Frequency map angular power spectrum

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File names[edit]




CMB angular power spectra[edit]

Auto and cross angular power spectra for the 13 detset maps available at 100, 143 and 217GHz are provided in the Planck Legacy Archive with the following file structure: to be written by A. Moneti

They were obtained by Spice with the so-called Galactic mask2 apodized to 2degrees, and point sources mask apodized at 30arcmin combining the sources detected by HFI at any frequency between 100 and 353GHz with the SZ and ERCSC sources catalog.

The spectra, computed up to ell=3508, are corrected from the effect of the cut sky, and from the nominal beam window function and average pixel function. (Spice reference)

The covariance matrix only describes the statistical correlation induced by the sample variance and cut sky, using the formalism described in Efstathiou 2004, also sketched in the appendix of P08 paper (likelihood), assuming the instrumental noise to be white and uniform.

Cosmic Microwave background

(Planck) High Frequency Instrument


Early Release Compact Source Catalog