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== The observation strategy ==
The BSS is here described in terms of the parameters required to be entered into the PSO Survey Planning and Performance Tool, which is the software which generates the series of pointings transmitted to MOC for implementation of the BSS.
The Planck ''observation strategy'', or ''scanning strategy'', made use of the characteristics of the Planck spacecraft {{PlanckPapers|planck2011-1-1}} and orbit in order to achieve the survey goals in terms of sky coverage and scanning directions.
==== Launch date and start of Survey Operations ====
The Planck focal plane scanned the sky in the way explained in the figure below.
The definition of the BSS is mostly independent of the launch date and the start date of survey operations. However, since the definition of the Planck orbit around L2 depends on the launch date, this can affect the choice of a few parameters of the scanning strategy. Indeed, not all precession phases are allowed for all launch dates (see below). Once the launch date is known, the start date of the survey operations does not influence the scanning strategy parameters.
==== Spin axis path ====
[[file:FocalPlane.png|thumb|300px|Planck focal plane showing the direction of scanning. Polarization-sensitive detectors are drawn with crosses indicating the polarization orientation.]]
The scanning direction of the Planck focal plane is explained in the figure below.
The 353 GHz row scanned the sky in small circles with an 85 deg. bore-sight angle from the spin axis. 545 GHz, 857 GHz, and 143 GHz bolometers, as well as LFI radiometers 25 and 26 had a slightly smaller bore-sight angle, while the other part of the Planck focal plane had larger ones (up to about 89 deg.). The Planck spacecraft spun at a rate of 1 rpm.
Planck, being at L2, moved along the Ecliptic at approximately one degree per day, and needed to keep the Solar aspect angle below about 9 degrees at all times. In practice, during the surveys, the limit considered was 8 deg. Another celestial constraint is that the angle between the Planck spin axis and the anti-Earth direction could not exceed 15 deg. (relaxed to 17 deg. from Survey 5 onward). These constraints had a very direct influence on the chosen scanning strategy.
The Planck spacecraft spins at a rate of 1 rpm, and the angle between the nominal optical axis and the spin axis is 85 degrees.
[[File:ScannStrategy.png|thumb|300px|Simplified illustration of the Planck scanning strategy, without additional motion of the spin axis.]]
The path followed by the Planck spin axis is defined with respect to the Ecliptic plane. It corresponds to a motion in longitude which maintains an anti-Sun pointing, to which is added a cycloidal motion (precession) of the spin axis around the anti-Sun position (fiducial point). The cycloidal path is defined by the following functions:
λ = θ sin((-1)n ω(t-t0) + φ) (eq. 1)
[[File:Observing_strat.png|thumb|300px|left|Planck scanning strategy, showing the additional motion of the spin axis.]]
β = -θ cos((-1)n ω(t-t0) + φ) (eq. 2)
where λ is the angular distance from the fiducial point in Ecliptic longitude, β the angular distance from the fiducial point in Ecliptic latitude, θ the spin axis precession amplitude, ω the pulsation of the precession, φ its phase, n the parameter which controls the motion direction of the precession, t is the time, and t0 is the first time during the Planck survey at which the fiducial point crosses the 0 Ecliptic longitude line.
The path followed by the Planck spin axis was defined with respect to the Ecliptic plane. It corresponded to a motion in longitude which maintained an anti-Sun pointing (about one degree per day), to which was added a cycloidal motion (precession) of the spin axis around the anti-Sun position (fiducial point). The cycloidal path was defined by the functions:
The reasons to decide to use such a precession of the spin axis are mainly that (see PL-WG9-TN-001 for a more detailed explanation):
$ λ = θ sin((-1)^n ω (t-t_0)+φ) $ (eq. 1),
• An excursion of the spin axis from the anti-Sun direction is required to fully observe the whole sky (no excursion would leave a large area unobserved around the Ecliptic poles)
• The precession motion allows to keep the Sun aspect angle constant during the whole survey, therefore minimizing the thermal constraint variations on the spacecraft
The following precession parameters have been chosen for the BSS:
$β = -θ cos((-1)^n ω(t-t_0) + φ) $ (eq. 2),
• amplitude θ = 7.5o (this value is the lowest possible which allows to cover the whole sky with all detectors)
n = 1 (anti-clockwise motion as seen from the Sun)
where λ is the angular distance from the fiducial point in Ecliptic longitude, β the angular distance from the fiducial point in Ecliptic latitude, θ the spin axis precession amplitude, ω the pulsation of the precession, φ its phase, n the parameter which controls the motion direction of the precession, t is the time, and $t_0$ is the first time during the Planck survey at which the fiducial point crosses the Ecliptic longitude =0 line.
• pulsation ω = 2π / (half a year)
The phase of the precession will be decided according to this set of criteria (in order of importance):
[[File:Cycloidal_scanning.JPG|thumb|300px|Spin axis path with a 7 deg. amplitude cycloidal scanning, from Ref.{{BibCite|dupac2005}}]]
- respecting the operational constraints
- allowing the largest possible angle between two scans on the Crab
The reasons to decide to use such a precession of the spin axis are the following.
- avoiding null dipole amplitude for the whole mission
- optimizing the position of the planets in the beginning of the survey and with respect to the feasibility of their recovery (*)
* An excursion of the spin axis from the anti-Sun direction is required to fully observe the whole sky (no excursion would leave a large area unobserved around the Ecliptic poles).
- placing the two “deep fields” where Galactic foregrounds are minimum
- allowing a reasonable survey margin
* The precession motion keeps the Sun aspect angle constant during the whole survey, therefore minimizing the thermal constraint variations on the spacecraft.
The following precession parameters were chosen for the BSS.
* Amplitude θ = 7.5deg. (this value is the lowest possible which allows the whole sky to be covered with all detectors).
* n = 1 (anti-clockwise motion as seen from the Sun).
* Pulsation ω = 2π / (half a year), faster precession was considered, and has interesting advantages, but was not possible given the constraints if one wants to keep a 7.5 deg. amplitude (which is necessary to cover the whole sky).
* The phase of the precession was decided according to this set of criteria (in order of importance):
a) respecting the operational constraints;
b) allowing the largest possible angle between two scans on the Crab Nebula (a polarization calibrator);
c) avoiding null dipole amplitude for the whole mission;
d) optimizing the position of the planets in the beginning of the survey and with respect to the feasibility of their recovery;
e) placing the two “deep fields” where Galactic foregrounds are minimum;
f) allowing a reasonable survey margin (i.e. the time allowed to recover lost pointings if a problem occurs).
The phase is 340 deg. for Surveys 1 to 4, and 250 deg. for Surveys 5 to 8.
The scanning strategy for the second year of Routine Operations (i.e. Surveys 3 and 4) was exactly the same as for the first year, except that all pointings were shifted by 1 arcmin along the cross-scanning direction, in order to provide finer sky sampling for the highest frequency detectors when combining two years of observations.
The change of phase between Survey 4 and Survey 5 occurred because it was found essential (especially on the HFI side) that scanning direction crossings should be increased in the Planck survey. By choosing a phase 90 deg. away from the original one, one optimizes the scanning strategy in this respect.
The details of the justifications for these parameters can be found in PL-WG9-TN-001.
The details of the justifications for these parameters can be found in PL-WG9-TN-001.
The current best choice for the phase is 340 deg.
==== Spin axis manoeuvres and exact pointings ====
The scanning strategy parameters are input to the PSO Survey Planning and Performance Tool, which is the software which generates the series of pointing records to be sent out to MOC for implementation.
An approximate visualization of the Planck scanning strategy can be found [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwFXuZ0B3B8 here] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zu-aiEiDtY here].
===Spin axis manoeuvres and exact pointings===
The motion of the spin axis was not continuous. Every change in the spin axis position was initiated by a manoeuvre which required less than 5 minutes time to complete.
The duration between spin-axis manoeuvres is hereafter referred to as the “dwelling time" and the angular distance between manoeuvres along the spin axis path is hereafter referred to as the “spacing”.
The dwelling times and spacings are defined as follows:
* the spacings are fixed to 2arcmin, which roughly corresponds to the Nyquist criterion for sampling the highest-frequency HFI detectors;
* the dwell times vary from 2360 s to 3904 s.
The exact series of coordinates and dwell times are set by Eqs. (1) and (2) when one has fixed the spacings.
== Data gap recoveries ==
Gaps in the data flow can occur for various reasons.
Anomalies may occur at spacecraft or instrument level, but also due to failures in the ground-to-spacecraft link or the ground segment itself. The adverse effects of such anomalies may be the loss of scientific data corresponding to one or several planned pointings, which have not been acquired and/or stored in memory.
Failure to acquire proper scientific data may occur to one or both instruments.
When a gap occurred, scientific criteria were applied to decide whether to recover the data through the Small-Gap Recovery procedure.
[[File:AHF_353_OD389.png|thumb|400px|Integration time of the 353 GHz detectors ({{PlanckPapers|lamarre2010}}) after 389 Operational Days (the unit is seconds per square degree, normalized to one detector). The first significant data gap and recovery are clearly visible.]]
The Small-Gap Recovery (SGR) procedure could be applied by MOC or PSO.
* '''MOC-triggered SGR''': Within its nominal scheduling procedure for an OD, the MOC searches the PPL for PREF corresponding to the OD being processed and any pointings which are the subject of a Small Gap Recovery. As the PREF are sorted in chronological order according to their nominal start time, those corresponding to a small gap will naturally be the earliest. After checking attitude constraints, all observable pointings are listed and their dwell times reduced (initially) to the Minimum Dwell Time (MDT), as given in the PPL.
Having included all valid PREF the required slew times are calculated. With the required slew times and minimum dwell times for all pointings, the OD schedule may be under-populated; in this case the dwell times of all scheduled pointings will be increased equally to make use of all available time in the OD. If the resulting schedule is over-populated, even with MDT for all pointings, the recovery cannot be constrained to a single OD. The sequence of pointings for the ODs involved is optimized in PREF scheduling and dwell times determined in order to effect the recovery and revert to the nominal timeline as quickly as possible.
* '''PSO-triggered SGR''':
PSO declares a small gap when pointings that have been executed result in data of insufficient quality or inadequate frequency coverage. This assessment is based on data quality and instrument health information provided by the DPCs. The algorithm that was used by the PSO to check the scientific validity of a pointing was implemented within the SPPT software tool. The SPPT ingested on a weekly basis a Weekly Health Report (WHR) for the HFI and LFI containing information on the working status of each detector and their expected condition over the following four weeks. On a daily basis, a Daily Quality Report (DQR) provided by the DPCs for both instruments, included a set of parameters that described the quality of the detection achieved by each individual detector for every pointing executed.
The scheme for declaring a Small-Gap Recovery from PSO is the following.
- If a pointing fails to meet the chosen requirement, it becomes an SGR candidate.
- If there are at least 12 consecutive pointings which are declared SGR candidates, and the problem has been identified and solved, then an SGR is triggered.
Recoveries are only carried out if the recovery slewing is guaranteed to be in OCM. MOC carried out this analysis and decided whether they should perform the SGR accordingly.
- The start and end times of the gap and the list of the pointing numbers (or just the numbers of the first and last pointings to be recovered) were then sent to MOC by E-mail, with the notification to start a Small-Gap Recovery.
- MOC implemented the Small-Gap Recovery, provided the pointings could still be scheduled with respect to their latest start time, using the same scheme as described in the MOC-triggered SGR section
Throughout the Planck mission, data losses were very rare. In fact Small-Gap Recovery was applied only a couple of times.
==Special observations==
The special observations are now described.
* Normal scanning on Solar System objects for calibration purposes.
[[File:Crab_Nebula.jpg|thumb|200px|The Crab Nebula (Messier 1, NGC 1952, Taurus A), here seen by the Hubble Space Telescope.]]
[[File:Mars.jpg|thumb|200px|Mars as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1999.]]
This concerns the following objects (specifically planets): Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; and Neptune.  Their thermal emission in the far-infrared and the small angular sizes make them ideal calibrators for bolometers and radiometers.
Mars is a particularly interesting calibrator for Planck, because of its proper motion.
However this proper motion makes it difficult to observe it many times during the mission.
Jupiter is the brightest source for (non-polarized) calibration. Saturn was also used significantly, with Uranus and Neptune being secondary calibrators.
* Normal scanning on other (non-moving) sources for calibration purposes.
This concerns mostly the Crab Nebula for polarization calibration purposes.
This supernova remnant is highly polarized, and as such represents the main polarization calibrator for Planck.
* Special pointings during the calibration phase, not relative to celestial sources.
* "Deep rings," special observations that were performed on each passage of Jupiter and the Crab Nebula, from January 2012 onward.
The motion of the spin axis is not continuous. Every change in the spin axis position will be initiated by a manoeuvre which requires less than 5 minutes of time to be completed.  
These consist of very deeply sampled observations (0.5') with the spin axis along the Ecliptic plane, typically lasting two to three weeks.
The duration between spin-axis manoeuvres is hereafter referred to as “dwell times”; and the angular distance between manoeuvres along the spin axis path is hereafter referred to as “spacings”.  
Such observations benefit from special relaxing of the celestial constraints, with Solar Aspect Angles < 9 deg. rather than < 8 deg. during cycloidal surveying.
The dwell times and spacings for the BSS are defined as follows:
* "Drift scans," special observations performed on Mars, making use of its proper motion.
• The spacings are fixed to 2’. This is a parameter entered into the Survey Planning & Performance Tool.
• The dwell times vary from 2360 s to 3904 s.
The exact coordinates and dwell times are set by equations 1 and 2 when one has fixed the spacings.
==Start and end of surveys==
==== Special observations ====
The completion of a given “survey” is declared when the logical AND of all frequency-coverage maps is greater than 95 %, OR the sky has been surveyed over a consecutive period of 7.5 months. Note that this definition is that of the Project Scientist and Planck Science Office. Data processing centres do not use exactly the same concept of surveys to create "survey" maps.
The special observations which can be foreseen in advance and integrated in the long-term pointing plan are listed in the Science Operations Plan for the Routine Phase:
In practice, since the gaps during the surveys have always been very small, this results in approximately 6 months per survey.
• special scanning on Solar System objects for calibration purposes
This will concern the following objects (planets): Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
The Baseline Scanning Strategy will be maintained, but a special case will be set for Small-Gap Recovery algorithm application (see Planck/PSO/2005-016).
• special scanning on other (non-moving) sources (Galactic plane, etc) for calibration purposes
This will concern mostly the Crab Nebula for polarization calibration purposes. Two scans with scanning angles separated by at least 12 degrees will be performed. This will be achieved by adequately choosing the initial precession phase.
• special pointings during the calibration phase, not relative to celestial sources
[[File:PlanckMissionTimeline.JPG|thumb|300px|Planck mission timeline with the distribution of the "sky surveys".]]
* '''Survey 1''': starts 13 August 2009, ends 13 February 2010.
(*) The 1-N thrusters problems make it more difficult to recover gaps, since the 20-N thrusters must now be used to initiate a recovery. During roughly half of the year (in two 3-month periods), the recovery is not feasible because the margin with respect to the celestial constraints is too small. Therefore, we try to optimize the cycloid phase in order to have the most important planets in a recoverable area.
* '''Survey 2''': starts 14 February 2010, ends 13 August 2010.
* '''Survey 3''': starts 14 August 2010, ends 13 February 2011.
* '''Survey 4''': starts 14 February 2011, ends 29 July 2011.
5.1 The survey requirements
(This survey was shortened in ordered to start earlier with the new scanning strategy; see above).
Survey requirements are numbers which are required to be achieved at the end of the Planck nominal mission.
* '''Survey 5''': starts 29 July 2011, ends 30 January 2012.
They correspond to the values obtained from 12 months of observation, with the sensitivity which is measured in-flight during CPV phase.
The survey requirements are the following:
- mean integration time over the sky, in seconds / square degree
- percentile of sky not observed
- percentile of sky below half mean integration time
- percentile of sky above four times mean integration time
- percentile of sky above nine times mean integration time (i.e. “deep fields”)
- percentile of sky in which coverage suffers from sharp gradients (> 500 in grad(sec/deg2) )
- percentile of sky in which scanning directions are at least 5 over 16
Some of these numbers are NOT strong requirements: they are marked with ** in the table.
See Planck/PSO/2006-009 section 4.2.2 for more details on these quantities.
* '''Survey 6''' (LFI only): starts 30 January 2012, ends 31 July 2012.
The tables below present:
- the survey requirements for each detector row: the values in the table are valid for every detector in a given row
- the survey requirements for each frequency: the values in the table are from the co-added map of all detectors of a given frequency – the mean is presented as if there were one detector
* '''Survey 7''' (LFI only): starts 31 July 2012, ends 31 January 2013.
Row Mean %p=0 %<1/2 ** %>4 ** Deep ** Sharp grs Sc dir >5
* '''Survey 8''' (LFI only): starts 1 February 2013, ends 1 August 2013.
LFI 44 762 0 0.62 1.0 0.39 1.6 0.27
143 – 5-8 762 0 1.8 0.95 0.44 1.5 0.09
143 – 1-4 762 0 1.8 1.0 0.43 1.6 0.12
545-857 762 0 3.2 1.1 0.38 1.6 0.11
HFI 353 762 0 3.3 1.2 0.39 1.6 0.10
217 – 5-8 762 0 3.2 1.3 0.38 1.6 0.11
217 – 1-4 762 0 3.4 1.3 0.37 1.7 0.15
100 – 1/4 762 0 0.87 1.4 0.38 1.0 0.27
100 – 2/3 762 0 0.86 1.4 0.38 1.7 0.22
70 - 18/23 762 0 0.72 1.5 0.39 1.0 0.34
70 - 19/22 762 0 0.72 1.5 0.38 1.8 0.35
70 - 20/21 762 0 0.72 1.5 0.38 1.8 0.37
LFI 30 762 0 0.65 1.6 0.42 1.8 0.80
* '''Survey 9''' (LFI only): ends Oct. 3rd, 2013
Frequency Mean %p=0 %<1/2** %>4** Deep ** Sharp grs Sc dir >5
LFI 30 762 0 0.65 1.6 0.42 1.8 0.80
LFI 44 762 0 0.72 1.5 0.28 1.4 3.7
LFI 70 762 0 0.74 1.7 0.44 1.2 1.2
HFI 100 762 0 0.76 1.5 0.43 1.1 0.61
HFI 143 762 0 1.2 1.1 0.49 1.0 0.47
HFI 217 762 0 2.1 1.4 0.41 1.1 0.69
HFI 353 762 0 3.3 1.2 0.39 1.6 0.10
545-857 762 0 3.2 1.1 0.38 1.6 0.11
=== Completion of full sky coverage during Surveys 1-2 ===
The picture gallery below exhibits the progress of sky coverage during the first months of survey (black colour = unobserved areas).
Meaning of these requirements:
<gallery widths=330 perrow=3 caption="HFI 353 GHz integration time after N months of survey. The units here are seconds per square degree, normalized to one detector.">
- mean: the integration time averaged over the sky at the end of the mission should be at least the one mentioned in the table, for each row / frequency
File:353_1month.png|After 1 month
- the precentile of sky not observed should be zero
File:353_2month.png|After 2 months
- (no strong requirement from the three central columns)
File:353_3month.png|After 3 months
- the precentile of sky suffering from sharp gradients should be at most the value indicated in the table, for each row / frequency (TBC)
File:353_4month.png|After 4 months
- the percentile of the sky for which scanning directions probed are at least 5 over 16 should be at least the value indicated in the table
File:353_5month.png|After 5 months
File:353_6month.png|After 6 months
File:353_7month.png|After 7 months
File:353_8month.png|After 8 months
File:353_9months.png|After 9 months
File:353_10months.png|After 10 months
File:353_11months.png|After 11 months
File:353_12months.png|After 12 months
== Main planet and Crab observations ==
5.2 The survey goals
Solar System objects and the Crab Nebula have been observed many times during the Planck surveys. Here is a list of these observations, with the ''deep rings'' (Jupiter and the Crab) and ''drift scans'' (Mars only) in '''boldface'''.
Survey goals are numbers which are wished to be achieved at the end of the Planck nominal mission.
* Crab: 16-22 September 2009
Survey goals correspond to the values obtained after a complete nominal mission (15 months of survey with nominal noise – as predicted from ground, and no gaps).
The survey goals are the same quantities as the survey requirements.
The tables below present these quantities the same way as for the survey requirements.
* Mars: 17-29 October 2009
* Jupiter: 25 October – 1 November 2009
* Neptune: 1-8 November 2009
Row Mean %p=0 %<1/2 ** %>4 ** Deep ** Sharp grs Sc dir >5
* Uranus: 6-16 December 2009
LFI 44 953 0 3.9 1.0 0.40 1.0 0.27
143 – 5-8 953 0 4.1 1.0 0.42 1.0 0.09
143 – 1-4 953 0 4.1 1.1 0.41 1.1 0.12
545-857 953 0 4.2 1.2 0.37 1.1 0.11
HFI 353 953 0 4.3 1.2 0.37 1.1 0.10
217 – 5-8 953 0 4.3 1.3 0.36 1.1 0.11
217 – 1-4 953 0 4.3 1.4 0.36 1.1 0.15
100 – 1/4 953 0 4.3 1.4 0.37 1.1 0.27
100 – 2/3 953 0 4.4 1.5 0.36 1.2 0.23
70 - 18/23 953 0 4.4 1.5 0.37 1.2 0.35
70 - 19/22 953 0 4.5 1.5 0.37 1.2 0.36
70 - 20/21 953 0 4.4 1.6 0.38 1.2 0.37
LFI 30 953 0 4.5 1.7 0.42 1.2 0.80
* Saturn: 2-8 January 2010
Frequency Mean %p=0 %<1/2** %>4** Deep ** Sharp grs Sc dir >5
* Crab: 6-12 March 2010
LFI 30 953 0 4.5 1.7 0.42 1.2 0.80
LFI 44 953 0 3.3 1.5 0.28 1.5 3.7
LFI 70 953 0 4.3 1.7 0.42 1.3 1.2
HFI 100 953 0 4.3 1.5 0.41 1.2 0.61
HFI 143 953 0 4.0 1.1 0.44 1.1 0.47
HFI 217 953 0 4.2 1.4 0.38 1.2 0.69
HFI 353 953 0 4.3 1.2 0.37 1.1 0.10
545-857 953 0 4.2 1.2 0.37 1.1 0.11
* Mars: 9-18 April 2010
* Neptune: 15-23 May 2010
5.3 Start and end of surveys
* Saturn: 13-22 June 2010
The completion of a given “survey” will be declared when the logical AND of all frequency-coverage maps is greater than 95 %, OR the sky has been surveyed over a consecutive period of 7.5 months.
* Uranus: 27 June – 5 July 2010
* Jupiter: 1-9 July 2010
Survey 1: starts August 13, 2009
* Crab: 15-21 September 2010
ends Feb. 10, 2010
Survey 2: starts Feb. 10, 2010
* Neptune: 3-11 November 2010
ends Aug. 14, 2010
Survey 3: starts Aug. 14, 2010 (assuming no mini-CPV)
* Jupiter: 9-18 December 2010
ends Feb. 12, 2011
Survey 4: starts Feb. 12, 2011
* Uranus: 12-21 December 2010
ends Aug. 16, 2011
5.4 Planets and calibrators during surveys
* Saturn: 15-22 January 2011
* Crab: 7-12 March 2011
Sept. 16, 2009 – Sept. 22, 2009
* Neptune: 18-26 May 2011
Oct. 17, 2009 – Oct. 29, 2009
* Saturn: 30 June - 9 July 2011
Oct. 25, 2009 – Nov. 1, 2009
* Uranus: 3-11 July 2011
Nov. 1, 2009 – Nov. 8, 2009
* Jupiter: 9-15 August 2011
Dec. 6, 2009 – Dec. 16, 2009
* Crab: 10-18 September 2011 (performed with the 250 deg. phase cycloidal strategy)
Jan. 2, 2010 – Jan. 8, 2010
* Crab: 20-23 September 2011 (performed with the 340 deg. phase cycloidal strategy)
March 6, 2010 – March 12, 2010
* '''Mars''': 8-16 December 2011 ("drift scan", Mars allowed to move through the Planck focal plane via its proper motion)
April 9, 2010 – April 18, 2010
* Mars: 17-26 December 2011 (normal scanning)
May 15, 2010 – May 23, 2010
* '''Jupiter''': 8-30 January 2012 (deep ring)
June 13, 2010 – June 22, 2010
* '''Crab''': 26 February - 16 March 2012 (deep ring)
June 27, 2010 – July 5, 2010
* '''Jupiter''': 1-14 September 2012 (deep ring)
July 1, 2010 – July 9, 2010
* '''Crab''': 14 September - 1 October 2012 (deep ring)
Sept. 15, 2010 – Sept. 21, 2010
* Neptune: 19-27 November 2012
Nov. 3, 2010 – Nov. 11, 2010
* Uranus: 24-30 December 2012
Dec. 9, 2010 – Dec. 18, 2010
* Saturn: 30 January - 5 February 2013
Dec. 12, 2010 – Dec. 21, 2010
* '''Jupiter''': February 2013 (deep ring)
Jan. 15, 2011 – Jan. 22, 2011
* '''Crab''': Feb. 28th - March 15th, 2013 (deep ring)
March 7, 2011 – March 12, 2011
* Neptune: June 4th - June 12th, 2013
May 18, 2011 – May 26, 2011
* Uranus: July 9-16th, 2013
June 30, 2011 – July 9, 2011
* Saturn: July 20-26th, 2013
July 3, 2011 – July 11, 2011
* '''Crab''': Sept. 10th - Oct. 3rd, 2013 (deep ring)
Aug. 9, 2011 – Aug. 15, 2011
Note that on Sept. 14-16th, 2013, LFI also performed a special dipole calibration observation.
== Resulting integration time distribution ==
The integration time after the end of HFI operations (January 2012) is shown in the following picture gallery.
Units are seconds per square degree, normalized to one detector, for all maps. The projection is full-sky Mollweide centred on the Galactic centre.
<gallery widths=330px perrow=3 caption="Integration time after the end of HFI operations (January 2012). The units here are seconds per square degree, normalized to one detector.">
File:HFI_fullmission_100GHz1-4.png|HFI 100 GHz 1,4
File:HFI_fullmission_100GHz2-3.png|HFI 100 GHz 2,3
File:HFI_fullmission_143GHz1-4.png|HFI 143 GHz 1-4
File:HFI_fullmission_143GHz5-8.png|HFI 143 GHz 5-8
File:HFI_fullmission_217GHz1-4.png|HFI 217 GHz 1-4
File:HFI_fullmission_217GHz5-8.png|HFI 217 GHz 5-8
File:HFI_fullmission_353GHz.png|HFI 353 GHz
File:HFI_fullmission_545-857GHz.png|HFI 545 GHz / 857 GHz
File:LFI25_coldmission.png|LFI-25 (44 GHz)
File:LFI27_coldmission.png|LFI 30 GHz
<references />
[[Category:Ground Segment and Operations]]

Latest revision as of 16:31, 3 February 2015

The observation strategy[edit]

The Planck observation strategy, or scanning strategy, made use of the characteristics of the Planck spacecraft Planck-Early-I[1] and orbit in order to achieve the survey goals in terms of sky coverage and scanning directions.

The Planck focal plane scanned the sky in the way explained in the figure below.

Planck focal plane showing the direction of scanning. Polarization-sensitive detectors are drawn with crosses indicating the polarization orientation.

The 353 GHz row scanned the sky in small circles with an 85 deg. bore-sight angle from the spin axis. 545 GHz, 857 GHz, and 143 GHz bolometers, as well as LFI radiometers 25 and 26 had a slightly smaller bore-sight angle, while the other part of the Planck focal plane had larger ones (up to about 89 deg.). The Planck spacecraft spun at a rate of 1 rpm.

Planck, being at L2, moved along the Ecliptic at approximately one degree per day, and needed to keep the Solar aspect angle below about 9 degrees at all times. In practice, during the surveys, the limit considered was 8 deg. Another celestial constraint is that the angle between the Planck spin axis and the anti-Earth direction could not exceed 15 deg. (relaxed to 17 deg. from Survey 5 onward). These constraints had a very direct influence on the chosen scanning strategy.

Simplified illustration of the Planck scanning strategy, without additional motion of the spin axis.
Planck scanning strategy, showing the additional motion of the spin axis.

The path followed by the Planck spin axis was defined with respect to the Ecliptic plane. It corresponded to a motion in longitude which maintained an anti-Sun pointing (about one degree per day), to which was added a cycloidal motion (precession) of the spin axis around the anti-Sun position (fiducial point). The cycloidal path was defined by the functions:

$ λ = θ sin((-1)^n ω (t-t_0)+φ) $ (eq. 1),

$β = -θ cos((-1)^n ω(t-t_0) + φ) $ (eq. 2),

where λ is the angular distance from the fiducial point in Ecliptic longitude, β the angular distance from the fiducial point in Ecliptic latitude, θ the spin axis precession amplitude, ω the pulsation of the precession, φ its phase, n the parameter which controls the motion direction of the precession, t is the time, and $t_0$ is the first time during the Planck survey at which the fiducial point crosses the Ecliptic longitude =0 line.

Spin axis path with a 7 deg. amplitude cycloidal scanning, from Ref.[2]

The reasons to decide to use such a precession of the spin axis are the following.

  • An excursion of the spin axis from the anti-Sun direction is required to fully observe the whole sky (no excursion would leave a large area unobserved around the Ecliptic poles).
  • The precession motion keeps the Sun aspect angle constant during the whole survey, therefore minimizing the thermal constraint variations on the spacecraft.

The following precession parameters were chosen for the BSS.

  • Amplitude θ = 7.5deg. (this value is the lowest possible which allows the whole sky to be covered with all detectors).
  • n = 1 (anti-clockwise motion as seen from the Sun).
  • Pulsation ω = 2π / (half a year), faster precession was considered, and has interesting advantages, but was not possible given the constraints if one wants to keep a 7.5 deg. amplitude (which is necessary to cover the whole sky).
  • The phase of the precession was decided according to this set of criteria (in order of importance):

a) respecting the operational constraints;

b) allowing the largest possible angle between two scans on the Crab Nebula (a polarization calibrator);

c) avoiding null dipole amplitude for the whole mission;

d) optimizing the position of the planets in the beginning of the survey and with respect to the feasibility of their recovery;

e) placing the two “deep fields” where Galactic foregrounds are minimum;

f) allowing a reasonable survey margin (i.e. the time allowed to recover lost pointings if a problem occurs).

The phase is 340 deg. for Surveys 1 to 4, and 250 deg. for Surveys 5 to 8.

The scanning strategy for the second year of Routine Operations (i.e. Surveys 3 and 4) was exactly the same as for the first year, except that all pointings were shifted by 1 arcmin along the cross-scanning direction, in order to provide finer sky sampling for the highest frequency detectors when combining two years of observations.

The change of phase between Survey 4 and Survey 5 occurred because it was found essential (especially on the HFI side) that scanning direction crossings should be increased in the Planck survey. By choosing a phase 90 deg. away from the original one, one optimizes the scanning strategy in this respect.

The details of the justifications for these parameters can be found in PL-WG9-TN-001.

The scanning strategy parameters are input to the PSO Survey Planning and Performance Tool, which is the software which generates the series of pointing records to be sent out to MOC for implementation.

An approximate visualization of the Planck scanning strategy can be found here and here.

Spin axis manoeuvres and exact pointings[edit]

The motion of the spin axis was not continuous. Every change in the spin axis position was initiated by a manoeuvre which required less than 5 minutes time to complete.

The duration between spin-axis manoeuvres is hereafter referred to as the “dwelling time" and the angular distance between manoeuvres along the spin axis path is hereafter referred to as the “spacing”.

The dwelling times and spacings are defined as follows:

  • the spacings are fixed to 2arcmin, which roughly corresponds to the Nyquist criterion for sampling the highest-frequency HFI detectors;
  • the dwell times vary from 2360 s to 3904 s.

The exact series of coordinates and dwell times are set by Eqs. (1) and (2) when one has fixed the spacings.

Data gap recoveries[edit]

Gaps in the data flow can occur for various reasons.

Anomalies may occur at spacecraft or instrument level, but also due to failures in the ground-to-spacecraft link or the ground segment itself. The adverse effects of such anomalies may be the loss of scientific data corresponding to one or several planned pointings, which have not been acquired and/or stored in memory.

Failure to acquire proper scientific data may occur to one or both instruments.

When a gap occurred, scientific criteria were applied to decide whether to recover the data through the Small-Gap Recovery procedure.

Integration time of the 353 GHz detectors (Planck-PreLaunch-III[3]) after 389 Operational Days (the unit is seconds per square degree, normalized to one detector). The first significant data gap and recovery are clearly visible.

The Small-Gap Recovery (SGR) procedure could be applied by MOC or PSO.

  • MOC-triggered SGR: Within its nominal scheduling procedure for an OD, the MOC searches the PPL for PREF corresponding to the OD being processed and any pointings which are the subject of a Small Gap Recovery. As the PREF are sorted in chronological order according to their nominal start time, those corresponding to a small gap will naturally be the earliest. After checking attitude constraints, all observable pointings are listed and their dwell times reduced (initially) to the Minimum Dwell Time (MDT), as given in the PPL.

Having included all valid PREF the required slew times are calculated. With the required slew times and minimum dwell times for all pointings, the OD schedule may be under-populated; in this case the dwell times of all scheduled pointings will be increased equally to make use of all available time in the OD. If the resulting schedule is over-populated, even with MDT for all pointings, the recovery cannot be constrained to a single OD. The sequence of pointings for the ODs involved is optimized in PREF scheduling and dwell times determined in order to effect the recovery and revert to the nominal timeline as quickly as possible.

  • PSO-triggered SGR:

PSO declares a small gap when pointings that have been executed result in data of insufficient quality or inadequate frequency coverage. This assessment is based on data quality and instrument health information provided by the DPCs. The algorithm that was used by the PSO to check the scientific validity of a pointing was implemented within the SPPT software tool. The SPPT ingested on a weekly basis a Weekly Health Report (WHR) for the HFI and LFI containing information on the working status of each detector and their expected condition over the following four weeks. On a daily basis, a Daily Quality Report (DQR) provided by the DPCs for both instruments, included a set of parameters that described the quality of the detection achieved by each individual detector for every pointing executed.

The scheme for declaring a Small-Gap Recovery from PSO is the following.

- If a pointing fails to meet the chosen requirement, it becomes an SGR candidate.

- If there are at least 12 consecutive pointings which are declared SGR candidates, and the problem has been identified and solved, then an SGR is triggered. Recoveries are only carried out if the recovery slewing is guaranteed to be in OCM. MOC carried out this analysis and decided whether they should perform the SGR accordingly.

- The start and end times of the gap and the list of the pointing numbers (or just the numbers of the first and last pointings to be recovered) were then sent to MOC by E-mail, with the notification to start a Small-Gap Recovery.

- MOC implemented the Small-Gap Recovery, provided the pointings could still be scheduled with respect to their latest start time, using the same scheme as described in the MOC-triggered SGR section

Throughout the Planck mission, data losses were very rare. In fact Small-Gap Recovery was applied only a couple of times.

Special observations[edit]

The special observations are now described.

  • Normal scanning on Solar System objects for calibration purposes.
The Crab Nebula (Messier 1, NGC 1952, Taurus A), here seen by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Mars as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1999.

This concerns the following objects (specifically planets): Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; and Neptune. Their thermal emission in the far-infrared and the small angular sizes make them ideal calibrators for bolometers and radiometers.

Mars is a particularly interesting calibrator for Planck, because of its proper motion. However this proper motion makes it difficult to observe it many times during the mission.

Jupiter is the brightest source for (non-polarized) calibration. Saturn was also used significantly, with Uranus and Neptune being secondary calibrators.

  • Normal scanning on other (non-moving) sources for calibration purposes.

This concerns mostly the Crab Nebula for polarization calibration purposes. This supernova remnant is highly polarized, and as such represents the main polarization calibrator for Planck.

  • Special pointings during the calibration phase, not relative to celestial sources.
  • "Deep rings," special observations that were performed on each passage of Jupiter and the Crab Nebula, from January 2012 onward.

These consist of very deeply sampled observations (0.5') with the spin axis along the Ecliptic plane, typically lasting two to three weeks.

Such observations benefit from special relaxing of the celestial constraints, with Solar Aspect Angles < 9 deg. rather than < 8 deg. during cycloidal surveying.

  • "Drift scans," special observations performed on Mars, making use of its proper motion.

Start and end of surveys[edit]

The completion of a given “survey” is declared when the logical AND of all frequency-coverage maps is greater than 95 %, OR the sky has been surveyed over a consecutive period of 7.5 months. Note that this definition is that of the Project Scientist and Planck Science Office. Data processing centres do not use exactly the same concept of surveys to create "survey" maps.

In practice, since the gaps during the surveys have always been very small, this results in approximately 6 months per survey.

Planck mission timeline with the distribution of the "sky surveys".
  • Survey 1: starts 13 August 2009, ends 13 February 2010.
  • Survey 2: starts 14 February 2010, ends 13 August 2010.
  • Survey 3: starts 14 August 2010, ends 13 February 2011.
  • Survey 4: starts 14 February 2011, ends 29 July 2011.

(This survey was shortened in ordered to start earlier with the new scanning strategy; see above).

  • Survey 5: starts 29 July 2011, ends 30 January 2012.
  • Survey 6 (LFI only): starts 30 January 2012, ends 31 July 2012.
  • Survey 7 (LFI only): starts 31 July 2012, ends 31 January 2013.
  • Survey 8 (LFI only): starts 1 February 2013, ends 1 August 2013.
  • Survey 9 (LFI only): ends Oct. 3rd, 2013

Completion of full sky coverage during Surveys 1-2[edit]

The picture gallery below exhibits the progress of sky coverage during the first months of survey (black colour = unobserved areas).

Main planet and Crab observations[edit]

Solar System objects and the Crab Nebula have been observed many times during the Planck surveys. Here is a list of these observations, with the deep rings (Jupiter and the Crab) and drift scans (Mars only) in boldface.

  • Crab: 16-22 September 2009
  • Mars: 17-29 October 2009
  • Jupiter: 25 October – 1 November 2009
  • Neptune: 1-8 November 2009
  • Uranus: 6-16 December 2009
  • Saturn: 2-8 January 2010
  • Crab: 6-12 March 2010
  • Mars: 9-18 April 2010
  • Neptune: 15-23 May 2010
  • Saturn: 13-22 June 2010
  • Uranus: 27 June – 5 July 2010
  • Jupiter: 1-9 July 2010
  • Crab: 15-21 September 2010
  • Neptune: 3-11 November 2010
  • Jupiter: 9-18 December 2010
  • Uranus: 12-21 December 2010
  • Saturn: 15-22 January 2011
  • Crab: 7-12 March 2011
  • Neptune: 18-26 May 2011
  • Saturn: 30 June - 9 July 2011
  • Uranus: 3-11 July 2011
  • Jupiter: 9-15 August 2011
  • Crab: 10-18 September 2011 (performed with the 250 deg. phase cycloidal strategy)
  • Crab: 20-23 September 2011 (performed with the 340 deg. phase cycloidal strategy)
  • Mars: 8-16 December 2011 ("drift scan", Mars allowed to move through the Planck focal plane via its proper motion)
  • Mars: 17-26 December 2011 (normal scanning)
  • Jupiter: 8-30 January 2012 (deep ring)
  • Crab: 26 February - 16 March 2012 (deep ring)
  • Jupiter: 1-14 September 2012 (deep ring)
  • Crab: 14 September - 1 October 2012 (deep ring)
  • Neptune: 19-27 November 2012
  • Uranus: 24-30 December 2012
  • Saturn: 30 January - 5 February 2013
  • Jupiter: February 2013 (deep ring)
  • Crab: Feb. 28th - March 15th, 2013 (deep ring)
  • Neptune: June 4th - June 12th, 2013
  • Uranus: July 9-16th, 2013
  • Saturn: July 20-26th, 2013
  • Crab: Sept. 10th - Oct. 3rd, 2013 (deep ring)

Note that on Sept. 14-16th, 2013, LFI also performed a special dipole calibration observation.

Resulting integration time distribution[edit]

The integration time after the end of HFI operations (January 2012) is shown in the following picture gallery.

Units are seconds per square degree, normalized to one detector, for all maps. The projection is full-sky Mollweide centred on the Galactic centre.


  1. Planck early results. I. The Planck mission, Planck Collaboration I, A&A, 536, A1, (2011).
  2. Scanning strategy for mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies with Planck, X. Dupac, J. Tauber, A&A, 430, 363-371, (2005).
  3. Planck pre-launch status: The HFI instrument, from specification to actual performance, J.-M. Lamarre, J.-L. Puget, P. A. R. Ade, F. Bouchet, G. Guyot, A. E. Lange, F. Pajot, A. Arondel, K. Benabed, J.-L. Beney, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, R. Bhatia, Y. Blanc, J. J. Bock, E. Bréelle, T. W. Bradshaw, P. Camus, A. Catalano, J. Charra, M. Charra, S. E. Church, F. Couchot, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, M. R. Crook, K. Dassas, P. de Bernardis, J. Delabrouille, P. de Marcillac, J.-M. Delouis, F.-X. Désert, C. Dumesnil, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, P. Eng, C. Evesque, J.-J. Fourmond, K. Ganga, M. Giard, R. Gispert, L. Guglielmi, J. Haissinski, S. Henrot-Versillé, E. Hivon, W. A. Holmes, W. C. Jones, T. C. Koch, H. Lagardère, P. Lami, J. Landé, B. Leriche, C. Leroy, Y. Longval, J. F. Macías-Pérez, T. Maciaszek, B. Maffei, B. Mansoux, C. Marty, S. Masi, C. Mercier, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, J. A. Murphy, J. Narbonne, M. Nexon, C. G. Paine, J. Pahn, O. Perdereau, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, R. Pons, N. Ponthieu, S. Prunet, D. Rambaud, G. Recouvreur, C. Renault, I. Ristorcelli, C. Rosset, D. Santos, G. Savini, G. Serra, P. Stassi, R. V. Sudiwala, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, J.-P. Torre, M. Tristram, L. Vibert, A. Woodcraft, V. Yurchenko, D. Yvon, A&A, 520, A9+, (2010).

(Planck) Low Frequency Instrument

revolutions per minute

(Planck) High Frequency Instrument

Planck Science Office

[ESA's] Mission Operation Center [Darmstadt, Germany]

Small Gap Recovery

Operation Day definition is geometric visibility driven as it runs from the start of a DTCP (satellite Acquisition Of Signal) to the start of the next DTCP. Given the different ground stations and spacecraft will takes which station for how long, the OD duration varies but it is basically once a day.

Pre-programmed Pointing List

Survey Performance and Planning Tool

Weekly Health Report

Daily Quality Report

[LFI meaning]: absolute calibration refers to the 0th order calibration for each channel, 1 single number, while the relative calibration refers to the component of the calibration that varies pointing period by pointing period.