Selected Systematic Effects
- Basic, Gaussian Noise (TOI) (Desert/Moneti)
- Glitching (Patanchon/Renault)
- Elephants (Giraud-Heraud/Puget)
- Thermal Fluctuations
- 1.6K & 4K (Catalano/Desert)
- Popcorn Noise (Sanselme)
- Baseline Jumps (Sanselme/Kharab)
- Split Level Noise (Sanselme/Kharab)
- 4K Lines (Macias)
- Vibration
- From 4K Cooler (Pajot)
- After depointings (Ganga/Colley): More information can be found here.
- Noise Correlations (Jean-Marc Delouis)
- Time Sampling (Vibert/Montier)
- CMB + Galaxy Calibration (Perdereau/Lagache)
- Planets Fluxes (Gudmundsson/Lagache)
- Point Source Fluxes (Reijo/Loic/Rosset)
- VI Curves (Holmes/Desert)
- Known gain variation with bolometer plate temperature (Catalano/Desert)
- Saturation (Lamarre/Catalano/Coulais)
- ADC Correction (Couchot/Patanchon)
- Compression (Couchot/Plasczyniski)
- Band Pass (Spencer/Macias/Pajot)
- Cross Talk (Montier)
- Beam
- Main (Jones/Roudier)
- Dimpling (Oxborrow)
- Ruze (Gudmundsson)
- FSL (Murphy/Ganga)
- Time Response (Crill/Haissinski/Lamarre)
- Focal Plane (Jaffe)
- Pointing (Benabed/Jaffe)
- Cross-Scan Sampling (Hanson)
Cosmic Microwave background
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