05/2009 16:58:36 HFI: NSFF: switch on HFI LCLs 14/05/2009 17:30:59 HFI: NTSN: go from startup to standby 14/05/2009 17:36:08 HFI: PFDR: choose DPU FDIR mode Desynchro 14/05/2009 17:39:39 HFI: DVOP: open dilution cooler valves 14/05/2009 18:48:52 HFI: ENSF: setup Ns (40Hz) and Fdiv (124) REU parameter 14/05/2009 18:52:33 HFI: 4KFIT: set the 4K cooler internal frequency at 40Hz 14/05/2009 19:05:45 HFI: ECXC: activation of cernox thermometers 14/05/2009 19:08:51 HFI: 4SYS: synchronise the 4K cooler clock (External) 14/05/2009 19:23:47 HFI: 4ADM: set the 4K cooler amplitude at 2000 microns 14/05/2009 19:28:42 HFI: 4GEC: power on nominal 4K getter 14/05/2009 19:35:31 HFI: 4COR: run 4K cooler 15/05/2009 12:00:00 therm: stop the Focal Plane Unit 250K heating 15/05/2009 19:17:06 slew: OCM LEOP (MAN-01a) 16/05/2009 12:06:55 HFI: EBON: switch on all REU analog belts 16/05/2009 12:17:23 HFI: EFPR: REU FPGA reset 16/05/2009 12:26:40 HFI: 4COR: run 4K cooler 16/05/2009 12:31:16 HFI: CJjP: JFET controlled at 110K 16/05/2009 12:49:26 HFI: PCMP: Compression control of all belts: warm FPU 16/05/2009 12:54:37 HFI: ERSS: raw signal cycle on channels 16/05/2009 14:20:15 HFI: science data production starts 16/05/2009 14:48:30 HFI: CbcP: all 72 channels setup for warm FPU 16/05/2009 15:03:18 HFI: EOPC: parameter setup for 1st optim of all bolos, all thermos and Resistor 16/05/2009 15:15:37 HFI: ECLS & NCPN: select & optim for all bolos, all thermos and Resistor 16/05/2009 15:37:06 HFI: EVIC: config of the VI parameters (identical for bolos, thermos & Resistor) 16/05/2009 15:39:43 HFI: ECLS + NCVN: VI for all bolos, thermos & R for VI 16/05/2009 16:00:00 HFI: PEOS: first of the hourly end of slew 18/05/2009 00:00:00 period: end of LEOP / start of Commissioning phase 01/06/2009 21:36:00 therm: end of reflectors anticontamination 02/06/2009 16:40:20 HFI: CJjP: JFET controlled at 130K 02/06/2009 17:00:06 HFI: EHWT: test of belts 02/06/2009 17:20:06 HFI: 4COR: run cooler 02/06/2009 17:29:55 HFI: CA0P+CA1P+NCPN: Resistor and Capacitor optimisation with Nblanck=0 02/06/2009 17:39:56 HFI: EECS: save config in REU EEPROM 03/06/2009 17:24:00 therm: SCS active cooldown starts 05/06/2009 17:28:18 slew: OCM-z (MAN-02a) 09/06/2009 16:29:33 HFI: CH6P: activate 18K-4K switch (repeted every day till OD42) 09/06/2009 22:28:02 HFI: Single Event Upset 12/06/2009 03:00:00 HFI: QEC1: electrical check of the bolometers at 100K 12/06/2009 15:32:10 HFI: CPSP: activate the 4K-1.6K heat switch at max power (N&R) 12/06/2009 15:33:31 HFI: CP4P: activate the 4K PID at max power (N&R) 15/06/2009 03:00:00 HFI: LFER_A_WARM test 17/06/2009 16:46:58 slew: OCM-z touch-up (MAN-02b) 18/06/2009 18:29:57 HFI: LFER_A_WARM 24/06/2009 10:40:15 HFI: CPSP+CP4P: switch off the 4K-1.6K heat switch and the 4K PID 24/06/2009 10:44:36 HFI: CH6P: set the 18K-4K switch to control the pump temperature at 57K (LFI test): 1st attempt 24/06/2009 10:49:01 HFI: 4ADM: compressor amplitude demand at 3500 microns 24/06/2009 10:52:48 HFI: DFVO: open the 3 latch valves FV103, FV104 and FV202 (dilution flow FNOM2) 24/06/2009 11:18:58 HFI: CH6P: set the 18K-4K switch to control the pump temperature at 57K (LFI test): 5th and last attempt 26/06/2009 23:00:00 HFI: CH6P: power off the 18K-4K switch 28/06/2009 12:22:14 HFI: CA0P & CA1P: 3 channel setups of the Resistor and the Capacitor for LFER test 28/06/2009 12:53:22 HFI: 4K cooler amplitude tuning 1/2 29/06/2009 09:38:15 HFI: 4K cooler amplitude tuning 2/2 29/06/2009 11:58:41 HFI: CbcP: setup the 1.6K thermometers bc= 93, 94, A3, B2 29/06/2009 12:08:27 HFI: NCVN: fast VI of 1.6K thermometers 29/06/2009 12:21:10 HFI: PCMP: optimization of the compression parameters for all 4K thermometers 29/06/2009 12:29:51 HFI: CbcP: setup the 4K thermometers bc=95, A4, A5, B3, B4, B5 29/06/2009 12:38:30 HFI: NCVN: fast VI of all 4K thermometers 29/06/2009 13:28:40 HFI: C95P: setup the 4K thermometers PID Nom 95 29/06/2009 14:56:15 HFI: setup the 1.6K thermometer PID Nom 93 29/06/2009 15:07:42 HFI: Sets Cernox thermistor 0.1K nominal 29/06/2009 15:45:02 HFI: Setup and control the 4K plate PID (8 times hourly) 29/06/2009 21:59:57 HFI: LFER-B 30/06/2009 04:16:13 HFI: HFI LFER-B [end] 30/06/2009 09:35:52 HFI: Sets Cernox thermistor 0.1K nominal 30/06/2009 10:41:53 HFI: C93P: setup the 0.1K thermometers 93 for PID 30/06/2009 10:43:58 HFI: Setup and control the 1.6K plate PID 30/06/2009 10:57:31 HFI: CbcP: setup the 0.1K thermometers bc=90,91,92,A2,B0,B1 30/06/2009 12:35:07 HFI: CX0P: cernox 0.1K configuration 1.4-2.2K 30/06/2009 13:42:12 HFI: Setup and control the 1.6K plate PID 30/06/2009 14:20:51 HFI: VI 30/06/2009 18:09:59 HFI: Sets Cernox thermistor 0.1K nominal <1.4K 30/06/2009 18:20:51 HFI: VI 30/06/2009 19:10:01 HFI: QEC2 at 1K 30/06/2009 21:18:31 HFI: QEC2 at 1K [end] 01/07/2009 00:00:01 HFI: VI 01/07/2009 04:00:01 HFI: VI 01/07/2009 12:10:01 HFI: QEC3 at 300mK 01/07/2009 14:18:21 HFI: QEC3 at 300mK [end] 01/07/2009 14:18:31 HFI: C00P: setup all bolometers at 200mk 01/07/2009 15:20:51 HFI: VI 01/07/2009 19:20:51 HFI: VI 01/07/2009 23:20:51 HFI: VI 02/07/2009 04:20:51 HFI: VI 02/07/2009 08:20:51 HFI: VI 02/07/2009 09:24:41 HFI: CbcP: setup the 0.1K thermometers bc=90,91,92,A2,B0,B1 02/07/2009 10:35:26 HFI: C93P: setup the 0.1K thermometers 93 for PID 02/07/2009 10:36:58 HFI: CP1P: 1.6K thermometer PID activation 02/07/2009 11:15:46 slew: OCM Insertion (MAN-03a) 02/07/2009 12:10:01 HFI: QEC at 100mK 02/07/2009 12:34:36 HFI: DFVC: change pression to NOM1 02/07/2009 13:58:16 HFI: PCMP: optimization of the compression 03/07/2009 09:37:20 HFI: BOLO: VI of 100mK bolometers 03/07/2009 10:10:01 HFI: C00P: set up all bolometers 100mK 03/07/2009 10:17:56 HFI: DFVC: change pression to FMIN2 03/07/2009 12:50:00 HFI: CP1P: bolometers PID activation 03/07/2009 13:09:45 HFI: channel setup B1 03/07/2009 13:10:58 HFI: CP1P: dilution PID activation 03/07/2009 13:26:04 HFI: channel setup 93 03/07/2009 14:03:43 HFI: PCMP: optim compression 03/07/2009 16:15:01 HFI: QEC3 at 100mK 03/07/2009 18:23:21 HFI: QEC3 at 100mK [end] 03/07/2009 19:05:51 HFI: VI 03/07/2009 22:00:02 HFI: pre-RAW72 03/07/2009 23:13:02 HFI: Change of REU mode (RAW72) 04/07/2009 02:00:00 therm: aphelion 04/07/2009 09:43:13 HFI: PID 1.6 K finally set to 1.39 K to have some margin on PID power 04/07/2009 09:45:27 HFI: PID 1.6 K finally set to 1.39 K to have some margin on PID power 04/07/2009 20:26:32 TCREU-ChSetup-4002-93 04/07/2009 22:30:01 HFI: CPVA_01: Compression Validation 05/07/2009 01:55:49 HFI: CPVA_01: Compression Validation [end] 05/07/2009 10:47:08 HFI: PID 1,6K Set point at 1.35K 05/07/2009 11:28:57 HFI: PID 1,6K Set point at 1.34K 05/07/2009 13:25:03 HFI: IBTU_01: SLOW VI : Ibias tuning 06/07/2009 09:47:49 HFI: IBTU_01: SLOW VI : Ibias tuning [end] 06/07/2009 09:58:51 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.33 K 06/07/2009 12:38:33 HFI: CPIP: PID 1.6K set point at 1.35 K 06/07/2009 13:15:21 HFI: CP1P: PID 100 mK set point at 98.5 mK 07/07/2009 11:30:14 HFI: VI R then all bolometers 07/07/2009 13:24:37 HFI: PCMP: compression setting 07/07/2009 14:20:03 HFI: IBTU_02: SLOW VI : Ibias tuning 08/07/2009 09:51:49 HFI: IBTU_02: SLOW VI : Ibias tuning [end] 08/07/2009 10:42:49 HFI: Back to nominal currents 08/07/2009 11:04:39 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.39 K 08/07/2009 11:16:02 HFI: CP1P: activation of PID 1.6K redundant 08/07/2009 11:24:40 HFI: CP1P: PID 100 mK set point at 100 mK 08/07/2009 23:00:01 HFI: LFER-B 09/07/2009 10:05:00 HFI: CP1P: setting of PID 1.6K R 09/07/2009 17:39:59 HFI: LFER-B [end] 09/07/2009 19:30:01 HFI: IBTU_03: SLOW VI : Ibias tuning 10/07/2009 00:00:00 Start of CPV phase 10/07/2009 15:08:03 HFI: IBTU_03: SLOW VI : Ibias tuning (end) 10/07/2009 16:00:01 HFI: PHTU_01 11/07/2009 00:01:47 HFI: PHTU_01 [end] 11/07/2009 10:24:00 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.73 K 11/07/2009 10:26:00 HFI: CP4P: desactivation of PID 4K redundant 11/07/2009 10:50:16 HFI: 4KFT (bis) 11/07/2009 12:49:50 HFI: 4KFT (bis) [end] 11/07/2009 12:59:35 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.37 K 11/07/2009 13:05:25 HFI: CP1P: desactivation of PID 1.6K redundant 11/07/2009 14:10:01 HFI: XTLK_01 12/07/2009 00:34:38 HFI: Single Event Upset 12/07/2009 00:42:05 HFI: XTLK_01 [end] 12/07/2009 01:00:02 HFI: RAW72_02 12/07/2009 07:00:10 HFI: RAW72_02 [end] 12/07/2009 11:53:22 HFI: DPU soft reboot 12/07/2009 12:18:13 HFI: Back to nominal 12/07/2009 13:02:33 HFI: CA1P: Capacitor Tuning 12/07/2009 13:22:13 HFI: PCMP: load compression parameters 12/07/2009 13:31:21 HFI: 01TO_01 13/07/2009 01:30:01 HFI: 01TO_01 [end] 13/07/2009 11:12:32 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.80 K 13/07/2009 13:03:50 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.66 K 13/07/2009 13:26:23 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.64 K 14/07/2009 09:50:15 HFI: CP1P: redundant PID 1.6K set point 14/07/2009 13:12:01 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point nominal 14/07/2009 13:14:22 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point 1.38 K 15/07/2009 09:16:02 slew: OCM Insertion touch-up (MAN-03b) 15/07/2009 09:46:54 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.66 K 16/07/2009 09:21:29 HFI: CP4P: 4K PID redundant heater : set to 0.8 mW 16/07/2009 09:23:30 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.68 K 17/07/2009 09:26:56 HFI: CP4P: PID 4K set point at 4.70 K 17/07/2009 09:30:08 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-95 : set the 4K PID (bc=95) temperature at 4.70K 17/07/2009 11:12:09 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.39 K 17/07/2009 11:23:02 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-90 17/07/2009 11:25:36 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-94 17/07/2009 11:27:14 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-A2 17/07/2009 11:29:13 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-A4 17/07/2009 11:30:44 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-A5 17/07/2009 11:31:52 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-B2 17/07/2009 11:33:10 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-B4 17/07/2009 11:34:36 HFI: TCREU-ChSetup-4002-B5 17/07/2009 14:00:01 HFI: LFER_02 starts 18/07/2009 08:40:59 HFI: LFER_02 ends : channel reconfiguration 18/07/2009 09:51:16 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.40 K 18/07/2009 19:10:19 therm: elephant 19/07/2009 11:09:09 HFI: CPIP: set of the dilution stage thermo PID (B1) at 100.5 mK 20/07/2009 10:59:16 HFI: CP1P: switch off the 16K PID R 20/07/2009 12:53:40 HFI: CP1P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.37 K 21/07/2009 10:05:59 HFI: C95P: PID 4K set point at 4.72 K 21/07/2009 13:02:01 HFI: C91P: PID bolo set point at 102.3 mK 21/07/2009 13:11:48 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID boblo 21/07/2009 13:18:35 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID boblo 21/07/2009 13:23:03 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID boblo 21/07/2009 13:32:12 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID boblo 22/07/2009 10:21:20 HFI: C93P: PID 1.6K set point at 1.38 K 22/07/2009 10:26:49 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID bolo 22/07/2009 10:36:32 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID bolo 22/07/2009 10:52:28 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID bolo 23/07/2009 09:23:42 HFI: 4ADM : decrease the 4K stroke to 3450 microns 23/07/2009 09:47:32 HFI: CP4P : set the PID4R at max power 23/07/2009 09:54:04 HFI: C95P: PID 4K set point at 4.77 K 23/07/2009 10:53:39 HFI: C95P: PID 4K set point at 4.80 K 24/07/2009 10:44:08 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID bolo 24/07/2009 11:15:51 HFI: CPBP: setup the PID bolo 24/07/2009 22:30:00 HFI: 4KTO: change the setpoint of the 4K PID Nomimal thermometer (bc=95) (lasts 10 hours) 27/07/2009 01:56:42 HFI: Single Event Upset 27/07/2009 09:21:28 HFI: CP4P : set the PID4R at reduced power 27/07/2009 09:27:54 HFI: 3325: 4K memory HCT dump 27/07/2009 09:56:06 HFI: C91P: set the PID2N bolo thermometer (bc=91) setpoint from 102.3 to 103.0 mK 27/07/2009 13:01:32 HFI: PCMP: compression : increase of the HFI: telemetry rate 28/07/2009 09:31:34 HFI: C92P: set the "back to life" PID1N bolo thermometer (bc=92) 28/07/2009 09:38:16 HFI: CB1P: set the PID1R dilu thermometer (bc=B1) setpoint from 100.5 to to 101.0 mK 28/07/2009 12:30:34 HFI: C92P: set the thermoter 92 28/07/2009 12:46:13 HFI: C92P: set the thermoter 92 31/07/2009 16:00:00 HFI: SUNI_1_1 01/08/2009 00:00:00 HFI: SUNI_1_2 01/08/2009 10:55:00 HFI: SPIN day 1 : RPM@1.05 02/08/2009 12:20:00 HFI: SPIN day 2 : RPM@0.95 03/08/2009 11:53:37 HFI: SPIN day 3 : RPM@1.00 03/08/2009 11:53:37 HFI: SPIN day 4 : RPM@1.00 05/08/2009 09:36:01 slew: 1.7' slews test 05/08/2009 10:36:27 HFI: save REU then DPU final configuration 06/08/2009 10:00:00 HFI: SUNI_2_1 06/08/2009 17:31:31 HFI: 4K CRU anomalous shutdown 06/08/2009 18:00:00 HFI: SUNI_2_2 08/08/2009 14:05:36 period: first light survey 09/08/2009 03:58:53 star tracker switchover #1 12/08/2009 13:24:59 HFI: Change of REU mode (OPTIM) 12/08/2009 14:13:45 period: DPC survey#1 (ring#240) 14/08/2009 12:30:10 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #1 18/08/2009 11:43:42 long ring #440 for CDMU patch day 1 18/08/2009 12:39:09 sat: CDMU patch (day 1) 18/08/2009 12:39:20 sat: CDMU patch (end of day 1) 19/08/2009 11:49:40 long ring #474 for CDMU patch day 2 19/08/2009 12:45:31 sat: CDMU patch (day 2) 19/08/2009 12:45:34 sat: CDMU patch (end of day 2) 20/08/2009 11:53:46 long ring #509 for CDMU patch day 3 20/08/2009 12:45:32 sat: CDMU patch (day 3) 20/08/2009 12:45:36 sat: CDMU patch (end of day 3) 21/08/2009 11:56:03 long ring #544 for CDMU patch 21/08/2009 14:18:48 HFI: clock resynchronisation 22/08/2009 09:36:51 dtcp: transition to 3 h DTCP duration 31/08/2009 12:09:14 long ring #897 to allow the execution of the ACMS warm reset 31/08/2009 13:40:00 thrusters catbed heaters are switched off by error 31/08/2009 13:40:01 sat: FOG telemetry is disabled by error 31/08/2009 13:41:05 long ring #898 to allow the execution of the ACMS warm reset 04/09/2009 15:01:00 thurster under/over performed 11/09/2009 21:00:41 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #2 16/09/2009 20:31:41 thrusters catbed heaters are switched back on 18/09/2009 19:06:15 planet: HFI Crab scan#1 20/09/2009 19:36:00 dtcp: extra pass CEB 20/10/2009 23:44:24 therm: HFI elephant LONG deltaT>10uK 22/10/2009 19:34:56 planet: HFI Mars scan#1 24/10/2009 11:01:39 therm: HFI elephant LONG deltaT>10uK 25/10/2009 15:30:49 planet: HFI Jupiter scan#1 28/10/2009 23:06:00 thurster under/over performed 01/11/2009 00:41:04 planet: HFI Neptune scan# 1 20/11/2009 18:52:25 long ring #3589 (29 hours) : no slew due to MTL uplink problem 21/11/2009 23:39:54 slew : resumption of SL after the MTL problem 22/11/2009 19:48:41 slew to SGR position 23/11/2009 08:47:54 slew to catchup 23/11/2009 19:48:10 SGR (end): back to nominal scanning law 25/11/2009 05:56:00 HFI: 1.6K stage event 26/11/2009 14:32:00 thurster under/over performed 04/12/2009 17:49:29 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #3 05/12/2009 09:43:53 planet: HFI Uranus scan# 1 16/12/2009 20:42:11 sat: FOG telemetry is enabled back 21/12/2009 19:59:54 HFI: compression settings change 22/12/2009 11:46:18 dtcp: extra pass 03/01/2010 00:00:00 therm: perihelia 04/01/2010 00:25:49 planet: HFI Saturn scan#1 11/01/2010 19:16:32 star tracker switchover #2 15/01/2010 21:57:45 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #4 25/01/2010 21:16:41 sat: transponder always on 08/02/2010 20:51:32 period: DPC survey#2 (ring#5721) 26/02/2010 12:43:37 star tracker switchover #3 26/02/2010 23:02:49 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #5 06/03/2010 05:04:43 planet: HFI Crab scan#2 01/04/2010 06:41:00 thurster under/over performed 02/04/2010 13:48:21 therm: major elephant 05/04/2010 10:00:00 solar flare: geomagnetic storm 10/04/2010 10:36:35 planet: HFI Mars scan#2 26/04/2010 17:55:37 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #6 29/04/2010 17:34:58 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 06/05/2010 17:02:08 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 13/05/2010 16:30:13 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 17/05/2010 17:51:09 planet: HFI Neptune scan# 2 12/06/2010 01:00:00 solar flare 12/06/2010 01:57:16 planet: HFI Saturn scan#2 24/06/2010 18:31:09 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 30/06/2010 19:00:53 planet: HFI Uranus scan#2 03/07/2010 20:01:43 planet: HFI Jupiter scan#2 06/07/2010 11:00:00 therm: aphelion 14/07/2010 20:45:50 dtcp: extra pass 15/07/2010 18:13:43 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 18/07/2010 04:28:00 thurster under/over performed 21/07/2010 21:08:44 therm: moon transit 22/07/2010 00:42:59 therm: moon transit (end) 24/07/2010 16:36:11 therm: HFI elephant LONG deltaT>10uK 29/07/2010 17:45:52 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 03/08/2010 19:00:00 solar flare: possible geomagnetic storm 11/08/2010 10:14:37 long ring #11149 for SCS switchover 11/08/2010 11:00:00 therm: SCS switchover 11/08/2010 21:34:10 dtcp: extra pass CEB 12/08/2010 19:27:28 period: DPC survey#3 (ring#11195) 13/08/2010 23:59:21 slew to interleaved pointings for survey#3 14/08/2010 11:00:00 solar flare 16/08/2010 18:00:09 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #7 18/08/2010 08:35:00 solar flare 18/09/2010 18:28:04 planet: HFI Crab scan#3 04/10/2010 04:25:00 HFI: 1.6K stage event 04/10/2010 04:57:05 therm: HFI elephant SHORT deltaT>10uK 06/10/2010 19:00:46 dtcp: extra pass CEB 11/10/2010 13:26:47 long ring #13333: manoeuvre failed 03/11/2010 08:11:34 planet: HFI Neptune scan#3 04/11/2010 13:20:14 therm: change of the DPU2 thermal control 04/11/2010 19:19:00 dtcp: extra pass NNO 11/11/2010 12:45:00 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 21/11/2010 03:02:51 therm: HFI elephant LONG deltaT>10uK 24/11/2010 11:23:01 long ring #14627 for star tracker tests 24/11/2010 12:29:29 star tracker switchover for intercalibration test (STR1->STR2) 24/11/2010 20:23:53 slew back 25/11/2010 17:02:45 long ring #14653 for star tracker tests 25/11/2010 17:59:37 star tracker switchover STR2->STR1 26/11/2010 01:55:21 slew back to nominal scanning strategy 27/11/2010 20:20:00 solar flare 02/12/2010 13:21:13 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #8 06/12/2010 20:38:00 planet: HFI Jupiter scan#3 10/12/2010 14:55:44 planet: HFI Uranus scan#3 15/12/2010 08:19:00 thurster under/over performed 15/12/2010 10:30:00 thurster under/over performed 22/12/2010 16:33:14 HFI: Single Event Upset 23/12/2010 15:44:53 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 03/01/2011 19:00:00 therm: perihelia 18/01/2011 05:25:24 planet: HFI Saturn scan#3 24/01/2011 13:20:09 therm: SCS warm radiator warming 24/01/2011 17:28:00 dtcp: extra pass CEB 28/01/2011 02:00:00 solar flare 31/01/2011 14:06:49 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #9 01/02/2011 13:31:33 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 08/02/2011 20:55:48 period: DPC survey#4 (ring#16692) 10/02/2011 02:48:02 HFI: 1.6K stage event 15/02/2011 06:00:00 solar flare: X ray solar flare 18/02/2011 00:00:00 solar flare: X ray solar flare 24/02/2011 14:05:28 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 28/02/2011 23:20:41 slew: acceleration for Crab scan 06/03/2011 04:12:44 planet: HFI Crab scan#4 07/03/2011 21:00:00 solar flare: coronal mass ejection 10/03/2011 19:44:00 dtcp: extra pass CEB 15/03/2011 17:42:31 therm: SCS desorption power gap jump 15/03/2011 20:35:00 dtcp: extra pass 18/03/2011 15:15:00 dtcp: long pass (5h30mn) 21/03/2011 03:30:00 solar flare: radiation event 21/03/2011 21:10:17 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #10 31/03/2011 21:02:52 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 07/04/2011 20:38:16 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 14/04/2011 21:03:33 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 21/04/2011 20:33:20 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 10/05/2011 16:48:13 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 20/05/2011 14:18:21 planet: HFI Neptune scan#4 04/06/2011 22:00:00 solar flare: geomagnetic storm 07/06/2011 07:00:00 solar flare: solar proton enhancement 23/06/2011 04:55:03 thurster under/over performed 29/06/2011 17:03:39 planet: HFI Saturn scan#4 04/07/2011 15:00:00 therm: aphelion 05/07/2011 22:00:17 planet: HFI Uranus scan#4 25/07/2011 17:38:00 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #11 27/07/2011 16:51:00 on board mass properties update 29/07/2011 17:13:00 slew to survey#5 29/07/2011 17:43:32 period: DPC survey#5 (ring#21721) 02/08/2011 07:00:00 solar flare: M1 class 03/08/2011 21:09:40 planet: HFI Jupiter scan#4 04/08/2011 04:30:00 solar flare 04/08/2011 15:55:38 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 08/08/2011 16:53:00 SGR: scanning law is interrupted 08/08/2011 17:32:00 slew back 08/08/2011 18:00:00 solar flare: X7 class 08/08/2011 18:44:00 planet: HFI Jupiter scan#4 (bis) 09/08/2011 01:54:00 slew to the catchup position 09/08/2011 08:00:00 solar flare 09/08/2011 17:23:00 SGR (end): back to nominal scanning law 06/09/2011 02:20:00 solar flare: M5.3 06/09/2011 23:00:00 solar flare: X2.1 13/09/2011 09:34:22 planet: HFI Crab scan#5 17/09/2011 08:00:00 solar flare: magnetic storm 20/09/2011 09:43:00 slew setting-up the second crab scan 20/09/2011 10:41:38 planet: HFI Crab scan#5 (bis) 21/09/2011 16:43:41 planet: HFI Crab scan#6 21/09/2011 18:33:00 dtcp: extra pass 22/09/2011 12:00:00 solar flare: complexe event 24/09/2011 00:42:34 slew back to survey 5 scanning strategy 26/09/2011 12:29:45 slew : station keeping manoeuvre half failed 04/10/2011 12:35:07 slew: orbit maintenance manoeuvre #12 bis 11/10/2011 12:35:13 HFI: temperature steps on bolometer PID 12/10/2011 10:30:00 HFI: EOL-Fast IV at 100mK 22/10/2011 14:00:00 solar flare: small event 27/10/2011 12:38:38 therm: SCS TSA setpoint increase 04/11/2011 00:00:00 solar flare: X2 class 07/11/2011 09:00:00 test : pre-EOL-LFER-1 (I_Bias steps) 08/11/2011 10:42:00 HFI: EOL-IBTU (slow VI) 14/11/2011 09:00:00 HFI: 2nd pre-EOL-LFER-1 (I_Bias steps) 14/11/2011 23:58:33 slew: beginning of dwell duration compression phase 18/11/2011 00:00:00 HFI: EOL-LFER-1 (I_Bias steps) 26/11/2011 07:00:00 solar flare: Radiation storm and Coronal Mass Ejection 28/11/2011 17:10:00 dtcp: extra pass 07/12/2011 17:00:00 spinup test at 1.4RPM 08/12/2011 10:00:00 planet: HFI Mars scan @ 1.4 RPM 09/12/2011 16:43:00 star tracker unhealthy 16/12/2011 18:35:00 slew: back to scanning law 17/12/2011 18:00:00 planet: HFI Mars scan#3 23/12/2011 15:10:06 HFI: He3 flow rate 0 -> 1 25/12/2011 14:45:16 HFI: Add 153.4 uW on the 1.6K stage redundant PID 25/12/2011 20:00:00 solar flare: C-class 27/12/2011 11:42:10 HFI: temperature steps on the bolometer plate II 29/12/2011 14:24:29 HFI: He3 flow rate 1 -> 2 02/01/2012 13:58:00 HFI: He3 flow rate 2 -> 3 03/01/2012 14:20:19 HFI: temperature steps on bolo plate III 04/01/2012 13:52:00 HFI: He3 flow rate 3 -> 4 07/01/2012 14:10:00 HFI: He3 flow rate 4 -> 5 08/01/2012 07:20:00 slew to Jupiter deep annuli scan 09/01/2012 14:23:00 HFI: He3 flow rate 5 -> 6 10/01/2012 04:20:00 planet: HFI Jupiter scan 11/01/2012 14:47:00 HFI: He3 flow rate 6 -> 7 14/01/2012 16:00:00 period: end of HFI nominal operations 15/01/2012 14:05:00 HFI: optimisation 16/01/2012 15:00:21 HFI: bolo plate ->110mK 16/01/2012 15:45:09 HFI: bolo plate ->300mK 18/01/2012 15:20:10 HFI: Adjust compression 18/01/2012 16:15:11 HFI: EOL-Fast IV at 300 mK 20/01/2012 19:58:08 HFI: EOL-RAW54 at 300mK 22/01/2012 00:18:00 therm: loss of satellite thermal control 22/01/2012 15:00:00 CDMU PM-A reset 22/01/2012 22:59:58 HFI: DPU is rebooted 23/01/2012 05:00:00 solar flare: major one 25/01/2012 14:45:00 HFI: Adjust compression 27/01/2012 19:00:00 solar flare 30/01/2012 21:53:00 period: slew to survey#6 06/02/2012 14:00:00 HFI: optimisation 07/02/2012 00:00:00 slew: large orbit correction manœuvre 10/02/2012 16:30:00 HFI: EOL-Fast IV at 600 mK 14/02/2012 14:20:00 CDMU PM-A switch over 20/02/2012 10:00:00 HFI: Adjust compression 20/02/2012 14:57:00 slew: touchup manœuvre 21/02/2012 15:00:00 HFI: Adjust compression 21/02/2012 15:16:00 HFI: Adjust compression 22/02/2012 16:50:00 HFI: Adjust compression 23/02/2012 15:20:00 HFI: Adjust compression
(Planck) High Frequency Instrument
Data Processing Unit
Readout Electronic Unit
Launch & Early Orbit Phase
Junction Field Elect Transistor
Focal Plane Unit
Sorption Cooler Subsystem (Planck)
low frequency excess response
(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument
Calibration and Performance Verification
Data Processing Center
Command and Data Management Unit
Daily Tele-Communication Period
Attitude Control & Measurement Subsystem (AOCS)
Fiber Optic Gyroscope
Small Gap Recovery
hermal Stabilization Assembly
sudden change of the baseline level inside a ring
End Of Life