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Planck-2013-I[1] Planck-2013-II[2] Planck-2013-III[3] Planck-2013-IV[4] Planck-2013-V[5] blablabla[6]


  1. Planck 2013 results: Overview of Planck Products and Scientific Results, Planck Collaboration 2013 I, A&A, in press, (2014).
  2. Planck 2013 results: The Low Frequency Instrument data processing, Planck Collaboration 2013 II, A&A, in press, (2014).
  3. Planck 2013 results: LFI systematic uncertainties, Planck Collaboration 2013 III, A&A, in press, (2014).
  4. Planck 2013 results: LFI Beams, Planck Collaboration 2013 IV, A&A, in press, (2014).
  5. Planck 2013 results: LFI Calibration, Planck Collaboration 2013 V, A&A, in press, (2014).
  6. Planck 2013 results: High Frequency Instrument Data Processing, Planck Collaboration 2013 VI, A&A, in press, (2014).