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This section provides a table of the waveguide parameters used in modelling the low frequency cut-on for the various HFI detectors as described in equation (2) given in section waveguide model.

Waveguide model parameters for the HFI detectors.
Band (GHz) bc Det. r[math]_{\mbox{w}}[/math] (mm) l[math]_{\mbox{w}}[/math] (mm)
100 00 1a 1.039705 12.1000
100 01 1b 1.038040 12.5813
100 20 2a 1.038375 14.3000
100 21 2b 1.041035 12.3750
100 40 3a 1.042370 12.9250
100 41 3b 1.042370 12.5125
100 80 4a 1.033050 13.2000
100 81 4b 1.033050 12.6500
143 02 1a 0.740345 9.4500
143 03 1b 0.737550 9.5625
143 10 5 0.736155 9.4500
143 30 2a 0.740345 9.4500
143 31 2b 0.739880 9.2250
143 42 6 0.741275 9.4500
143 50 3a 0.741275 9.4500
143 51 3b 0.741275 9.4500
143 60 7 0.729635 9.7875
143 70 8 0.739415 9.4500
143 82 4a 0.739415 9.4500
143 83 4b 0.738480 9.4500
217 04 1 0.4740750 7.8000
217 11 5a 0.4814250 7.8000
217 12 5b 0.4817310 8.0000
217 22 2 0.4749935 7.8000
217 43 6a 0.4832625 8.0000
217 44 6b 0.4832625 8.0000
217 52 3 0.4753000 8.0000
217 61 7a 0.4820375 8.0000
217 62 7b 0.4820375 8.0000
217 71 8a 0.4838750 8.0000
217 72 8b 0.4838750 8.1000
217 84 4 0.4740750 7.6000
353 05 1 0.2921850 6.47500
353 13 2 0.2914300 7.00000
353 23 3a 0.2891650 7.70000
353 24 3b 0.2893535 7.52500
353 32 4a 0.2869000 7.35000
353 33 4b 0.2870890 7.39375
353 45 7 0.2876550 6.12500
353 53 5a 0.2936950 7.35000
353 54 5b 0.2936950 7.61250
353 63 6a 0.2929400 6.73750
353 64 6b 0.2925625 6.62500
353 85 8 0.2889765 6.73750
545 14 1 0.3861000 3.600
545 34 2 0.3865875 3.525
545 55 3 0.3800065 3.525
545 73 4 0.3787875 3.525
857 25 1 0.2985 2.4
857 35 2 0.2985 2.4
857 65 3 0.2985 2.4
857 74 4 0.2985 2.4

(Planck) High Frequency Instrument