CMB spectrum & Likelihood Code
NOTE: Text in red to be removed when filling the contents
[hide]Product description
A general description of the product, including e.g. figures related to the contents (e.g. maps, tables), and some explanation of its scientific meaning. If there are scientific warnings about the use of the product (User’s caveats), they should also be given here, or at least references to other explanatory documents (papers etc).
Production process
Description of the Pipeline used to generate the product. In particular any limitations and approximations used in the data processing should be listed. Avoiding detailed descriptions of methods and referring to other parts of the ES and/or the relevant Planck papers for the details. References however should be quite detailed (i.e. it is not enough to direct the user to a paper, but the relevant section in the paper should be provided).
A list (and brief description to the extent possible) of the input data used to generate this product (down to file names), as well as any external ancillary data sets which were used.
Related products
A description of other products that are related and share some commonalities with the product being described here. E.g. if the description is of a generic product (e.g. frequency maps), all the products falling into that type should be listed and referenced.
A detailed description of the data format of each file, including header keywords for fits files, extension names, column names, formats….