Difference between revisions of "Satellite history"

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(Mass memory use and TM loss)
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==Service module temperature==
==Service module temperature==
==Temperature of the reflectors==
==Temperature of the reflectors==
==Mass memory use and TM loss==
==Design and performance documentation==
==Design and performance documentation==

Revision as of 10:22, 21 August 2013

MOC information about satellite history will come at the end of the Planck mission. There is no information for PLA1.

Inertial model[edit]

Power consumption[edit]

Thruster use[edit]

Service module temperature[edit]

Temperature of the reflectors[edit]

Design and performance documentation[edit]

The design and performance documentation (if any) can be downloaded from the "documents" tab of the Planck Legacy Archive interface.

[ESA's] Mission Operation Center [Darmstadt, Germany]