PSO processing

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Revision as of 15:34, 28 August 2012 by Lmendes (talk | contribs) (SREM calibrated data analysis)
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PSO processing is done

Long term plan production[edit]

PPL production[edit]

APS ingestion[edit]

AHF ingestion[edit]

Quality Report ingestion[edit]


SREM calibrated data analysis[edit]

SREM calibrated data is produced by Paul Buehler at the PSI in Zurich and delivered to the PSO on a daily basis. Once the data is delivered, plots showing the calibrated SREM data are then automatically generated. There was a delay of around 48 hours between the data acquisition and the delivery of the data files to the PSO. This prevented this data from being used to raise an alarm during periods of unusually large solar activity (although such warnings where not necessary as both instruments where never at risk of serisou damage from space weather). This data was however used to correlate with HFI glitches and temperature fluctuations in the 100mK stage.

Planck Science Office

Pre-programmed Pointing List

Attitude History File

Daily Quality Report

Weekly Health Report

Space Radiation Environment Monitor

(Planck) High Frequency Instrument