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* [[Glossary | Glossary]]
* [[List_of_acronyms | List_of_acronyms]]
== Band-Average Spectral Transmission ==
The derivation of the band-average spectral transmission data products is described here.  This section will include figures of each band and histograms of the full-sky weight maps (verification of the detector relative weight coefficients used).
== Additional Spectral Characterization Data ==
This section provides additional HFI spectral characterization data to that presented in the main body of the Explanatory Supplement.  Where an example for a single detector may have been included above, this section will contain the same information for all detectors.
FIXME: insert table of spetral band parameters (cut-on, cut-off, effective frequency, opt. efficiency, etc.)
FIXME: insert plots of individual detector interferograms.
FIXME: insert plots of waveguide/IAS/filter spectral stitching for each detector, grouped into frequency-bands.
FIXME: insert plots of each spectral transmission, full range, with log inset for OOB regions.

Latest revision as of 12:32, 12 July 2018